Histamine Reponses and Stress Reactions

Many Veterans report the spontaneous occurance of disturbing marks, burns and bruises on their bodies. Most of these marks appear when they think of traumatic events, or commit 'ThoughtCrime' to borrow Orwell's term; that is they think of exposing the programs they have been involved in. Sometimes these involuntary reactions take the form of nausea, asthma, and heart palpitations. All of these responses can be created via conditioning/hypnosis, and most of the marks involve histamine production/allergic reactions. It is important to realize that we are dealing with very hypnotically suceptable individuals, who can produce a wide spectrum of hypnotically evokeable responses.

There has been a great deal of research done in the field of Psychoimmunology concerning the use of Pavlovian conditioning to modify immune reactions. There are citations concerning conditioning guinea pigs to produce allergic reactions when a bell is rung, etc. Here are some that I found involving a Dr. Ader of the University of Rochester. Please see the citations below.

It is interesting to note that the upstate New York area has figured in many reports of Mind Control research, given the closeness of Cornell University, Colgate, where Estabrooks worked, close proximity to the Canadian border, enabling border-hopping for prohibited research, such as Dr. Cameron's.

Project Monarch Veteran:

Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien of "Global Trance Formation Info Ltd." have spoken at length of the uses of immune system related programming to control veterans. Mark Phillips is a self-admitted 'good' ex-CIA researcher who worked on Human Potential enhancement kinds of work involving bio-feedback and the like. He was told about blacker programs by a third party, and then introduced to Cathy O'Brien, a veteran of Project Monarch

I believe that Ms. O'Brien's story is told in the new researcher's edition of Operation Mind Control, and more fully in an upcoming book by Phillips and O'Brien. VERY briefly, she says that she has been a victim of severe abuse and mind control programming from infancy, carried out at first by her father, then other govt. researchers and M.I. officers. This abuse lead to full MPD and the creation of many programmed alters, all tasked with specific behaviours, trained using classical negative conditioning techniques. O'Brien claims to have been a sexual slave for many highly placed Michigan and national government oifficials. Phillips was evidently given her cues and triggers by the third party and rescued O'Brien from her captivity.

Although her story sounds incredible at first, I have run into at least two other veterans who can corroberate portions of her story. To be skeptical for a moment though, Phillips' role in all of this needs more careful scrutiny, especially consideration of the motivation of the third party for giving Phillips this information, and whether some of Ms. O'Brien's recollections may have been planted or programmed. Regardless of the specifics of her recollections, it is very evident that she suffered the kinds of abuse that she recollects, and was subjected to sophisticated programming efforts by some parties. This is not just your average, every day child abuse survivor.

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Selected Citations by Ader.

This is just a representative example of recent citations by Ader. I have found other citations going back much farther and by many other researchers.
UI  - 95003733
AU  - Cohen N
AU  - Moynihan JA
AU  - Ader R
IN  - Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Rochester
      Medical Center, N.Y. 14642.
TI  - Pavlovian conditioning of the immune system. [Review]
SO  - International Archives of Allergy & Immunology 1994 Oct;105(2):101-6
AB  - In the classical Pavlovian conditioning paradigm, a stimulus that
      unconditionally elicits a physiological response is repeatedly
      paired with a neutral stimulus that does not elicit that same
      response. Eventually, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned
      stimulus in that it elicits the physiological response in the
      absence of an unconditioned stimulus. Here we summarize experiments
      in which Pavlovian conditioning has revealed an intimate
      relationship between the central nervous system and the immune
      system. [References: 52]

UI  - 93167780
AU  - Ader R
AU  - Cohen N
IN  - Department of Psychiatry and Microbiology and Immunology, University
      of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, New York 14642.
TI  - Psychoneuroimmunology: conditioning and stress. [Review]
SO  - Annual Review of Psychology 1993;44:53-85
AB  - The acquisition and extinction of the conditioned suppression or
      enhancement of one or another parameter of antigen-specific and
      nonspecific defense system responses have been documented in
      different species under a variety of experimental conditions.
      Similarly, stressful stimulation influences antigen-specific as well
      as nonspecific reactions. Moreover, both conditioning and stressful
      stimulation exert biologically meaningful effects in the sense that
      they can alter the development and/or progression of what are
      presumed to be immunologically mediated pathophysiologic processes.
      These are highly reproducible phenomena that illustrate a functional
      relationship between the brain and the immune system. However, the
      extent to which one can generalize from one stressor to another or
      from one parameter of immunologic reactivity to another is limited.
      Few generalizations are possible because the direction and/or
      magnitude of the effects of conditioning and "stress" in modulating
      immune responses clearly depend on the quality and quantity of the
      behavioral interventions, the quality and quantity of antigenic
      stimulation, the temporal relationship between behavioral and
      antigenic stimulation, the nature of the immune response and the
      immune compartment in which it is measured, the time of sampling, a
      variety of host factors (e.g. species, strain, age, sex), and
      interactions among these several variables. It seems reasonable to
      assume that the immunologic effects of behaviorally induced neural
      and endocrine responses depend on (interact with) the concurrent
      immunologic events upon which they are superimposed. Conversely, the
      efficacy of immunologic defense mechanisms seems to depend on the
      neuroendocrine environment on which they are superimposed. We seek
      to determine when and what immunologic (or neuroendocrine) responses
      could be affected by what neuroendocrine (or immunologic)
      circumstances. We therefore need studies that provide a parametric
      analysis of the stimulus conditions, the neuroendocrine and/or
      immunologic state upon which they are superimposed, and the
      responses that are being sampled. The neural or neuroendocrine
      pathways involved in the behavioral alteration of immune responses
      are not yet known. Both conditioning and stressor-induced effects
      have been hypothesized to result from the action of adrenocortical
      steroids, opioids, and catecholamines, among others. Indeed, all of
      these have been implicated in the mediation of some immunologic
      effects observed under some experimental conditions. We assume that
      different conditioning and stressful environmental circumstances
      induce different constellations of neuroendocrine responses that
      constitute the milieu within which ongoing immunologic reactions and
      the response to immunologic signals occur.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400
      WORDS) [References: 224]
NO  - K05 MH-06318 (NIMH)

UI  - 92168248
AU  - Ader R
AU  - Cohen N
IN  - Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester School of Medicine
      and Dentistry, NY 14642.
TI  - Conditioning of the immune response. [Review]
SO  - Netherlands Journal of Medicine 1991 Oct;39(3-4):263-73
AB  - Experimental studies in humans and experimental animals document the
      acquisition and extinction of classically conditioned alterations of
      different parameters of humoral- and cell-mediated immune responses.
      Although the aversive effects of cyclophosphamide in a taste
      aversion learning paradigm has been the most frequently used model,
      conditioned immunomodulatory effects are not confined to this
      conditioning procedure, and they are not limited to cyclophosphamide
      or, for that matter, the use of immunomodulating drugs as
      unconditioned stimuli. Conditioned changes in immunologic reactivity
      have also been found to modulate the progression of
      spontaneously-developing or experimentally-induced
      pathophysiological processes in experimental animals. The available
      data on the immunoregulatory effects of conditioning indicate that
      the immune system, like other systems operating in the interests of
      homeostasis, is integrated with other physiological processes and is
      therefore influenced by and capable of influencing the brain.
      [References: 85]
NO  - K05-MH06318 (NIMH), MH 42051 (NIMH)
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