Part TwoThe TechnologyThe goal of this portion of Project Open Mind is to introduce the reader to the technologies that might be involved in answering the question: Are some alien abductions government mind control experiments? Even if we decide all alien abductions are carried out by alien Beings, this information will still be helpful to our understanding of how humans might be controlled. If we decide some abductions are carried out by a nefarious force within our government, or that the alien abduction phenomenon is a "cover" for a covert project being carried out by other humans, understanding this information may help us terminate some or all of these activities. I have divided the following information into seven sections. Please understand that I am only giving a brief history and/or description of each of these subjects since there has been enough information published about all them - with the exception of Section II - in order to write six separate books. The information I will cover includes: I) A Brief History of Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, II) Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory, III) Applications of Electroencephalography, IV) Hypnosis, V) Microwave Radiation, VI) A Dubious Defense, and VII) Virtual Surgery - Virtual Reality. Section I A Brief History of Electronic Stimulation of the Brain or ESBIn 1928, scientists discovered what they called a "violence center" in the hypothalamus of the brain. They found that when the posterior region of the hypothalamus in an animal's brain was destroyed, the animal remained in a permanent state of rage. Soon, scientists discovered that instead of destroying this area of the hypothalamus, all they needed to do was stimulate it to produce the same effects of rage and violent behavior. Then came the invention of thin needle-like electrodes that could be inserted into any part of the brain without causing permanent damage. Scientists discovered that they could connect these brain stimulators to an apparatus which would enable the animal to stimulate its own brain.[53] Obviously, when the animals were given a choice, they preferred to stimulate other areas of their brains such as the pleasure centers, rather than the violence or pain centers. With funds donated by the Rockefeller Foundation to McGill University, a psychiatric facility named Allan Memorial was established in 1943, and a Dr. Ewen Cameron became head of the facility. With additional funding from the CIA during the 1950s, Cameron used experimental techniques on his patients, most of whom were women. One of Cameron's therapies was called "depatterning," and was described as "the breaking up [of] existing patterns of behavior, both the normal and the schizophrenic, by means of particularly intensive electroshocks, usually combined with prolonged drug induced sleep."[54]What he created were "mind vegetables." Cameron left these unfortunate people with very few memories. However, he didn't stop there. Cameron would then use another technique on his patients that he called "psychic driving." During this part of his "therapy" he would bombard the patient with repeated verbal messages that were "emotionally loaded" and mentally abusive. The patients were forced to listen to audio recordings all night long as they lay (drugged) in their beds because Cameron ordered that speakers be placed under their pillows.[55] After approximately two weeks or more, he would then force his patients to listen to so-called positive psychic driving tapes apparently to induce new thinking patterns. Cameron victimized his patients through unproved behavioral modification techniques. Also during the decades of 1940 and 1950, a neurosurgeon (at McGill University) named Wilder Penfield and his colleague performed brain stimulation experiments on the exposed brains of patients during neurosurgery. What they discovered was that their patients' brains could be stimulated in such a way that would make them remember past events. The doctors also discovered that their patients' brains could be stimulated to make them experience, "eerie feelings of familiarity." Their patients were alert during these procedures, but "they reported that things and people in the operating room were somehow familiar. Some said they felt that everything around them had happened before or was part of a dream."[56] Most everyone who has taken a basic psychology course has been introduced to José Manuel Rodriquez Delgado, the neurophysiologist who, in 1964, became famous for stopping a charging bull in a bull ring with a simple push of a button on a black box Delgado held in his hands. This "amazing feat" was carried out by the use of electronic brain stimulating devices that had been implanted into the brain of the bull. It is still a matter of controversy as to whether Delgado actually controlled the bull's behavior, or if the bull was preoccupied with the pain he was experiencing due to the brain stimulation. When Delgado arrived at Yale University's Medical School in 1950, the equipment to carry out brain stimulation was bulky and expensive. Soon, with the help of Delgado and funds from the Office of Naval Research, the equipment became much smaller and more convenient. By the 1970's an entire brain stimulating device could be implanted under the skin and it could remain there during the entire life of the individual. According to Scheflin and Opton in The Mind Manipulators, one of Delgado's future predictions included, "Micro-miniaturized computers [that] may be implanted under the skin to provide 'on demand' stimulation for specific neuronal pools without disturbing on-going behavior...