UFO Information

UFO Related Newsgroups

* Alien Research Articles --- (alt.alien.research)
* Alien Skeptics --- (alt.paranet.skeptics)
* Alien Discussion --- (alt.paranet.aliens)
* Alien Visitors --- (alt.alien.visitors)
* Conspiracy Area51 --- (alt.conspiracy.area51)
* UFO Discussions --- (maus.talk.ufos)
* UFO Information --- (alt.paranet.ufo)
* UFO Reports --- (alt.ufo.reports)

UFO Channels on IRC

* #UFO
Internet Relay Chat allows real-time discussion of any topic in channels or rooms. If your new to IRC, then I would suggest downloading a Windows-based client like Mirc to access the above channels. If you do not run any version of Windows, then Telnet to one of the following IRC servers and type "/join #ufo".
Hint: If you have trouble connecting, try a different port number (ie. 6665-6669). You will need to supply a "nickname", so type anything you like as long as it is not already being used on IRC.

UFO ListServer Mailing Lists

UFO Related Zines

* The Crop Watcher
* The Desert Rat
* The Fortean Times - [Go Live]
* The Swamp Gas Journal
* Saucer Smear
* AUFORA Journal
* Flying Saucer Review - [Go Live]
* ISCNI Flash - [Go Live]
* Operation Right to Know Forum

UFO Organizations

Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)
1955 John's Drive
Glenview, IL 60025

Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS)
P. O. Box 218
Coventry, CT 06238

Mutual UFO Network Inc.
Attn: Walter Andrus
103 Oldetown Road
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099
(210) 379-9216 Fax: (210) 372-9439

Fund for UFO Research
P.O. Box 277
Mt. Rainier, MD 20712

Aerial Phenomenoma Research Organization (APRO)
3597 West Grape Drive
Tucson, AZ 85741

Canadian UFO Research Network (CUFORN)
P.O. Box 15, Station A
Willowdale, Ontario, M2N 5S7

British UFO Research Association (BUFORA)
c/o Norman Oliver
95 Taunton Road, London England, SE12 8PA

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