Recent UFO Related News

UFO's over Fort Resolution, NWT Canada?

Many residents of this small town in northwestern Canada have been seeing something in the skies at night, including the Mayor, Ewen Hunter. The strange hovering light began to appear in January 1996 and still continues to appear, baffling the novices and the experts. But are they UFO's or just the planet Venus? Various research groups including MUFON and Alberta UFO Research Association (AUFORA) are keeping an eye to sky in attempts to explain this phenomena.

Small Australian Town Rattled by UFO's

Unidentified flying objects have spooked the northern South Australian city of Whyalla. Six police officers, a Metropolitan Fire Service crew and 100 Whyalla residents said they saw a four hour "light show" of UFOs. The six night patrol officers saw a series of "very, very large red stars" hovering in the air and then rising 1.5km in the sky. Police investigated the UFOs when more than 100 callers reported lights "coming together, flying in opposite directions and lifting off the ground."


New Reports Also Coming From China

[CNI News thanks Brian Zeiler for forwarding the Korea portion of this story, which ran in Agence France Presse on December 31.]

SEOUL -- A doughnut-shaped "flying saucer" glowed for an hour over a provincial city park Saturday night, attracting a crowd of awed onlookers and cameramen, news reports said on Sunday, Dec 31.

The strange object emitted a wave of luminous red light from its center and moved slowly and soundlessly over a hilly park in the southern city of Taegu, Yonhap news agency said.

Television and radio stations were swamped with telephone calls by witnesses who claimed it was an unidentified flying object (UFO), Yonhap said.

An air force surveillance team in the city also saw the glowing saucer through binoculars but failed to detect it on a radar screen, it said. Many people in the city were reported to have photographed the saucer.

CNI News correspondant Rebecca Schatte reported that the NBC-TV affiliate in Houston, Texas, ran video footage of the Korean UFO incident on January 3.

Meanwhile, according to a report in the Scottish Sunday Mail of Dec 31, pilots of four aircraft also reported recent UFO sightings over northeast China.

The captain of an internal flight to Beijing on December 4 radioed that he could see "a white oval object travelling at about 550 mph." He later reported that it "turned green and followed the aeroplane's flight path." Within minutes,the captain of another airliner reported seeing the same thing, and two others spotted red or yellow UFOs.

Recent "Hot Spots" for UFO Sightings

UFO sightings occur everyday, all over the world. However, there are places which seem to have frequent re-occurring visitations. Many of these are seen by multiple witnesses and photographed extensively. Here are just a few of the places where UFO's seem to very fond of lately.

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