[scientists will be able to] give light to the blind...sound to the deaf...and induce pleasure and friendliness in human beings."[57] During the 1970s, research performed by a team of scientists headed by William Dobelle "implanted 64 electrodes in the visual cortex areas of totally blind volunteers' brains. Stimulation of the cortex by a single electrode created some primitive visual experiences, causing a subject to 'see' a phosphene - a tiny spot of glowing light that seemed to be located several feet in front of the viewer's face. Dobelle's team discovered that if a number of electrodes were activated at the same time, subjects could discern meaningful patterns among simultaneously occurring subject who had been accidentally blinded several years earlier was able to see various patterns and shapes, and even to differentiate letters of the alphabet."[58] Researcher's are currently working on more sophisticated devices to help the blind see. For example, "A blind person will one day be provided with an artificial eye that consists of a highly miniaturized TV camera mounted in a glass enclosure. The images will be converted by a tiny computer that will send the information to the visual cortex through implanted electrodes."[59] In 1975, another scientist working at Tulane University in New Orleans named Dr. Robert Heath also conducted experiments involving ESB. Dr. Health, whose principle research was the psychobiology of psychosis and violence, is considered to be an extremely controversial scientist. For over twenty-five years "he implanted stimulating and recording electrodes deep within the brains of a wide variety of people."[60] There was yet another scientist fervently working to control human behavior during the 1970s as well. However, this scientist, Joseph A. Meyer was a computer specialist with the NSA, the National Security Agency. Scheflin and Opton write, "[Meyer] proposes attaching tracking devices, which he calls 'transponders,' to half of all Americans who have ever been arrested for a crime other than a traffic violation...."[61] The authors continue their discussion of Meyer's plan, "We need not concern ourselves about electronic oppression, Meyer implies, because we are already in a state of permanent guerrilla warfare. On one side are the economic surplus slum dwellers; on the other side is the rest of us. It is the slum dwellers who are the real targets of the transponder system, and they are already subject to so much punishment from police, courts, jails and prisons that the transponder system would be a relief."[62] The following is a partial list of what scientists have achieved using brain stimulating devices:
According to Bowart, "In 1969 Dr. Delgado pleaded that the U.S. government increase research into ESB, Electronic Stimulation of the Brain in order to produce the fundamental information which would give birth to a 'psycho-civilized society.' He said that the needed research could not be 'generated by scientists themselves, but must be promoted and organized by governmental action declaring conquering of the human mind a national goal at parity with the conquering of poverty or landing a man on the moon.' "[63] By the 1970's it was publicly known and proven that cerebral stimulation could dramatically change the behavior of human beings. Most of the cases we read about in pop-psychology books and psychology texts are the positive ways that psychobiologists use cerebral stimulation to "eliminate symptoms of violence and uncontrollable aggression," or other negative behaviors which some scientists incorrectly label as "symptoms."[64] It is obvious why the study of implant technology is of paramount importance to our understanding of how alien Beings, or even human mind control agents might use implants to control humans. Compare the following with the above list of how electronic stimulation of the brain affects human beings. During my abduction experiences: 1) I have had old memories summoned, 2) I have had what many would consider to be hallucinations, 3) My behavior sometimes has been dramatically altered immediately after an abduction experience, 4) I have felt love for alien Beings who have experimented on me, 5) I have a steadfast devotion toward specific military personnel I don't even know, but interact with during my encounters, 6) I have experienced short-term memory problems immediately after an abduction and, 7) I have experienced an orgasm merely by the touch of an alien Being. These are some of the topics I will discuss beginning in Part Five of Project Open Mind. For now, however, I will continue my overview of the technology that might be involved in answering the question: Are some alien abductions government mind control experiments? Section II Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of MemoryAccording to Lincoln Lawrence, author of Were We Controlled? "RHIC involves radio contact with a subject who has been previously hypnotized and taught to perform certain actions and maintain certain attitudes. Post hypnotic suggestions are transmitted by radio waves triggering a certain preconditioned behavior..."[65] In a 1977 Gallery Magazine article sited by Scheflin and Opton, Lawrence states, "the Electronic Dissolution of Memory alters time senses by emitting radio waves and ultra-sonic signal tones which act upon memory storage chemicals in the brain."