Viking Photo  : 86A10
        Location      : Utopia Planitia
        Latitude      : 35 °
        Longitude     : 212 °
        Feature       : Possible artificial structures
        Discovered by : Dr John Brandenburg (1)                          

A Face at Utopia? Graphical speculation by Tom Talley
       Viking Photo 86A10          Graphical speculation by Tom Talley
..... A location with similar properties [to Cydonia Mensae] was found by one of the authors, Dr John Brandenburg, using the Atlas of Mars. In a region of Mars called Utopia Planitia, a long water channel was found called Hrad (Raad) Vallis. This channel runs from the zero kilometer contour to higher elevations and branches into "head waters" near the base of a large volcano called Hecates Tholus. The base of the mountain is surrounded by cliffs and mesas. At the edge of the cliff line, it meets a smooth plain. The plain shows many marks of water erosion. There is a concentration of unusual surface features found on Viking frame 86A10 and adjoining frames whose Latitude is 35 degrees, and Longitude is 212 degrees.

1. Pg 98, Unusual Mars Surface Features (4th Edition) by Vince DiPietro, Greg Molenaar &
John Brandenburg

Malta UFO Research

⌐ 1997 Tom Talley & Malta UFO Research