Roswell N.M. UFO Crash Related Information

It seems we continue to hear more and more about the Roswell New Mexico UFO crash (or crashes, as many believe that more than one crash site was found). So, I have decided to dedicate an entire page or two to this subject matter. I am convinced that something extraterrestrial crashed landed near Roswell in 1947 but I am still somewhat skeptical of the the "Roswell Alien Autopsy" film. I will present as much information about this incident as I can and let you come to your own conclusions.


Roswell Crash News

Some new information concerning the wreckage from the 1947 Roswell, N.M. crash has come forward. Someone claiming to be a member of the original crash site cleanup crew, claims to have hidden a piece of the wreckage and has had it in his possession since 1947. He recently donated it to the Roswell Museum in Roswell, N.M.. They apparently have had metalurgists examine the material and cannot determine it's composition. A photo of this recently divulged wreckage was obtained from the Art Bell Home Page and is presented below. More information will be provided as it becomes available.



Coiled Telephone ?

The above photo shows a Bell Western model telephone used on trains in 1948. It is basically the same model observed in the "Roswell Autopsy footage" and it also has the "curly" cord. This photo is from the archives at Stanford University.


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