[66] The Electronic Dissolution of Memory is accomplished by "electronically jamming the brain" thereby causing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, "to create static which blocks out sight and sounds. You would then have no memory of what you saw or heard; your mind would be a blank."[67] Acetylcholine was the first neurotransmitter to be discovered and is the most common neurotransmitter found in the brain. Acetylcholine is described as the neurotransmitter secreted by motor nerves to excite skeletal muscles and it is activated by the vagus nerve (the tenth cranial nerve in the medulla that innervates most organs of the abdomen), as well as the nerves that control most internal organs.[68] Important to our discussion, is that acetylcholine is one of the primary neurotransmitters involved in memory. Memory involves different parts of the brain and four different processes: 1) a sensory registry, 2) immediate memory, 3) short-term memory, and 4) long-term memory.[69] In addition, each of these four processes has its own time scale. Another common neurotransmitter involved with learning and memory is norepinephrine. There are several neurotransmitters and amino acids involved with learning and memory and each has a specific function.[70] It seems logical that if electrical impulses are used to bombard a person's brain, a complex neurochemical organ, this will affect the individual's neurotransmitters. If these levels are sufficiently altered, then memory would also be affected. As far as I can tell, RHIC-EDOM first surfaced in Lincoln Lawrence's book in 1967. According to Bowart, "Lawrence...may have had much more evidence [about RHIC] than he was allowed to present. His credentials indicated that he had been 'working in liaison with the department of defense.' "[71] In 1975 a journalist named James L. Moore claimed he had been given secret documents by CIA personnel describing RHIC-EDOM.[72] If this is some kind of elaborate hoax, then why would it surface again almost ten years later and be connected with the CIA? If this was an intentional leak, what could the agency gain by releasing this information? It would certainly be of great value to humanity if Moore would share (of had shared) these documents with other researchers.[73] Interestingly, according to Bowart, "A research and development team at the Space and Biology Laboratory of the University of California at the Los Angeles Brain Research Institute found a way to stimulate the brain by creating an electrical field completely outside the head. Dr. W. Ross Adey stimulated the brain with electric pulse levels which were far below those thought to be effectual in the old implanting technique."[74] In addition, by 1975, scientists were also testing a primitive "mind reading" machine with positive results.[75] Section III Interesting Applications of ElectroencephalographyThe EEG provides overall information about a person's mental state and the EEG can also tell us a little about a person's response to a specific stimuli. "There is, however, much 'background' noise in the form of ongoing spontaneous brain waves, and this makes it difficult to identify what brain wave changes are occurring due to a specific stimulus. A relatively new variation of the EEG uses computers to extract the background noise so that brain wave responses can be identified. These wave patterns associated with specific stimuli are called evoked potentials [or evoked responses]."[76] "In the words of Edward Beck, one of the early evoked-response pioneers, 'a unique and identifying quality....many individuals may be recognized by the distinguishing characteristics of their evoked response...In other words, a person's evoked response is like a fingerprint of the brain. ' "[77] This idea has fascinating applications if you are using an intracerebral implant with EEG capabilities to identify an individual. Not only could you pinpoint the proximity of the individual by using something like the GPS, Global Positioning System, you could monitor their evoked responses as part of your bio-telemetry data collection. The P300 response or P3 wave, is a "long latency response" that your brain has to a stimulus. It can be created by clicks, tones, flashes of light or practically any other stimulus that a person can detect. Scientists are able to measure it and it is believed "to represent a decision-making activity endogenous to the cortex." In the late 1970s, scientists were studying this and other ways of measuring attention under a grant from the Department of Defense.[78] "In the case of the P300 question...the distinction is between an electronic toy that can detect sensory stimuli, or the much more exciting prospect that the P300 represents one of the first objective measurements of brain activity corresponding to an act of the will. If the second alternative could be proven, psychobiologists would possess an electronic probe capable of detecting the exact instant when a person has made a decision. And, most important of all, they will know it prior to any action on the person's part!"[79] During my abduction experiences, I've often thought, "They know what I'm going to do before I do it..." This is how quickly the aliens think and respond. Is it telepathy, or is it technology? Are they aliens, or are they humans? Experiments carried out at the Yale Center for Behavioral Medicine show that "a neurophysiological alteration in brain-wave activity occurs and responds to a 'mental' activity. Merely imagining that we are doing something can bring about brain activation similar to what happens when we are actually doing it."