Dragonbane's UFO Links Archive

I've tried to put together an extensive list of the BEST UFO links that there are on the Internet today. The ones listed are there because they provide good information, or because they provide a service to a region. I've tried to weed out the New Age links as best I could without sacrificing data, and religous/channeling sites nearly always.

If you have and suggestions or additions, please email me.

Contents of Page

* Area 51 * Commercial Sites * Crop Circles
* FTP and Gopher Sites * General Information * HAARP Sites
* Intelligence/Information * Lists of UFO Links * Martian and Lunar Anomolies
* Paranormal Research * The Roswell Incident * Sightings Databases
* Space-related Sites * Newsgroups

Area 51-related Sites
* Area 51 BBS Web Page
* Area 51 Research Center (Glenn Campbell)
* Area 51 Research Center (geocities.com)
* Area 51 Web
* FAS: Mystery Aircraft Resource Guide
* Groom Lake Desert Rat (Glenn Campbell)
* Groom Lake Links
* Robert Lazar's S4 Page
* S-4 Database Page
* Smitty's UFO Page

Commercial Sites
* The Alien Hunter Home Page
* Art Bell's Home Page
* Beyond Boundaries, Inc.
* Contact with Non-human Intelligence News (CNI News)
* Dreamland Interactive Entertainment
* Independence Day Home Page
* Sightings (FOX)
* V J Enterprises - UFOs in the 90's

Crop Circles
* Crop Circle Central
* The Crop Circle Connector

FTP and Gopher Sites
* alt.alien.reseach Stored Threads
* alt.alien.visitors Archive site
* alt.alien.visitors Stored Threads
* alt.ufo.reports Stored Threads
* Paranet Archives
* Paranet Archives (threads)
* UFO Files at Eskimo.com
* UFO Files at Rutgers
* Wally World UFO files
* Wiretape UFO archive (gopher)

General Information Sites
* 50 Greates Conspiracies of all Time
* Alien Exploratorium
* Alien Information
* Anomolies & Enigmas Forum
* The Anomolist
* The Black Vault: FOIA Documents
* Chupacabra Home Page
* The Computer UFO Network (CUFON)
* ContactLab
* Deb's UFO Clearinghouse
* Disinformation
* The [encounters:] Forum
* The Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) Homepage
* The Flying Saucer Review (FSR)
* Guardian Page
* In Search of UFOs and Other Phenomenon
* Internet UFO Group (IUFOG)
* Internet UFO Skeptics (IUFOS)
* Jody's ET Phone Home Page
* Mike's UFO Connection
* Operation Right To Know
* Parascope News
* The Philadelphia Experiment
* Rutgers UFO Site
* Science, Logic, and the UFO Debate
* Skywatch International
* The Ultimate UFO Page (TUFOP)
* The Ultimate UFOlogists WWW Page
* UFO Archive
* UFO Folklore Page
* UFO On-Line (an Italian site, in English)
* The UFO Phenomenon
* UFOcyclopedia
* UFO Intelligence Database
* UFOs - A Closer Look
* UFOs and the New Physics
* UFO World
* Varginha ET Case - The Whole Story
* Wally World UFO Home Page
* Whitley Strieber's Communion Page
* The Wizard's Den
* World Wide Web Virtual Library: Unidentified Flying Objects

HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) Sites
* Alternative HAARP Homepage
* HAARP Information Page
* Official U.S. Navy HAARP Information Page

Intelligence/Information Gathering Sites
* Central Intelligence Agency Home Page
* Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
* DefenseLINK
* EMP Warfare
* Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
* Federation of American Scientists (LOTS of intelligence and security data)
* Intelligence Community Page
* IntelWeb: Intelligence Watch Report (IWR)
* Naval Research Laboratory Monterey Homepage
* National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
* National Security Agency (NSA)
* Neat Hot Links
* Reforming U.S. Military Secrecy
* U.S. Navy: Headquarters, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR)
* Virtual World of Spies and Intelligence

Lists of UFO-related Links
* Alien City - Jules UFO Links
* The Black Hole UFO Links
* The Entrance
* Frelon Cyberspace: UFO Resources on the Net
* Hav a ~Cigar: UFO Links
* Internet UFO Group's UFO-related Links
* The Mother of all UFO Links
* UFO-Related Sites at Rutgers
* Yahoo!: Paranormal Phenomena:UFO Information

