Place: Langley Washington
Discription: Sighted 2 objects, appeared as two steady white lights. Location in the sky looking toward the East. Traveling North, one object above the other, the lower object slight behind the higher one.
At first I thought they were sattelites, but then the lower object reveresed course and headed in the opposite direction. They were at about 60 degrees above the horizon. I was able to "track" the higher object for approximately 20 seconds, before it was lost behind trees. The lower object I lost shortly after it did it's maneuver. Of note these objects were seen thru a pair of binoculars at 7X magnification. No sound was heard. Estimate altitude to be greater than 30,000 ft. The objects speed estimate between 500-700 Kts.
The lack of any "flashing" anti-collision lights and no red and green (port/starboard) navigation lights does not support commercial or military aircraft.
Mark (a.k.a Thinlizzy on IRC)