Browser settings: Viewers
For objects that cannot be displayed directly in the browser window, AWeb starts
an external program, called a viewer. In spite of the name
"viewer", this is not limited to graphical files. The external viewer
for an audio file, for example, will play the audio file.
The type of the object, and thereby the particular viewer to start, is
determined by the MIME type of the object.
For each MIME type you want to be recognized by AWeb, there should be an entry
on this page with the appropriate viewer named.
Changing MIME types
Select the MIME type you want to modify from the listview.
Use the Add button to add a new blank row. Use the Del button
to remove the selected row. Note that the TEXT/HTML and TEXT/PLAIN types
cannot be removed.
MIME type and subtype
In these string gadgets, you specify the MIME type and subtype.
See the About MIME types chapter for more
information on MIME types.
You can use an asterisk to specify a wildcard subtype. AWeb will use
the external viewer defined in this row for files with the same type but
a subtype for which no external viewer is defined. See the
Most servers send the MIME type together with the data. AWeb will then use
this MIME type, unless Ignore
server MIME type is selected.
If the server doesn't specify the MIME type (or if it is ignored), AWeb tries to
determine the MIME type from the file name extension. If that fails, AWeb
looks at the data to see if it is HTML text or plain text.
The extensions are especially important when looking at local files. As
there is no server for local files, there is only the extension that tells
AWeb about the type of the file.
In this string gadget, you type the extensions that could identify this
MIME type. Separate multiple extensions by spaces or commas. The extensions
are not case sensitive.
Use the Command and Arguments fields
to specify the viewer command to execute for this MIME type.
Argument parameters are:
| file name to "view"
| screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your
external viewer supports opening on a public screen. Use this only if you
want it to open on the same screen as AWeb.
| original URL of this object.
If AWeb can't determine the MIME type, or if the MIME type is known but
not in the list, or if the MIME type is in the list but there is no
external viewer defined, AWeb will pop up a save requester. You can than
save the file, and try to process it later.
Suppose you want to see JPEG images using the VT program, and other images
using the MultiView program on its own screen. You know that JPEG files
can have extensions jpeg, jpg, or jfif, and that GIF
files have an extension gif. IFF images can be recognized by
iff, ilbm, ham or ham8.
You want AWeb to recognize other image formats you don't know of.
Then you would configure the following MIME types:
- This row specifies that GIF files can be recognized from their .gif
extension. You specify no viewer because you want to use the default
image viewer, defined in the IMAGE/* row.
IMAGE/JPEG | jpeg jpg jfif | SYS:Utilities/VT %s |
- This row defines the possible extensions .jpeg, .jpg and .jfif for
JPEG images. It also specifies that JPEG images should be displayed using
the VT program.
IMAGE/X-IFF | iff ilbm ham ham8 | |
- This row defines an extension MIME type for IFF images. Note that the
subtype starts with X- because it is not an official MIME type.
This line is important when looking at IFF files on your local computer,
as AWeb has no way to identify them as IFF images other than the extensions
given here.
IMAGE/* | | SYS:Utilities/MultiView %s screen |
- This row defines what viewer (MultiView) to use for all other images
but JPEG. Even files with different subtypes than GIF or JPEG (but main
type IMAGE) will be shown using this viewer.
There are no extensions defined here, because all extensions are given in
the different subtype rows. As an alternative, you could remove the
IMAGE/GIF and IMAGE/X-IFF rows, and specify all extensions (gif iff ilbm
ham ham8) here.
Settings requesters