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The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)


Updated: January 6th, 1996

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About this Library

You've ventured into an area of the WWW Virtual Library, a distributed collection of topical indicies containing references to on-line information in a variety of fields world-wide.

Begun in early 1994, the UFOs area was one of the first on-line sources for information about the UFO phenomneon. Now, I receive several hundred submissions/requests over the course of a year.

I hope you enjoy what I and others have to offer here. If you are the maintianer of a similar site or you know of a site that is not listed here, please feel free to contact me.

Locally Kept Documents

Note: many of these are not mine. I have retrieved them from public archives and added HTML tags to enhance their appearance. All origianal sources are cited where known (listed in the order I put them online).

Freedom Ridge is now closed to the public.
As printed in the April 11, 1995 edition of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the popular observation area overlooking Area 51 has been closed by the United State Air Force.
An overhead photograph of Area 51.
This is a rather large greyscale graphic. It was sent to me by Matej Dzurik.
Operation Right To Know (ORTK) provided information.
Information that has been sent to me by Ed Komarek of Operation Right To Know (ORTK).
The Psychology of Dreamland
A very well written and researched article about the whole Dreamland/Area 51/S4 phenomenon. A must read. [Terry Hansen (]
A Listing of UFO Related Organizations
The list contains brief descriptions of each organization and information about contacting each one.
A Summary of UFO Activity in Beligum during March 30-31, 1990.
The Belgium governemnt has one of the most liberal policies with respect to making UFO Information available to the public.
A Report on Budd Hopkins' Napolitano Case.
The case includes the alleged abduction of a woman from the 12th floor of an apartment complex in New York and the involvment of high-profile UN officals. [taken from alt.paranet.ufo]
Some Pictures and a Description of Area 51
Area 51 is the US military's high security, secret aircraft testing facility, located in the Nevada desert.
Information about The Institute for the Study of Contact with Non-human Intelligence
This is an organization that went "live" on December 5th of 1994. They offer a catalog of books, videos, and more. They are also reacable via Americal Online.
Some Pictures of the Groom Lake facilities
Groom Lake is an old lake in the Nevada desert which is near Area 51.
Some Pictures from The Gulf Breeze Sightings
The Gulf Breeze Sightings is a book writen by Ed Waters and his wife detailing their alleged, repeated contacts with UFOs at and near their home in Florida.
NASA Astronauts who've seen UFOs
This has been the subject of much debate recently. The "face on Mars" and other allegations have refulled this debate.
The Associate Press Report of the Air Force's New Explaination for Roswell
This the the "weather balloon" story that is simply a legend.
Some Pictures from an issue of Popular Mechanics which featured a "ufo" on the front cover.
This is the January, 1995 issue.
The U.S. Law that forbids contact with Aliens
I'm told this is outdated, though I haven't checked myself. In any case, I make available for a historical perspective.
Transcript of a news report about UFO sightings in Michigan during 1993.
If you have others like this, please send them to me.
Bob Oechlar's resignation
This also taken from alt.paranet.ufo.
Info about the Extraterrestrials Disccusion List
If you know of any other "list" sources on the Net, please let me know.
A List of UFO Books
This is by no means complete, but it is quite a collection. If you know of books not on this list, please send me the info. I'd like to create a large, searchable database of UFO related books.

Other Files on the Net

These are pointers to other UFO related resources on the Internet. Most of them have been e-mailed to me by the pagemasters themselves or interested individuals. If you have links you'd like to add to the Virtual Library, please see the section below.

Hanger Umpteen, part of the 50 Greatest Conspiracies.*NEW*
A listing of relatively up-to-date publicized conspiracies and infomating about them. Submitted by: Jon Vankin on Dec 13th, 1995.
The Pleiades Index*NEW*
A sizeable index of sites with UFO, Space Exploration, and Paranormal Resources in the Internet. Submitted by: Karen Lustrup on Jan 6th, 1996.
The X Chronicles *NEW*
A very new site with information about UFOs and many general paranormal topics. It features some information about an upcoming UFO & Alien Symposium. Submitted by: Rob McConnell on Jan 6th, 1996.
The Ships of Nestor
A manuscript detailing over 20 years of personal UFO abductions experiences. Submitted by: Anthony Sanner.
UFO Art by Jim Nichol.
Jim is a noted UFO artist who's art appears on "Sightings", various books, as well as national and international magazines. Submitted by: Bruce.
The Ultimate UUFO Page Survey
A brief, on-line survey about UFO sightings/encounters. Submitted by: Jim Doyle ( Maintainer's Note: this site appers to have moved--anyone know it's new address?
The Alberta Research Association
Their home page contains links to other UFO pages (like this), and info on Crop Circles, Cattle Mutliation, and more. This will soon be added to the list of UFO Organizations, referenced above.
Unmasking the Enemy
Information about Unmasking the Enemy, Nelson Pacheo and Tommy Blann's new book. The Autor says, "Learn both the truth about UFOs and the govenmental and cult deception behind this phenomenon. This new book discusses UFOs, cattle mutilations, crop circles, abductions, and Marian apparitions."
Jody's UFO Page
Contains links to various UFO and spiritual resources. Some of these sources haven't been widely known until recently.
Of UFOs and Angles
A short essay on The Psychic Internet, by Dr. Glenn Williston.
Ron Bertino's UFO Page [Go Live]
He claims that the has "The BIGGEST UFO Archive on the face of the planet". However, he doesn't say which planet.
The UFO Contact Kit
A stupid sounding way to make money, but it's UFO realted so I've listed it here.
VJ Enterprises' Home Page
This page contains links to new age information including Crystal Healing, ancient prophecies, and UFOs (of course).
The EINet's UFO Area on the Web
This was given to me by Mark Hines (, who is a guest editor with EINet.
Josh's Home Page
Josh mailed me with the address of his page. It contains many good references to SETI, Astronomy, and UFO materials on the Net. Check it out. [Josh (]
The Society for Scientific Exploration
Contains the Jornal of Scientific Exploration, the only scholarly, peer-reviewed journal which discusses UFOs, other anomalies, and frontier science ideas. [Marsha Sims (]
Dave Schmitz's own UFO Page. [Updated Link] [Go Live]
Various information about Area 51 and pointers to lots of other UFO related information on the net. [Dave Schmitz (]
The UFO Files repository at Rutgers
An FTP site with info about sightings, abductions, reports, etc. Many of the files above came from there.
The UFO Secrecy Petition Page
An online petition you can "sign" to support the cause.
The Wiretap Gopher
A Collection of Various UFO and ET related documents.
The Desert Rat Newsletter
An electronic newsletter with info, gossip, and newsbytes about UFO info. Much of it specifically deals with the Groom Lake/Area 51/Dreamland area.

E-Mail Updates

Let's face it--we're all busy. You don't have time to stop by here every month and see what's been added. For all you know, nothing interestig has appeared (though I try to avoid that happening).

If you'd like to receive e-mail notification when this page is updated, please put your e-mail address in the field below.

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Plea for Information

As most of you know, good information on the subject of UFOs and aliens is tough to get. If you have anything of interest, please drop me a note. You can email me at <>.

As Fox Mulder of The X-Files always says, "The Truth is Out There". Finding that truth often involves wading though an ocean of lies and disinformation. The more people who find this information, the better. Some may know what to do with it.

Please, please, please, send me any information you have that I haven't listed or made a link to. Tell anyone you know who might be interested about this page. The UFO phenomena affects ALL of us.

Thank you.
Jeremy D. Zawodny

You can always click on the small UFO picture to return to this page. HTML HaL Mozilla Checked!

Jeremy D. Zawodny / Bowling Green State University

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