Martian and Lunar Anomolies
* Amateur Astronomy & Earth Sciences: The Face on Mars
* Anomalous Images and UFO files (Steve Wingate's Page)
* The Cydonia Zone
* Discussion of Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter Camera and Cydonia Mensae
* Face on Mars
* Geologist Questions "Differential Erosion" at Cydonia
* Lunar Anomalous Photos
* Malin Space Science Systems: The "Face on Mars"
* Mars Information Page: University of California at Santa Barbara
* Mars Introduction: Los Alamos National Laboratory
* The McDaniel Report Newletter: Cydonia Mensae
* Richard Hoagland's Page: The Enterprise Mission

Paranormal Research Sites
* Alberta UFO Research Association (AUFORA)
* Anomalous Cognition
* Associazione Ufologica Salernitana (Italy)
* British UFO Research Assosiation (BUFORA)
* Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici (CISU)
* Controlled Remote Viewing Home Page (CRV)
* Dr. Bruce Cornet's Page
* The Farsight Institute
* The Fleetwood Project
* International Society for UFO Research
* Intruders Foundation (Budd Hopkins)
* J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)
* Koestler Parapsychology Unit at Edinburgh University
* Maltese UFO Research (MUFOR)
* Mid-Ohio Research Associates, Inc.
* Mutual UFO Network's Home Page (MUFON)
* MUFON - Arizona Chapter Phoenix
* MUFON - Colorado
* MUFON - Michigan
* MUFON - Minnesota
* MUFON - New Hamprshire
* MUFON - New Jersey
* MUFON - North Alabama
* MUFON - North Carolina
* MUFON - Ontario
* MUFON - Ventura/Santa Barbara Counties
* ParaNet Information Services
* Parapsychology and Psychical Research at Franklin Pierce College
* Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
* San Diego UFO Society
* School of Exoscience and Alien Studies
* The Society for Scientific Exploration
* Standon Friedman's UFO Page
* UFO British Columbia
* UFO Norway
* UFO Research of Finland
* UFO Research - New South Wales (Australia)
* UFO Sweden
* UFOlogy Research of Manitoba
* UFOlogy Society International
* U.K. UFO Network
* Unusual Research Homepage
* Victorian UFO Research Society (Australia)

The Roswell Incident
* Alien Autopsy - Faked or Fiction
* Hanger 18
* The "Offical" Roswell Incident Page
* The Roswell Declaration Homepage

Sightings Databases
* The Australian UFO Sightings Page
* National UFO Reporting Center
* Sightings Online
* UFO Reporting Site in Australia

Space-related Sites
* Ames Research Center, Space Science Division
* Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazard
* Astronaut Biographies
* Astronomical Headlines
* Bradford Robotic Telescope Operations Menu
* Chiron Information and Documentation
* Chiron Perihelion Campaign
* Clementine (U.S. Navy)
* Clementine (U.S. Geological Survey)
* Clementine images from the Moon
* Clementine Navigator
* Clementine Project Information
* The Comet Hale-Bopp Home Page
* Comet Hale-Bopp Home Page (at JPL)
* Comet Hale-Bopp Images
* Comet Home Page
* Directory of /pub/images
* Directory of /pub/images/../spacecraft/CLEMENTINE/images
* Earth Viewer
* The Environmental Crisis and NASA's Proposal
* Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
* Galileo Mission Status Site
* Galileo Project Information
* HST Astrometry Team - Projects
* Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Other Space Images
* LASCO Comet Hyakutake Page
* Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) (MIT & CalTech)
* Lunar and Planetary Institute LPI Home Page
* NASA Exobiology Branch
* NASA FTP Site for Hubble Images
* NASA Regional Planetary Image Facilities
* NASA Shuttle Web: STS-75
* NASA's Virtual Spacecraft - Mars
* National Space Science Data Center Photo Gallery (NSSDC)
* New Data Releases - JPL
* Nine Planets Multimedia Tour: University of California at Santa Barbara
* PDS Home Page
* PDS Imaging Node - Homepage
* Remote and Robotic Telescopes
* Satellite Passes Home Page
* Seach for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI-Institute)
* Solar System Live
* Stars and Constellations
* Today@NASA

* alt.alien.visitors * alt.alien.research * alt.bigfoot.research
* alt.conspiracy.area51 * alt.parallel.universes * alt.paranet.abduct
* alt.paranet.forteana * alt.paranet.psi * alt.paranet.science
* alt.paranet.skeptic * alt.paranet.ufo * alt.paranormal.crop-circles
* alt.paranormal.forteana * alt.time-travel.discussion * alt.ufo.reports

Last Updated: 01/27/1997

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