Networks: SearchNet

About SearchNet

SearchNet NetWork

Update as of 2/24/96

The SearchNet Echomail network has been dismantled!

The most active message conferences
are STILL available from the
Fidonet network, and as Mailing Lists!

Where is the SearchNet network?

Access Fidonet or our Mailing Lists

SearchNet's HeadQuarters are housed on an internet
Gateway system in Massachusetts, U.S.A., called XBN.
XBN does not take calls. There are people who access
our message traffic, as users of FidoNet and MufoNet
bulletin board systems.

SEARCHNET Message Conferences


Here is a list of all mailing lists available from XBN

listname            description
________         ___________________

IUFO           UFO and New Science discussions.
SNETNEWS       Political discussions. (Anti-NWO)
RUOW           Discuss the Right Use of Will Books
NEOTECH        Discuss new science technologies & devices
GALAXIA        Private list for galactic citizens only
MAILGATE       Discuss the MailGate software

To subscribe to a list:

*    Send to:          *
*    Subject:    NONE                            *
*    Text   :    subscribe listname              *
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Mailing lists have a user configurable,
optional digest format. Some mailing lists
have user configurable optional file distribution.

For more detailed information about each mailing list:

*    Send to:          *
*    Subject:    NONE                            *
*    Text   :    INFO listname                   *
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