[80] Words that are spoken and images that are shown to a subject may actually have physical effects on the subject, so "verbal therapy might be neural therapy."[81] What could be learned by placing a subject through a "mental maze" and measuring their evoked response or their P3 wave? One very interesting thing you could study would be the individual's responses during an abduction or a "perceived" abduction by alien Beings, and how the subject's responses differ from a normal life experience. Regardless of whether the implants are placed in people's brians by aliens or agents of mind control, the evoked response and the P3 wave are probably just a small representation of the data that is being collected from these subjects. Section IV HypnosisHypnosis is often described as a state of relaxation during which the subject retains a certain amount of control. However, what the hypnotist says and how they say it can have long-lasting effects on the subject. People can be led to answer questions in a particular manner while under hypnosis. Consider the following definitions that have been published in two university psychology texts: "Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility in which a person is unusually willing to comply with the hypnotist's directives, including those that alter perceptions of self and the environment."[82] Some of the reputed effects of hypnosis include enhanced memory, pain reduction, improved athletic performance, improved scholarly performance, and the ability to remember earlier stages of development.[83] Some researchers believe that hypnosis can also be used by therapists to create split personalities in their patients.[84] Of course, I am not implying that abduction researchers who use hypnosis are doing anything like this. Rather, this discussion is designed to introduce the reader to what scientists affiliated with the CIA have done in the past, and how powerful the effects of hypnosis can be on certain individuals. The following is a brief look at some of the scientists who were notorious for their work with hypnosis. Dr. George Estabrooks was the head of psychology at Colgate University during the 1930s. Estabrooks stated that "Hypnosis did not work on everyone and that only one person in five made a good enough subject to be placed in a deep trance..."[85] In addition, hypnosis and narco-hypnosis, (the combination of drugs and hypnosis) have been shown to make subjects believe they were talking to someone other than the scientist-interrogator.[86] During the early years of the Cold War, the CIA found their first "behavioral research czar." His name was Morse Allen. One of his successes with hypnosis was getting "young CIA secretaries to stay after work...proving to his own satisfaction that [with the use of hypnosis] he could make them do whatever he wanted."[87] This takes me back to the time I was reviewing some hypnosis transcripts for another abductee. During her hypnosis session with a male hypnotist, she was told while under hypnosis, "The doctor loves you very much." Shortly after this session, the woman began to feel misplaced feelings of affection toward the hypnotist. Needless to say, this troubled the woman greatly. When she realized what had occurred she was incredulous, but had no other way to explain her feelings. It took several weeks for her feelings to subside. [This is one example of one hypnotist who made a mistake during hypnosis. I am using this as an illustration of the power hypnosis can have on particular individuals. It should not be misconstrued as an example of what all abduction researchers do to abductees while using hypnosis.] During Morse Allen's early work with hypnosis, his aim was to "...take an existing ego state - such as an imaginary childhood playmate - and build it into a separate personality, unknown to the first." Allen would then work with this "new" personality he created and would "command it to carry out specific deeds about which the main personality would know nothing. There would be inevitable leakage between the two personalities, particularly in dreams; but if the hypnotist were clever enough, he could build in cover stories and safety valves which would prevent the subject from acting inconsistently."[88] This is what was done to a beautiful and talented woman named Candy Jones during the decade of the sixties. Candy Jones was used by the CIA as a courier and became a victim of abuse and torture for over ten years. Her case was investigated by Donald Bain and published in 1976.[89] This leakage of information is pertinent to our discussion since it also relates to abductions. Some abduction researchers believe that the aliens use some type of a post hypnotic suggestion so the abductee will not remember their abduction. However, we know from the information that has been reported by abductees that much information, has, in fact, "leaked out." Since we no doubt have "clever" hypnotists and aliens, perhaps "cover stories and safety valves" have been built in during the amnesia induction process. In other words, as Martin Cannon points out in The Controllers[90] as well as Dr. Karla Turner did in her work[91]; we must consider the possibility that some of the information we are getting from abductees may be cover stories, perhaps even information to throw our investigations off track. Cannon quotes a Dr. Martin T. Orne to illustrate this point: [You should know that Dr. Orne was the head of the Office of Naval Research's Committee on hypnosis. He helped to develop the coercive use of hypnotic mind control for the CIA.