Welcome to ETADO
The Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation Organization is a worldwide
association created to challenge negative stereotypes about our extraterrestrial
visitors. ETADO provides a united voice for all who recognize that extraterrestrials
are the last politically correct target. With your help, we will identify
and protest depictions of ETs as evil invaders from outer space, while promoting
a reasoned appreciation of their true natures and purposes.
While the founder of ETADO leans toward the view that extraterrestrials
are in fact technically advanced biological individuals existing on the
physical plane, and that the aerial phenomena associated with them are in
fact mechanical spacefaring hardware, ETADO welcomes all who hold alternative
views. If you believe that the visitors are from Zeta Reticuli, another
dimension or the future, if you believe that they channel through humans,
if you believe that they are modern-day Faeries, your views will be respected
here. The one requirement is that you define them as people worthy of respect
and appreciation.
ETADO (it rhymes with Colorado) is grounded in a broadly inclusive world
view. We believe that all sentient species, whether animal, plant or spirit,
are worthy of respect and appreciation. For this reason, ETADO stands against
all forms of racism, xenophobia, ethnocentrism and what we call specism.
What Is Specism?
ETADO defines specism as 1. Hatred, intolerance, unreasoned
fear or disrespect of another species. 2. The doctrine that one's own species
is superior to all others. 3. A policy, government, etc. based on such a

To counter negative stereotypes, disinformation, misinformation,
demonization, rumor and superstition regarding civilized persons who, through
no fault of their own, happen to have been born into non-earth species.
To disseminate positive information about extraterrestrial cultures
and activities.
To provide a forum in which extraterrestrials and terrans can communicate
and commune
anonymously, on subjects of mutual interest.
To direct interested terrans to links and other resources through
which they may learn to
appreciate the true motives, values, feelings and beauty of extraterrestrials.
To oppose specism in all its forms, whether directed toward extraterrestrials
or earth-bound non-human species of animal, plant or spirit.
To oppose racism in all its forms.

...that extraterrestrials, while not human in the strictest
sense, are people, and thus fall under any protections of basic rights of
peoples recognized by terran laws, constitutions and universal declarations.
...that there is not a shred of credible evidence that extraterrestrials
are hostile.
...that there is abundant evidence that extraterrestrials are
rational, dispassionate scientists and observers.
...that irresponsible defamation of extraterrestrials continues
to create a climate of base fear and paranoia.
...that anti-defamation activities do not in any way violate
U.S. law.
...that any individual associated with ETADO has the inalienable
right to discuss and criticize the existence, application and constitutional
validity of any U.S. criminal law, whether civilian or military.
ETADO makes a standing offer:
ETADO will assist any bona fide extraterrestrial who desires
to file an individual or class action lawsuit against any terran government,
media venue or religious organization for defamation of character, slander
or libel. (For the purposes of this offer, ETADO reserves to itself the
right to determine the bona fides of any individual claiming to be an extraterrestrial.)
Organization Status
ETADO, while a de facto non-profit organization at this time,
reserves the right to apply for tax-exempt status or to become a profit-making
venture at any time in the future. Please be aware that future activities
may include lobbying members of terran legislative and government bodies
such as the United Nations or the U.S. Congress. Membership dues and free-will
contributions (encouraged) toward the maintenance of this site and/or of
the organization are NOT tax-deductible at this time.

- ETADO Charter Memberships
- are available free of charge for a limited time, and are available
for those who consent to publicly reveal their identities on this Web site
(name only; other information will be protected). To join ETADO as a Charter
Member, simply transmit your request by Email to amoon@ergonomica.com,
typing <ETADO> in the subject box.
- Confidential Memberships
- are available for those who do not wish to be named publicly. Confidential
Membership dues are US$5.00 per year. To join as a Confidential Member,
please print, fill out and return the form below, along with dues, payable
to ETADO, P.O. Box 667110, Houston, TX, USA 77266-7110.
Yes, I wish to join the Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation Organization
(ETADO) as a Confidential Member. Please do not reveal my identity.
NAME or "NICKNAME" _________________________________________
STREET ADDRESS OR P.O. BOX _________________________________
CITY OR POST OFFICE __________________________________________
STATE OR PROVINCE ___________________________________________
COUNTRY _____________________________________________________
ZIP CODE OR EQUIVALENT _____________________________________
Send e-mail to amoon@ergonomica.com
and mention ETADO.
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Copyright notice: "ETADO", "Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation
Organization", "specism",
"All Species Are Special", "End Specism Now" and Chimeron"
are copyright 1996 by Chris Alexander. Permission to use, duplicate and/or
publish these terms and phrases is expressly granted
for non-commercial purposes of discussion and review only.
Web file: AM366VvNC09