UFO Archives

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Anomalous Images and UFO Files [Go Live] Revealing Coverup Documents and Incredible Astronaut Testimony w/Pics!

The Alberta UFO Research Assotiation.

(BUFORA) [Go live] British UFO Reserch Association

Dragonba ne's UFO Page Find UFO material off the web

Dr. Bruce Cornet UFO Investigator.

ET On Line

Fortean Times [Go Live]

FSR: Flying Saucer Review [Go Live] British e-zine

Internet UFO Group [Go Live] This is one cool site, very well done .

Italian Ufology and Sightings

Massachusett UFO Report Site

MUFON Mutual UFO Network

National UFO Reporting Center [Go Live] Report your sighting here !

Natty's UFO Document Page


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Pacific Northwest UFO Archive

ParaNet Information Services, Inc - runs a national radio show covering all aspects of the paranormal and UFOs.

Planet Internet UFO's

Protree UFO Center

Roswell: The Footage

Skeptic`s Disctionary [Go Live]

School of Exo-Science and Alien Studies

Skywatch International A web of UFO info

Smitty's UFO Page [Go Live]

SPI Homepage Unusual Phenomena Investigations from Scotland

Stan Frieman's UFO Page [Go live]Nuclear physicist and UFO researcher

Sweden UFO Site

The Art Bell Page This site is way kewl! And Art has "REAL AUDIO!"

The Foo Fighters New data on old UFOs

The Skeptics UFOlogy

The UFO Bibliography A huge list of books on UFOs!

The UFO Guide The ultimate glossary .

The 'X' Chronicles Real photos of UFOs

The WWW Virtual Library: Unidentified Flying Objects [Go Live]

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UFO Archive Good info.

UFOs-An Alternative Explanation

UFO Sightings by Astronauts Astronauts off the record

UFOs in the 90's [Go Live] Excellent index

UFO & Space Pics

UFO'S: The Hidden Truth The personal approach

UFO Research Information Clearing House

Ufology Research of Manitoba

UFO Research - The Yellow Pages

UFO Resources on the Net

UN Office for Outer Space Affairs

Virtual Library - UFO

V J Enterprises UFO Info. (Roswell Autopsy)

Wiretap's UFO Archives

Yahoo UFO Info

News Groups

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UFOs - The Cosmic Watergate - The Space Program - The Crop Circle Phenomenon

Cattle Mutilation Phenomenon - Freedom of Information Act - Around the World

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Base Archives / Main Gate

This site deals with the the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects, Greys, Aliens, Cattle Mutilation,
The Crop Circle Phenomenon, Government UFO Disinformation, Black Projects, Abduction, Area 51
the latest UFO updates worldwide and much more. Also many helpful UFO links, a Interactive UFO discussion group and many other informative and entertaining UFO resources. We strive to bring you only the best, quality, honest and acurate UFO infomation we can find!