[92] Dr. Orne also received large sums of money from the CIA to support his hypnosis research at Harvard.] [93] Quoting Dr. Orne: "A S [subject] who is able to develop good posthypnotic amnesia will also respond to suggestions to remember events which did not actually occur. On awakening, he will instead recall the suggested events. If anything, this phenomenon is easier to produce than total amnesia, perhaps because it eliminates the subjective feeling of an empty space in memory."[94] This is a confusing scenario to consider if you are an abductee or an abduction researcher. I cannot imagine that either group of individuals would want to admit that they could be so manipulated by other humans or aliens. However, it is important for us to consider that this may, in fact, be occurring. I don't want to imply that all alien abductions can be explained by this technique, but we must look at what humans (and aliens) are capable of. At this point, we are still left with the choices I outlined in The Alien Jigsaw: 1) The aliens are manipulating us into believing that our government is abducting us, 2) Our government really is abducting us, 3) Both aliens and our government are abducting us. Personally, I don't like any of these choices. As documented by John Marks, during the 1960s the Counterintelligence division of the CIA had three goals: "1) to induce hypnosis very rapidly in unwitting subjects; 2) to create durable amnesia; and 3) to implant durable and operationally useful posthypnotic suggestion."[95] Certainly by this brief overview of hypnosis, we can see that if human agents of mind control wished for someone to remember "aliens" instead of humans, it could be accomplished. And, if aliens wanted abductees to remember humans, that, too could be accomplished. In addition, if a subject has been implanted with a highly sophisticated implant, either group may have found a way around getting to the subject each time an "abduction" needs to occur. It is possible that they could "order" the subject to come to them. Section V Microwave RadiationMicrowaves are composed of electromagnetic radiation and have a wavelength from about 12 to about 0.04 inch (between infra-red and short-wave radio wavelengths). The frequency range is from 1,000 to 300,000 megahertz. Microwaves are used for radar, communications links over moderate distances, and cooking. Microwaves Can :
For ten years, beginning in 1962, the Russians bombarded the United States Embassy in Moscow with microwave radiation. The CIA knew about it, but kept it secret in order to cover up their own experiments with radiation. This "non-action" by the CIA cost the lives and health of some of their employees who worked at the Embassy in Moscow.[96] Simply by reading this partial list of what microwaves can do, we can see that if enough microwaves are directed to a subject, one can induce hallucinations and perhaps even a feeling of "missing time." If the individual does not pay attention to the time, they may assume they have had an abduction experience when in fact it was something else. It is possible then that a nefarious group of experimenters could make certain individuals believe they are being abducted by aliens if they wanted to. I cannot leave this brief discussion of microwaves without mentioning other forms of wave technology. In 1995, Dr. Nicholas Begich and Jeane Manning co-authored Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology. Their book contains so much information I cannot (in this paper) provide an overview of the details their research covers. However, simply by reading Dr. Patrick Flanagan's Foreword, one learns that he developed an electronic telepathy machine called a Neurophone, 37 years ago! Dr. Flanagan discusses the problems he had with the government in obtaining a patent for his new invention, and cautions the public about the possible misuse of HAARP technology. So, what is HAARP? The acronym stands for High frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The device is designed to "beam more than 1.7 gigawatts (billion watts) of radiated power into the ionosphere - the electrically charged layer above Earth's atmosphere."[97] Begich and Manning's book looks at what effects modulated radio frequencies have on animals, including humans, and the environment. During the first week of September, 1996, CNN ran a brief story about how walruses were sliding to their deaths off of several cliffs along the coast of Alaska. They showed film of the poor animals sliding and struggling all the way down to the edge of the cliffs before they plunged to the rocks below. During the news broadcast, the reporter was adamant about the fact that the animals did not have anything wrong with them and were not "committing suicide." They were simply losing their balance - all of the sudden and in record numbers. Could this be an effect of HAARP? Are the poor animals being beamed with a specific frequency that causes them to lose their balance (inner ear equilibrium) momentarily? Humans and animals do not deserve to die every time our government designs a new toy - or weapon - which ever HAARP turns out to be. For more information about HAARP please refer to Part Three: The Messengers. Section VI A Dubious DefenseDue to individual belief systems, there will probably always be people who will resist believing in alien abductions and mind control. There are also going to be people who will attempt to disprove and even discredit these individuals. Why not calling them outright liars like the debunkers often do, some skeptics claim that abductions are no more than the abductee's "memories" from schizophrenic or delusional episodes. The same can be said of victims of mind control. John Carpenter, John Mack, and the late Nicholas Spanos have done a noteworthy job of defending abductees and explaining the truth about bona fide mental disorders and their relationship to alien abduction.