Interview with Katharina Wilson, author of The Alien
Jigsaw, by Michelle LaVigne
Can you tell us a little about your background and how you
became aware that you were having contact with non-human
KW: My first conscious abduction related memory occurred
when I was six years old. It involved paralysis, floating or
flying above a road near my house, and telepathic
communication with an unknown being. Born in a small college
town in the rural south, this conscious memory would change
my life in the years to come. I attended a prestigious music
school in the midwest and obtained a Bachelor of Music
degree in performance. I taught clarinet, flute, and
saxophone lessons as a private music instructor, until an
encounter with a bright yellow light caused me to lose my
ability to play music.
In 1983, I began keeping a journal as a way to cope with
the unusual 'dreams' and memories of unexplainable events
that had been occurring to me. Four years later I read my
first book on the UFO phenomenon titled Intruders: The
Incredible Visitations At Copley Woods. Because some of
the information I read was similar to what I had written in
my journal, I contacted author and researcher, Budd Hopkins.
This was the beginning of an intensive personal
investigation into the abduction phenomenon that culminated
with the publication of The Alien Jigsaw in 1994.
ML: You have come into contact with several different
types of Beings which you do a great job cataloging in your
book The Alien Jigsaw. Can you describe some of the
most unusual Beings you have encountered, and what you feel
their reasons are for contact?
The most 'alien' of all the Beings I've encountered is a
Grey, more specifically, what I term a "Type One Grey." In
my book, I catalogued the four different types of Greys I
encountered as "Type One" through "Type Four;" from the
shortest to the tallest.
Type One Greys are about three to three and a half feet
tall. Their skin often appears very old and worn and because
of this, I sometimes call them 'Grandfather aliens.' I have
observed this type of alien to have brown skin as well.
These Beings appear to move by floating or levitating
themselves through the air. I have never seen these aliens
walk as humans do. They have very small bodies with thin
arms and legs and no noticeable musculature. Their fingers
are very thin and I have never seen any toes. They are
hairless and have oblong-shaped heads. Their eyes are very
large and oval-shaped and come to a point on the outer
sides. I have never seen this type of alien wearing any
clothing and I have not observed genitals. I have seen this
type of alien working with the slightly taller Type Two
Greys who always wear body suits.
Another type of Being who is very different is a Being I
call "The Blonde." He is very unusual in that he does not
always require a physical body. I have, at times, seen him
transform from his physical body to a shaft of white light,
and then into different types of animals. (He is interested
in my feelings toward animals and people, for example, my
ability to feel empathy for animals).
When he appears as a physical Being he stands about six
feet tall, has blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. I have
always sensed positive feelings from this Being when he
interacts with me. I have seen The Blonde working with
Hybrids and Greys. He works alongside the Hybrids as a
subordinate or helper, and with the Greys as a teacher,
using me as a teaching instrument. The Blonde and the
Hybrids have given me warnings about my future, and The
Blonde has taken me back in time (or has made me believe he
has) in order to teach me certain lessons.
I have seen many other types of alien Beings as well as
many children who are human, hybrid, and alien. There are
far too many to describe here, but there are illustrations
of all of the Beings in my book.
ML: What do you think is the relationship between these
different types of ETs and why are they here?
KW: My experiences have shown me that the aliens are
interested in human psychology. This is evident in my
encounters that involve theatrical concepts, teaching
dreams, and visions. Stimuli have been presented to me
through a variety of methods and the aliens have observed
and probably recorded my reactions. They have also studied
my psychological reactions and thought processes involving
different emotions, but they seem most interested in my
ability to feel empathy. Some of the aliens have performed
different types of medical procedures on me.
In addition to psychological and behavioral studies, I
believe genetic studies are also of great interest to the
aliens. It appears that this has led to the development of
what we refer to as hybrid babies. I believe it is entirely
possible that what we're involved with is an attempt to
create a new type of Being. This new Being would have human
characteristics and might be capable of existing in a higher
dimension. They may not necessarily be taking the best of
all of us and mixing those traits together. I believe the
Beings involved in this part of the phenomenon or process,
if you will, are creating a specific type of Being that is
best suited for life in a particular area. It is also
possible that more advanced Beings are, in their own way,
the 'creators' of life on different planets.
