Flyboy's Testimony

I had an Encounter while flying
September 25, 1995

I think I saw a UFO the other day.

It was almost sunset, and I was flying towards the setting sun from Livermore airport back to Oakland after practicing touch and goes. At about 3000 ft, I spotted a bright light about 15 degrees above the horizon around Mt. Tamalpias which by the way is to the west so it could not have been a reflection from the setting sun. My flight instructor saw it too, and we did a few clearing turns to make sure that the object was not the landing lights of another airplane heading straight at us. The object remained stationary and although almost as bright as the sun, seemed far away due to it's small size. After about 2 minutes of just hanging there, it shot straight up and directly away from us. We could tell because it gained in altitude and climbed away getting dimmer until it just faded away. We guessed it to be about 15 miles away, and did not report it to anyone. This is as far as I know the first time that either of us has disclosed any of this info.

Please respond if you have had a similar experience.


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