[98] And, I believe William Bowart's foundation is striving to educate the public about mind control experiments. Unfortunately, there is yet another obstacle we will all have to "step over" in our journey toward enlightenment. FMS or False Memory Syndrome is an unproved "syndrome" that is popular to use in order to attempt to discredit several unpleasant subjects, one of which is "alien abduction." However, FMS is not officially recognized in the DSM-III-R, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for mental disorders, so how has it become such a powerful weapon? Remember Dr. Martin T. Orne, (who helped the CIA develop coercive uses of hypnotic mind control) from our previous discussion about hypnosis? You might find it somewhat of a conflict of interest to know that he "is also an original member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation's advisory board."[99] Author of Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. Alex Constantine writes, "The recovered memory debate was discussed at a 1993 conference on multiple personality disorder. Richard Lowenstein, a psychiatrist from the University of Maryland Medical School, argued that the Foundation is 'media-directed, dedicated to putting out disinformation.' "[100] Constantine claims, "The FMSF board is almost exclusively composed of former CIA and military doctors currently employed by major universities. None have backgrounds in ritual abuse - their common interest is behavior modification."[101] Although I would personally like to see more references sited to back up all of Constantine's claims, his chapter on the False Memory Syndrome and the "Foundation" behind it should be reviewed. Lee and Schlain's Acid Dreams and Marks' The Search for "The Manchurian Candidate" verify Martin Orne's and Louis Jolyon West's connections to the CIA, both of whom were once members of the FMSF. Section VII Virtual Surgery - Virtual RealityThere is a new operation in town - almost. It is called "telepresence surgery" and it is expected to have even greater effects in medicine than laparoscopy did when it came into full use. Telepresence surgery is "a new technology in which a human surgeon manipulates surgical instruments that appear to extend into a three-dimensional image of a patient's body while computers perfectly translate the surgeon's movements into the parallel actions of a machine wielding real surgical tools inside a flesh-and-blood patient."[102] Army colonel Rick Satava, who is a laparoscopic surgeon as well as a program manager at the government's Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) is known as "the father of telepresence surgery." The telepresence surgery system was developed at a company called SRI, Stanford Research Institute in California. "The apparatus is the creation of Phillip Green...who has been inventing medical diagnostic equipment since the 1960s."[103] The ultimate goal is to have remotely operated surgical robots that will enable surgeons to perform surgery hundreds of miles away from the patient. Another quiet revolution, this time in the manufacture of computer chips, is occurring as well. In January 1996, Popular Mechanics ran a short article titled "Wire Tapping The Brain." This article explained how scientists at Cal Tech created a silicon chip that can hold nerve cells apart while still allowing them to form interneural connections. Their chip "has 16 micro-machined wells, called neurodungeons, into which immature neurons are injected. Each well's top is covered with a grille that keeps the neuron trapped, but allows it to send out tendrils and connect with other neurons. Researchers tap into electrodes at the bottom of each well to hear what the neurons are saying to each other."[104] While telepresence surgery has not arrived yet - not to the public at least - virtual reality has. It can be argued that some of the experiences abductees describe may be explained by virtual reality technology. I believe this is a possibility because of the extent to which implant technology has been studied and developed. In addition, the late Karla Turner, author and abduction researcher, described this possibility in her book Taken: Inside The Alien-Human Abduction Agenda. Dr. Turner called these types of experiences VRS or Virtual Reality Scenarios.[105] If someone has been implanted with an intracerebral device, then the operators of the implant may be able to abduct someone by "abducting their mind" while their body stays in bed. The unexplainable vividness of some abduction accounts may be explained by the electronic implantation of memories into the brain of the abductee. Certainly this cannot be the case for all abductions, but it may explain a small portion of abductions. The rare cases that come to mind are those individuals who seem to have some type of memory or experience every night for weeks on end. Can these people really be taken from their homes each night, night after night, with no one seeing anything; or is information being forced into their mind by some type of virtual reality chip? Either way, the poor individual is living the nightmare. As we learned in our discussion of electroencephalography, "Words that are spoken and images that are shown to a subject may actually have physical effects on the subject, so "verbal therapy might be neural therapy."