ML: Are these aliens working together or against each
KW: There are definitely many different types of Beings
coming here for different reasons. (I do not believe that
all the Beings will eventually turn out to be Greys who have
been fooling us by their use of camouflage). One example of
the differences in their agendas may be to tell you about
two experiences that occurred a few months after my
hysterectomy that I underwent in January of 1994.
In one experience I was being examined by two female
humanoid type Beings who were aliens, (although I cannot
clearly remember what type of Being). They seemed pleased
that I had had a hysterectomy. However, they also told me
that I should have had my ovaries removed because,
"They can still obtain what they want from you." They
seemed sincerely concerned and disappointed that I didn't
have them removed during the operation. I felt these
females' feelings-they cared about me.
A short time after this experience, I had another
experience with Beings who appeared to be more human in
appearance. They were males, (with the exception of one
female). I was in a more terrestrial looking medical room
lying on an examination table and I felt terribly violated.
I knew they had just removed something from my ovary. They
were also intent upon convincing me that I was a complete
failure because I had elected to have a hysterectomy. Using
telepathy, they made me feel guilty for doing this, and told
me how disappointed they were in me. They made me feel
Looking at those two experiences, I have deduced that
these two groups of Beings, whoever they were, had very
different motives for interacting with me. This is only one
example of many that I could give you.
ML: Have the nature of your experiences changed since you
wrote The Alien Jigsaw, and if so, how?
KW: The number and context of my experiences in 1993,
were similar to what I published in my book. A summary and
examples of this additional information was published in
The Alien Jigsaw Researcher's Supplement.
In 1994, I was becoming tired of the same old thing and I
silently told the aliens that if they "had" to interact with
me, it was going to be on my terms. I even refused to
document many of the experiences, which is why I only have
14 experiences in my journal that year. I was angry and
frustrated with the aliens for using me so long in their
psychological experiments. I tried to stay angry with them
and my not writing was a form of passive resistance.
Out of the fourteen experiences I did document, three
involved visions and one involved a Being teaching me about
time and dimension. The Being was acting as a 'Guide' and I
was shown that other times and other dimensions really
exist. The 'Guide' showed me that not all, but some
people actually exist in more than one dimension and in more
than one time.
In 1995, I had 24 visitations and my experiences
definitely changed. For example, I wasn't used as much in a
psychological and physical sense, although those types of
experiences occasionally did occur. I also received more
information about time and other dimensions. I experienced
three visions (two in a dream state and one during a waking
state), plus a new phenomenon: two 'messages.'
Information about other dimensions: A 'Guide' Being
allowed me to look through a clear emerald cut crystal that
was actually a 'door' to another dimension. When I looked, I
saw myself. I saw another Katharina. I had long hair
and was wearing a purple shirt and a black skirt. What
disturbed me the most, however, was that I was an organizer
of a UFO conference in Pensacola, Florida. My first thought
was, "Oh my God. I'm involved in the UFO phenomenon there
also- am I ever going to be able to get away from this?"
About the messages: the messages are quite new for me.
The messages I've received sound as if there is a person
standing in the room with me whom I cannot see, but can
hear. Both times I swung my head around to look in the
direction from which I heard the voice, but no one was
there. The voice came from a specific location in the room.
It was not a voice "inside my head." In general, my
experiences during 1995, have brought more information about
time and other dimensions.
Over all, 1995 covers everything from my 'normal' type of
experiences that I documented in TAJ, to including
being told the following: (1) [message #1] "Kaluza Klein...A
pocket of time sped up...set in motion certain
events...nothing we can do..." (2) [message #2] "Bring the
light to Portland," (3) [vision of humanity] "You are not
connected to humanity."
ML: Are there any particular ETs or Beings you have most
of your experiences with?
KW: During the first 32 years of my life I documented a
total of 119 visitations. Most of my experiences were with
various Hybrids (about 14.5 %) and the Type Two Greys
(12.6%). The next most frequent visitor was The Blonde
(9.2%), and the third most frequent type of Being who
interacted with me were The Tans (7.6%). The Tans look very
similar to The Greys except they have pale tan-yellow skin.
ML: What advice do you have for people who may be
experiencing contact?
KW: If the experiences are troubling and fearful, I would
advise that the person find some kind of support net: a
family member, a close friend, or perhaps a small group with
whom they can freely talk about their experiences. Even
positive experiences need to be shared. To keep this
information bottled up within you is almost impossible.
