Anomymous Sighting Report
June, 1996.

Place: Unknown

Time: Unknown

It was about 1 month ago. I was at the beach with one of my friends (he witnessed it too). We were laying down, and the beach was pretty empty, although there were a few people around. My friend got my attention and pointed to something in the sky directly above us. There were 6 (mostly round...some were oval) objects in the sky. They had a glowing outer edge (not very bright, and white). And in the middle they seemed to be transparent (at least they were of a similar color to the sky).

I could not judge how far they were, but they were right under the clouds, and were moving slowly. It took them 30 secs to move from West to East. (you can try to judge an approximate speed with that). I tried to explain this as some natural phenomenon, like smoke rings, or bubbles, but it was neither. It had a solid shape, and it did not have the colors, or reflections that you find on a bubble...besides, all 6 were moving at a relatively equal speed and direction.

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