[106] I sometimes refer to these intensely vivid memories as "neural dumping," and I am well aware of how this can take its toll on a person. It feels as if the events you are being forced to live through are coming "from the outside," in other words, the scenarios are coming from the aliens (or the agents of mind control). Certainly many abductions are physical, in that the abductee is floated through the ceiling or the closed window and into the hovering UFO. Reports of multiple abductions strongly support the reality of the "physical" alien abduction.[107] However, it is important to consider that some abductions may be "virtual abductions." We must understand that regardless of whether the abduction is physical or mental, the abductee (or mind control victim) still experiences both the physical and emotional trauma related to it. The Origins of TechnologyAccording to Walter Bowart, author of Operation Mind Control, "There is usually a twenty-year lag between the laboratory development of new technology and its application at large."[108] Begich and Manning have an interesting time-line in HAARP that includes some of Nikola Telsa's inventions; and I am currently researching the origins of laparotomy and laparoscopy (with interesting discoveries) for the second half of Project Open Mind. Looking BackOne of Delgado's colleagues, Dr. Stuart Mackay published a book in 1968 titled Bio-Medical Telemetry. He stated, "Among the many telemetry instruments being used today are miniature radio transmitters that can be swallowed, carried externally, or surgically implanted in man or animals...Transmitters introduced through normal body openings in the human can sense pH in the stomach, the site of bleeding along the gastrointestinal tract, radiation intensity, [and] pressure changes in the bladder due to micturition..." Dr. Mackay continued by stating, " is hoped that these few preliminary words will give a feeling for the scope of this activity...The possibilities are limited only by the imagination of the investigator."[109] Take note also of what P.M. Persson, a researcher at the Swedish Defense Research Institution wrote in an article in 1965: "An essential part of bio-telemetry encompasses the transmission of data. This occurs mostly with help of a surgically implanted transmitter...The technology has been developed quite extensively in medical research."[110] Moving even further back in time, consider the following: Implants were being used on unwitting people " early as fifty years ago [as shown] in x-rays from operations which took place, for example, at Karolinska Hospital in 1946, or Sachska Children's Hospital in 1948, both located in Stockholm [Sweden]....It was first discovered by the mother after an un-appointed [unscheduled] visit. On hearing of her son's screams from an operation theatre, she rushed in to find a surgical team and nurses under senior physician Alm, who ushered her out, not, however, before she had witnessed how they were driving a large amount of electrodes through the base of her son's still soft skull."[111] One very well documented case of the implantation of an electronic device into an unwitting victim is the case of Robert Naeslund. Naeslund was unwittingly implanted during an operation in Stockholm, Sweden, during the late 1960s. He has x-rays that clearly show the mushroomed-shaped transmitter in his brain. Quoting Naeslund, "I have been used in a medical experiment which has meant a lot of suffering and [has] been very painful. The operation was performed by Dr. Curt Strand, who inserted a foreign object, a so-called brain transmitter, in my head through the right nasal passage."[112] How many times have we heard abductees painfully relate how the aliens implanted them by placing a small object up their nose through the nasal passage and sinus cavity? Far too many times for us to ignore this (overlap of) information coming from alleged victims of mind control. It appears that implants of various types have been placed in humans, with and without their consent, at least since the 1940s. According to who you ask, alien abductee or mind control victim, it is believed they have been placed there either by alien doctors or human doctors. A good question to ask at this point is, "If human beings had the technology to make it to another planet where we could carry out experiments on the life forms on that planet, how advanced would our bio-medical technology be"? In other words, why are advanced alien Beings using what might be considered terrestrial technology? Two possible explanations are: 1) The aliens are not as technologically advanced as we believe they are, or 2) The technology is not "alien." # # # Project Open Mind continues in Part Three with The Messengers where I cover information pertaining to my sources. I encourage everyone to read about the authors, researchers and investigative journalists who made this information public knowledge. ©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. 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