There will come a time when you will need to get it out in
one form or another. My self-help guide, Puzzle
Pieces suggests 8 ways to help people release the
pent-up memories and emotions. Your Alien Abduction
Survival Guide has been recommended by a friend of mine
as a "thoughtful and interesting guide that is indeed very
helpful." Puzzle Pieces also has a list of helpful
organizations, and information about how to find other
publications on the subject. Some people will need to read
books, some people will need to keep a journal, some people
will need to demonstrate on the White House lawn, and some
individuals will be okay with the experience and may simply
attend a conference or symposium once a year.
ML: You've done extensive work with The Alien Jigsaw
Researcher's Supplement in covering your first 119
abduction experiences. Have you found any truth to the
claims that exploring one's experiences leads to spiritual
KW: With TAJ Researcher's Supplement I discovered
many details about my experiences that would have been lost
had I not kept a detailed journal and studied the
information intensely. The most general statement I can make
from my findings is that I very much wanted to believe that
my experiences were mostly neutral to positive, and that I
had experienced wonderful and vivid new sensations and
emotions. When I actually studied my journal entries I found
that indeed most of my experiences were neutral; 45% of
them, as a matter of fact. However, positive experiences
only accounted for 23% of my experiences, while negative
experiences accounted for 32%.
When I looked at the psychological and emotional effects
of my experiences, I found that I was questioning and
curious about 88% of them. I had positive experiences and
feelings for my abductors, but my research clearly showed me
something I was not prepared for. The adjectives reported
with the highest frequency were: concern (69%), followed by
anxious (63%), disbelief (48%), fear (37%), and deception
(31%). These figures can be easily contrasted by comparing
them with the frequency of positive emotions I experienced:
Excitement (26%), Love or loving feelings (19%), Happiness
(18%), Feeling as if it were an adventure (18%), Peaceful
(15%), Wonderful (13%), Fun or funny (8%).
Spiritual Growth
The question of whether or not there is any truth to the
claims that exploring one's experiences leads to spiritual
growth is a highly personal matter. Being the subject of
intense psychological and physical experimentation has not
made me a more spiritual person, but it has forced me to
utilize survival instincts that I may not have drawn upon
had I not had those types of experiences. Perhaps being put
in the position of experiencing the pain and torment of
another Being (whether it be an animal, human, or alien) has
made me more empathetic to other animals, humans, and aliens
that I see that in a similar predicament in the future. In
that sense, I have been sensitized to certain types of pain
because I've 'walked in those shoes,' so to speak. In that
same sense, I suppose one can say that I have experienced a
new spiritual level: I am capable of feeling the pain of
Spirituality does not seem to have anything to do with
pain or the physical and emotional challenges that some of
these experiences place upon the abductee. However, one day
we suddenly find ourselves contemplating the nature of other
Beings, other Universes, other Times, and other Dimensions
because that is where our experiences have taken us. Before
we know it, we find that we are contemplating the very
nature of God: Is God the male entity who rewards and
punishes-that we've been led to believe-or is God simply the
Creative force of the Universe that we can draw strength and
energy from when we need it? Those questions seem to be of a
spiritual nature to me.
I guess I would say that the aliens have not led me to be
more spiritual, but my life experiences have. It takes a lot
of different kinds of strength to weather the abduction
process. If we grow stronger from adversity, it does not
necessarily mean that the aliens intended for this to
happen. It could be within the nature of certain people to
grow in a spiritual sense from adverse situations. I would
like to point out that this process can work in the reverse
as well. If someone is not equipped to handle the abduction
process it can rip at the core of your being and wear you
down. It can, and has lead to very serious consequences for
many people. Spirituality is a very personal thing. I
believe it should be examined on a 'person by person'
The interviewer, Michelle LaVigne, is the author of
The Alien Abduction Survival Guide, the editor of
Contact Forum and Message Board Coordinator for the
former Institute for the Study of Contact with Non-Human
Intelligence (ISCNI). Michelle is married, has three
children and lives and writes in New Hamphire.
©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All
Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland,
Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is reproduced with
permission of the Author. Permission is given to reproduce
and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical
purposes only, provided the information and the copy remain
intact and unedited.