AWeb-II Home Page

Welcome to AmiTrix Development's AWeb-II Home Page. On these pages, you will find the latest information on the AWeb-II WWW browser package for Amiga computers.

AWeb-II News & Reviews

AWeb goes commercial. AWeb version 2 and HTML-Heaven are being commercially distributed by AmiTrix Development in the new AWeb-II package. Read all about the commercial release in our press releases:

September 22, 1996 : Aweb-II V2.1 available in October
July 9, 1996 : AWeb-II now shipping
Pre-release Announcement

Work has begun on an enhanced version of AWeb-II, which will be available as a Free Upgrade for registered AWeb-II purchasers.

Check out Harv Laser's review of Aweb 2.0.

Requirements for AWeb-II

The following hardware and software are required in order to install and use AWeb-II:

Version Information

The current release of AWeb-II is 2.0
The current shareware release of AWeb is 1.4
The current demo release of AWeb is 1.2b
The current release of HTML-Heaven is 2.0


A description of AWeb's HTML compatibility modes is now available in the introduction. (July 31, 1996)

Upgrading from Older Versions of AWeb

Current users of the demo, shareware, and registered shareware versions of AWeb can easily upgrade to the commercial version. After installing the commercial version of AWeb-II, copy your old AWeb hotlist to the new AWeb-II: directory. Your current hotlist will be kept, but your preference settings will be reset.

For users who registered the shareware version of AWeb, it's author Yvon Rozijn ( has promised registered users that registrations will remain valid for shareware versions. Special shareware versions will be released along with the 2.x commercial versions, but can be used only if you are a registered user. Shareware versions are numbered 1.x, starting with 1.3.

Visit the AWeb registered page for more information about the registered shareware version.

Upgrading from Other Browsers

Upgrading to AWeb-II is easy for users of other Amiga browser programs. AWeb-II will automatically recognize the TCP/IP stack you are using. If you are upgrading from IBrowse, AWeb-II is able to read your old hotlist directly. If you are upgrading from another browser which stores its hotlist as an HTML document, AWeb-II will be able to read it.

Ordering & Pricing

Customer and dealer inquiries can be sent via email to, or by surface mail to the address listed below.


The price of AWeb-II on direct orders is $45 US or $55 Canadian, plus $5 shipping.
See the full AmiTrix Development price list for complete details.

NOTE: Direct orders require a Bank Draft or Money Order or Postal Money Order.
Sorry, at the moment we don't take credit cards.

We also have dealer contacts in many countries. If your dealer does not know about us, please ask them to contact us for information. Thanks!


If you have bought the commercial AWeb-II package, you may register online instead of sending in your registration card. Support and upgrades will only be provided to registered purchasers of AWeb-II.

The shareware version of AWeb can no longer be registered.


Technical questions about our products can be sent to, sales requests can be sent to, Surface mail can be addressed to:

AmiTrix Development
5312-47 Street
Beaumont, Alberta, Canada
T4X 1H9

Phone and Fax: (403)929-8459
(Email preferred)

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