I'm not sure what is worse: to believe that you have been abducted and experimented on by aliens from another planet, or to suspect you have been abducted and experimented on by members of your own species. Perhaps it is easier for us in a psychological sense, to suspect that we have been abducted and experimented on by aliens because in some strange way, we can excuse aliens for not understanding our customs and for not "knowing better." When I heard my first story about a person who believed they had been experimented on by members of our government, I thought I had heard it all. To me, this story was more unbelievable and more bizarre than the stories I had heard, (and had shared) about alien abduction. What this person said was, they believed that they had been exposed to microwaves from small black boxes that had been placed on their property by secret agents of the government. They said they had been beamed by microwaves as part of a secret government experiment. I discarded this information as coming from someone who was paranoid and didn't give it another thought. During that time in my life I was busy hosting support groups, helping out with our local UFO group and trying to decide whether or not to write an autobiographical account of my life and the many abduction experiences I had endured. In other words, I was immersed in ufology and knew nothing about our government's experimentation on American citizens. Writing my books took several months and during that time I maintained my busy schedule of abduction support and found myself reliving many life events I thought I had put behind me for good. There were also certain experiences that I had longed to find an explanation for, but could not. These were my alien abduction encounters during which I saw military and other official looking personnel. In The Alien Jigsaw, one of my conclusions was that I had been abducted by aliens, and either some members of our government are working with them, or the aliens have manipulated me into believing our government is working with them.[1] Little did I realize that this aspect of my alien experiences would lead me to write this article today. Another event that led me to write this article was my correspondence with an Austrian researcher named Dr. Helmut Lammer who is currently publishing a book about mind control and alien abductions.[2] Since Dr. Lammer asked that I write for his new book I needed to understand more about the subject of mind control. My first step was to read. After reading numerous books and personal accounts, I realized I needed to take a closer look at some of my abduction experiences. Although there are some striking differences between the experiences of abductees and mind control victims, there are also some disturbing parallels. Like Dr. Lammer and others, I am concerned by what appears to be a clear overlap between what some abductees report and what some victims of mind control report. What I want to do in Project Open Mind is determine if the military and other government personnel that I report seeing during my experiences have both the motive and the means for being there. I also plan to use some of my experiences to illustrate what these memories are like and how they have affected me. In The Controllers Martin Cannon writes, "The abductee's unrewarding task is to report what he or she has experienced as truthfully as possible, untainted by outside speculation."[3] That is what I did in The Alien Jigsaw and that is what I want to do now, although I understand that I am taking both a personal and professional risk by publishing this information. Part Two of Project Open Mind focuses on the subjects of behavior control and mind control. In this section I rely heavily upon the work of other researchers and journalists. For each subject I discuss there are many books, each with hundreds of pages. For each book, there are thousands of documents and reports that the researchers and journalists had to laboriously locate and meticulously study. So as to better understand the message, I have included a section about the authors in Part Three so the reader can gain some basic knowledge about the messengers. Part Four contains my "Notes" and completes the first half of this project. The majority of the abduction related information will be covered in the second half of Project Open Mind and will begin with Part Five. In order not to generalize my findings onto to all abductees, I will focus on my own experiences for the majority of the abduction case examples I provide. Go To: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five ©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is reproduced with permission of the Author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical purposes only, provided the information and the copy remain intact and unedited. |
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