Logo Art"The Alien Jigsaw, by Katharina Wilson"

Reviewed by John Kirby

UFO Encounters, Volume 2, Number 2

The Alien Jigsaw
by Katharina Wilson

Over the past several years, numerous books have been published about the abduction phenomenon, notably Intruders and Missing Time by Budd Hopkins. Of course, both books are excellent works and "must reads" for those who are seriously interested in the phenomenon of abductions.

Mr. Hopkins' books and many others are written from a researcher's perspective and describe and analyze the experiences of others. However, this book, The Alien Jigsaw (the Introduction of which was written by Budd Hopkins), discusses the phenomenon in the first person by the author, Katharina Wilson, an apparent abductee. It is based on her personal journals, dating back to childhood, in which she recorded, in great detail, bizarre events of being taken from her home and interacting with her abductors.

The mixture of commentary and journal excerpt describes Ms. Wilson's encounters with hybrid children, surgical procedures, apparent psychological testing by alien creatures and even encounters with military officials during abduction experiences. She also describes the experiences of encountering a young male hybrid being which she believes is her child.

The Alien Jigsaw is complete with footnotes, an index and several appendices. Of particular interest were her descriptions of the psychological and physiological effects of encounters, a section which lists and describes fifteen distinct types of beings in detail, and sixteen pages of illustrations including sketches of the various being types, alien surgical instruments and craft interiors and exteriors. Ms. Wilson also describes many experiences which she refers to as "teaching dreams." These are deeply emotional and sometimes traumatic experiences apparently manufactured by the beings to challenge the abductee and permit the abductors to study human emotions.

Although the book lacks the drama of "hard-to-put-down" books such as Communion, its lower-key style is filled with details which, to the knowledge of this reviewer, have never before appeared in print. For this reason alone, I highly recommend the book for those who have read the more popular books on the subject and want to know more, and for those researchers who need to increase their depth of knowledge on the subject.

Another positive aspect of the book is the author herself, Katharina Wilson. Her educational background, which includes a bachelor of music with a second major in psychology, add to her credibility. Also, having met Ms. Wilson several times, I have been impressed by her intelligence, stability and sincerity. I believe she is reporting these events as she believes they happened. She has also been instrumental in helping other abductees in the Portland area deal with their experiences and has established local support groups to help others who have had similar traumatic encounters.

The Alien Jigsaw is privately published, but has the polished look of professionally published books. It is certainly a worthwhile investment of money and time.

-John Kirby ©1994

John Kirby holds BS and ME degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and is an engineering manager for a large high technology company in Portland, Oregon. John has been researching UFOs, concentrating on the Roswell incident and abductions, since 1988.

©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is reproduced with permission of the Author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical purposes only, provided the information and the copy remain intact and unedited. http://www.alienjigsaw.com

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