The Selling of the Travis Walton "Abduction" Story
"Ground Saucer Watch" Memo on the Walton Incident
"Fire in the Sky" -- The Walton Travesty. An article by Anson Kennedy
which appeared in the March/April [1993] issue of _The Georgia Skeptic
_, the newsletter of the Georgia Skeptics
Australian Abduction Cases
The Abduction Phenomenon in Australia by Keith Basterfield, Vladimir
Godic and Pony Godic
Sex, Surgery and Space Aliens --- an article appearing in The Weekly
Newsmagazine, British Columbian Report, May 27, 1991
A clinical evaluation of alien abductees by Rima E. LAIBOW, M.D
"The Ethical Implications of the UFO abduction phenomenon" by
Budd Hopkins
Abduction Experience Classifications
The Mass Abduction Event of December 8, 1992 by Dale Musser
A newspaper article about the alleged Allagash abductions
Contact of the Fourth Kind (Abductions in the Hudson Valley Area
of New York)
UFO Contactee: The Meier case and its Spirituality
HUFON Abductions Investigation Update by Vince Johnson
Encounter Phenomena Defy "Set Pattern" by Karla Turner.
From the Australian Woman's Day magazine(Feb '93) an article on 3
cases of abductions.
"Alien Abductions in the Gingerbread House" by Dr. Karla Turner.
These pages are maintained by Louis Pinto