Optical SETI Program joins AARF

The American Anthropological Research Foundation, Inc. (AARF) was founded by W. Ted Ernst, Esq. and
Robert W. Morgan on July 11, 1974 and is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida.
The document number of this corporation is 730183. It received its 501(c)3 IRS rating as a tax-exempt corporation.

AARF is open to individual membership regardless of age, gender, race, creed, religion, national origin, or occupation. In example, current membership includes scientists, software engineers, explorers, accountants, Egyptologists, tree trimmers, housepainters, housewives, draftspersons, writers, hypnotherapists, paramedics, corporate and private pilots, doctors, teachers, attorneys, and primary, secondary, and university-level students.

All dues and donations to AARF are tax deductible according to the current U.S. IRS code, and private and corporate sponsors are welcomed.

The 1996 Board of Directors include Mr. Ernst, Mr. Morgan, Mr. J. Scott Greenhill, and Mr. Steven Jones.

From 1974 through 1995, AARF sponsored four formal expeditions and over 300 field studies in The United States, Canada, Mexico, Russia, The Crimea, and The Republic of Georgia that were centered in the discipline of cryptoanthropology.

In 1996 AARF opened a new department for active amateur Ufologists, SIRIUS, the Serious Investigative Research Into UFO Subjects. Mr. Scott Kleinhans is the SIRIUS Project Coordinator, and he holds monthly meetings in Alliance, Ohio. AARF membership is encouraged, but the general public is always welcomed. For more information, call direct to SIRIUS at (330) 829-0176.

Note: AARF is actively compiling an extensive worldwide list of UFO and other related sightings to assemble specific statistical probabilities. The results of this compilation will be used in a unique attempt to predict the time, place, and duration of future UFO encounters. AARF intends to induce an encounter under controlled circumstances.

If you would like to volunteer to assist in compiling this data and otherwise participating in this exercise, please contact SIRIUS.

Beginning in January, 1997, AARF will commence publishing The AARF Journal for Seekers Only®. AARF encourages and welcomes well-written, scholarly reports on a wide variety of science-oriented subjects. We are especially interested in SETI, UFO encounters, abductions, remote viewing, magnetics, earth sciences, Native Americana, natural medicines, Old and New World pyramids, crystals, astral projection, hauntings, cryptoanthropology, and both physical and cultural anthropological subjects IF THEY ARE TREATED SCIENTIFICALLY. No "Yes, I saw one!" articles, please.

For consideration by the Editorial Board, please submit a query letter only–no completed articles–and the curriculum vitae of the author along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Our editors will respond within 30 days if they wish to review the mss. Pays in copies.

Current members will receive copies of each new journal, and a special discount on AARF items as they become available, i.e. Limited Edition prints, T-shirts, caps, sweatshirts, cups, mugs, audio cassettes, books, photos, etc.

Members may also apply for all AARF sponsored expeditions*, field trips, workshops, and lectures.

*Preliminary plans for 1997 include a yeti expedition to Mongolia. No firms dates have been established.

You are welcome to join your fellow Seekers® at AARF by sending your tax deductible donation via check or money order in the amount of $25.00 to:

The American Anthropological Research Foundation, Inc
Attn.: W. Ted Ernst
3104 Flagler Avenue
Key West, FL 33040




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Last updated November 24, 1996
Copyright © 1996 The American Anthropological Research Foundation, Inc.