"Stingray" Shaped Craft: September 1974

This reported encounter occurred just over 20 years ago now and whilst it is an historical account, it is no less relevant. Indeed, it serves an important purpose in providing a reference to a craft which at that time reportedly exhibited characteristics similar to those attributed to triangular shaped craft in more recent times.

I have summarised this account using only the verbatim testimony of the witness and have their confirmation that this summary it is an accurate record of events.

I had a UFO sighting at approximately 9:30 p.m., in September of l974.

I was riding in a car with two other people going down I 5, south from San Francisco. At about 250 miles north of LA, I saw two huge floodlights on the side of the car. When we passed by the object we could see it very clearly. It was about as wide as three cars and it was much longer.

It had a stingray shape (it was shaped like a stingray fish). It was round in front, it had protrusions on each side (like small wings) and came to a rounded point in the back.

I did see the size of the craft. I think it was about 40 feet long and 30 feet deep, about as high as a two story building.

It was dark and the color was hard to see but I think the color was a metallic grey or black.

It had a blue light on one side and a green light on the other side. It was a long time ago, so I could be wrong, but I think the green light was on the right and the blue light was on the left. The lights were on each side at the farthest point on each side. They were at the end of the "wings" on the sides of the craft.

The floodlights were right on front of the craft, similar to headlights but brighter than daylight and brighter than any light I've ever seen. They were brighter than high intensity mercury vapour lights which are used to light up football fields at night.

They were approximately one fourth to one eighth the size of the front of the craft, similar to the size of headlights on a car. They were on all the time.

It was hovering above the ground at about three feet. We immediately pulled the car over and got out. There was no wind and absolutely no sound.

Then, it slowly rose up and floated over the two lane freeway and paused very still on the other side before taking off.

I saw the underside of the craft but it was dark so I didn't see details. I do know that I did not see any wheels or landing gear. I was looking specifically for that because I couldn't figure out how the craft was suspended without any moving parts. When I looked to see what was holding it up, I was astonished to find that nothing was holding it up and it was not touching the ground.

There were no lights visible underneath the craft.

When the vehicle went over the freeway, it had been in a stationary position. It paused about 5 seconds and took off at an accelerated rate, which was instantaneous. I mean, it was like going hundreds of miles an hour in one second, with no acceleration time. It travelled straight at about 30 or 40 feet off the ground and then it went up into the sky and disappeared.

The craft made no discernable noise at all, even when it took off. It had two red lights on the back, they were smaller in comparison to the other lights.

When it took off, it did so at lightning speed and was gone in 3 seconds.

I've never known anyone else who has seen anything like this.


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