Hello, my name is Kim. My husband was one of this nations highest ranking intelligence officers.
This is how it all started for my husband.
In 1947 my husband first became aware of UFOs and aliens shortly after a UFO crashed in the state of New Mexico. He was assigned to find out more about these aliens as part of a military intelligence team. The team consisted of several high ranking officers including General Nathan Twining. According to my husband this crash in New Mexico turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg. On August 8, 1947 my husband first learned of the crash. A briefing on the situation was given to the upper brass of the military. Doctors who had autopsied the bodies gave the results of their findings. Scientist gave the results of preliminary test run on alien artifacts. Military officials then gave an estimate of the situation. At the conclusion of this meeting my husband was informed that he would be assigned to this team for the remainder of his military career.
I learned all of this information from him and a diary of loose papers he kept starting about a year ago. My husband is an honest man who was diagnosed with leukemia before he started to share this information. I still have his diary as well as several of the documents I will mention later.
The military thinking in the late forties concentrated on keeping a lid on the whole UFO phenominon. The UFO that crashed in the mexican desert went to Ohio for further study. On October 17, 1947 Wright Field had a break in. A short section of the outer fence was found to have been removed. According to my husband they never caught the intruder or intruders. A few minutes later the hanger where the alien artifacts were kept was found to be missing several pieces all of which showed alien writing.
In those days we only knew what the aliens looked like. It did not take us long to find out more about them. In June 1949 at a Russian Research station just north of Udzha something happened. On July 2, 1949 the Russians called a conference and invited the United States, Great Britian, France and China to send experts in the area of UFOs to Moscow. My husband attended this meeting. The Russians had captured a live alien after its ship seemed to have abandoned it and it was this alien that was being kept and studied in this research facility. On June 22 the aliens attacked this research station killing 33 Russians and successfully liberating their comrade. The Russians wanted the world to unite against what they called a common enemy. The result of this meeting was a worldwide agreement to share information on these visitors. Every country would agree to this and each followed it until in late 1950 the Russians went silent.
Some people have suggested that we made a deal with the aliens to exchange technology for the right to abduct humans. This is something that no government on Earth would have agreed to. Everyone knew about the Russian Slaughter and what these creatures were capable of.
In the fifties UFO sightings came in waves with hundreds of people reportedly seeing these things. Meanwhile, the governments of the world sat and watched for a sign. In 1964 they got one.
That year several observatories witnessed UFOs seen as balls of light flying around the edges of the moon. Scientist estimated the aliens had a staging base on the far side of the moon. It was an event closer to Earth that really got the militaries attention. On Sept. 17 1964 a secret service agent watched as Johnson entered his bedroom. A couple of hours later Johnson stolled down the hall and again entered his bedroom. The security guard had not seem him leave the room so he became suspicious. Upon entering the Presidents room the guard found two Johnsons. One of which was holding a gun to the other. The guard killed the Johnson holding the gun. The body of the dead Johnson had an internal structure unlike anything the doctors had seen. The most interesting characteristic turned out to be how much smoke was inside this creatures body. Military officials became worried because of the likeness this thing had to regular humans. They also speculated that one of these things had somehow gotten into the upper ranks of the Russian government making them uncooperative on the world stage.
In 1969 Astronauts saw UFOs on the moon. Meanwhile, down on Earth the phenominon known as abductions was just beginning. Several strange cases of human disappearances started happening all over the globe. Over 50,000 cases were reported in which under unusual circumstances individuals disappeared and were never seen or heard from again. Abductions worried the top brass for the most part because they did not know why the aliens were taking people. They became even more concerned when they learned that abductees were seeing military men during the abductions. The aliens were trying to make the government look guilty of crimes that they were not really committing.
The seventies took us out west to the state of Nevada where my husband was to spend the majority of his last days in military service. I am an old lady and I am tired from typing now, please forgive my sudden interruption in the story but I must rest now.
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