Anomymous Sighting Report
May 7th, 1996.

Place: Melbourne FL. USA at the public beach at end of the Eau Gallie Causway.
Time: about 9:40 pm

I was sitting on the beach 40 yards north of the public stairway. The surf was rolling in, in sets at 1 to 2 feet. The wind was blowing steady from the SW at about 15 mph. and it was dark.

I was looking east and slightly south. I saw 1 dim goldish orange light slowly desends from the sky down into a cloud bank. It broke up into five seperate lights and broke through the cloud bank into the open heading west at a fast speed. These lights were moving in formation toward the beach, say 2 miles south of where I was sitting. These lights slowed down and stopped, still in formation. The formation looked like the top half of a semi-circle made of 5 lights. I adjusted my glasses looking for the blinking lights that are on most air- craft but there was none. I could see the bright golden/orange lights dancing on the clouds behind an above them. Each light was as bright as a large streetlight and it was coherent seeming to come from a point source. I can estimate they were about 2 or 3 miles offshore and about 600 to 1000 feet above the water. They stayed still for about 12 minutes then split up. Three stayed in formation while 2 seemed to head east over the horizon at a fast pace. The three stayed still for another minute then followed the others. 10 min. later 3 came back and hovered offshore at about the same distance for about 6 min. then left over the horizon into the cloud bank. Five min. later 1 came back for about 8 min. it seemed to be farther out. I heard no sound from the lights. All I heard was the breaking surf and the usual street noises of highway A1A. I did not get any telepathic messages and didn't experience any time loss.

I have read the Gulf Breeze account, what I saw was a carbon copy.

I can't say what it was, but I can speculate. Although I never saw anything like it before, I think what I saw could have been manmade. Maybe it was several military grade electric powered helicopter drones with, state of the art GPS nav., ground based radar, custom illumination lamps, and formation fling software. They could have canceled any rotor noise by playing anti-noise at the beach.

Perhaps we should be looking for a playboy millionaire that is heavily invested in tabloid newpapers and has an expert interest in remote robotic aviation, who just happened to be sailing his yacht several miles off Melboure FL.... Hmm, Hoaxes are the passtime of the very rich.

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