Logo Art"The Alien Jigsaw and The Alien Jigsaw Researcher's Supplement,
by Katharina Wilson"

Reviewed by Robert Girard

Arcturus Books, Inc.

The Alien Jigsaw
by Katharina Wilson

"All right, all you wannabes who simply long to be taken onto a spaceship so that you can get to know all you can about extraterrestrials and their worlds, read this book before you go. You might find out in this book-the most clearly and bluntly-worded description we have yet seen of what it's really like on that examination table-that, A) it hurts a lot, B) it can be pretty gross, C) you have utterly no control of the situation, D) you're being used at will-their will, E) you can't trust yourself once you've been abducted and you can't trust 'reality' any longer, and F) no human knows enough about what's happening here to be of any help to you if you have trouble coping with the totality of your predicament. I personally thought David Jacob's Secret Life was the scariest true-UFO book yet written. Well, Secret Life is now a Little Lulu comic book! Alien Jigsaw may never be surpassed for its ability to communicate almost perfectly the exact emotional reaction of a human trapped in an alien setting. I can't recommend a book on the subject of UFOs more highly than this one."

-Robert Girard

The Alien Jigsaw Researcher's Supplement
by Katharina Wilson

"This assemblage of material is designed to complete the author's own offering of herself for study-and we might use the word dissection and still be within the limits of appropriateness. She analyzes herself, carefully transcribing her varying reactions and sensations as drawn from no fewer than 119 abductions. This chart-like data is supplemented by considerable more transcription of hypnotic regression than appears in Alien Jigsaw itself. Both books taken together add up to a whole which is more than the sum of its parts."

-Robert Girard

Robert Girard owns and operates Arcturus Books, Inc. To order UFO books or for more information write to: Arcturus Books, Inc., 1443 SE Port St. Lucie Boulevard, Port St. Lucie, FL, 34952; Phone (407) 398-0796; Fax (407) 337-1701.

©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is reproduced with permission of the Author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical purposes only, provided the information and the copy remain intact and unedited. http://www.alienjigsaw.com

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