Links ! Links ! Links !

These are the web sites I return to frequently ... check them out!

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Reverse Speech - Want to know what people are really saying? Reverse their speech!

The ExtraSolar Planets Encyclopedia - Planets orbiting other stars are being discovered at an exponential rate! Check here for the latest information and links to other similar sites.

The Astronomical Society (Malta)

Sky Online - "Your astronomy source on the World Wide Web"

National Space Society On-Line - NSS is a pro-space, grass-roots, non-profit organization with 28,000 members worldwide dedicated to establishing a human presence beyond the Earth!

The Artemis Project - Developing a private lunar base!

Ghost Hunter's Gallery - 2 real-life Ghost Hunters!! On this page there is also an x-ray of an alien implant!

A collection of NanoTechnology links - Small is beautiful, nanotech is the future!!

Animal Rescue (Malta)

Striscia La Notizia or Canale 5

Amazon.Com Book Shop - Over a Million titles available!

Strategy Plus & IE - Online version of these magazines + game mail order company

The GameCenter - Game reviews & the latest news

Windows 95 Shareware

C|Net - Articles, radio, the latest reviews, a great site!! Highly recommended!

Sci-Fi Central

The Terry Farrell Internet Fan Club - This one is for Star Trek fans!

The Klingon Language Institute - The 1st international Klingon language school!

Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps - A great Klingon resource site

Earth Mysteries and Sacred Site Tours

Tom Clancy page - Tom Clancy fans (like me!) look no further!

Grazio Falzon's Malta Home Page - General info on the Maltese Islands

Malta Network Resources

Info on Malta and lots of Malta links!

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

If you do not want your pages to appear on this links page or you would like your pages linked or you find that any of the above are "dead links", send a message to John Joseph Mercieca specifying your URL and any other info, such as type and content of page, etc. (Due to space limitations and subject matter, I cannot accept all URLs. Thank you)

Life on Mars
The Project
Moon 1
Moon 2
Moon 3
TLP Database
Archive 1
Archive 2
Crop Circles
UFO Pics
Majestic 12
Life Forms
Zeta 2 Reticuli
Bob Lazar
Front Page
Book Store
What's New?
News Flash
Links 1, 2, 3