Links ! Links ! Links ! |
Richard C. Hoagland - Founder of The Enterprise Mission (formerly The Mars Mission).
"To boldly go where has gone before."
Planetary Mysteries - Brings together the work of Richard Hoagland, Mark Carlotto, Stanley McDaniel, Randolfo Pozos, Kynthia, Tom Van Flandern, Anthony West, Stan Tenen, Eugene Mallove, Brian O'Leary and many others. Great site. Very highly Recommended!
The Cydonia Anomalies - Chad Vanisko's astounding discoveries of details in the Face, Fort & D & M Pyramid as well as other structures at Cydonia that are just at the edge of resolution of Viking's cameras. Makes you wish that Mars Global Surveyor is already photographing Cydonia with its high power camera!
Mark Carlotto's Mars page - The superbly cleared up Mars images are due to Mark Carlotto.
On-going Investigation of Lunar Anomalies - More excellent research by Mark Carlotto.
The D & M Pyramid of Mars - Erol Torun's investigation into the geometry of the D & M Pyramid at Cydonia.
The Cydonia Zone - This page has lots of other Cydonia links! Recommended.
The McDaniel Report Newsletter - Stanley V.McDaniel's updates to his report on NASA's nasty habit of disinforming the public.
The Cydonia Files - An interesting viewpoint of Cydonia.
The Face on Mars - An article by Malcolm Smith (First published in Amateur Astronomy & Earth Sciences, March 1996.)
The LunaScan Project - An investigation into Transient Lunar Phenomena
The Lunar Anomalies Homepage - An independent investigation of possible artifacts on the moon
VGL - Investigations into the possibility of artificial lunar features
Mars Lives! - All new video with computer generated 3D animation of Martian terrain
Mars Global Surveyor - Official JPL web site
Meta Research - Origins, Exploded Planets, Big Bang Alternatives
Miami UFO Center - (Spanish language site)
CUFOS - The J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies
MUFON Ontario - The Ontario (Canada) Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network
N.O.U.F.O.R.S. - Northern Ontario's UFO Research Site
AUFORA - Alberta UFO Research Association (Canada)
Centre for Italian UFO Studies (CISU)
The Roswell Declaration - Sign the petition!
Stan Deyo's page - Earthquake predictions - if you're waiting for the BIG ONE, this is for you!
Linda Moulton Howe's page on the Art Bell site. Linda Howe is a journalist who has investigated animal mutilations and UFOs since 1980 and has produced a number of excellent videos and books on this subject.
The Paranet Continuum - UFOs & the Paranormal
UFO Expo West - Next UFO Expo-San Francisco, November 16 & 17, 1996!
GREPI - Research & Study Group on Weird Phenomena - Geneva (French language site)
Stargate International - The new home page of Robert & Cecilia Dean
Intruders Foundation On-line - A massive web page detailing Budd Hopkins' research into the abduction phenomenon
Argonaut Anthologies - Bill McDonald, artist and investigator
If you do not want your pages to appear on this links page or you would like your pages linked or you find that any of the above are "dead links", send a message to John Joseph Mercieca specifying your URL and any other info, such as type and content of page, etc. (Due to space limitations and subject matter, I cannot accept all URLs. Thank you)