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CNI News - Volume 21.4
August 23, 1996
Published by the ISCNI News Center
Editor: Michael Lindemann
The subject matter of CNI News is inherently controversial, and the views and opinions reported in the news are not necessarily those of ISCNI or its staff.
[This text was written by Vincent DiPietro, one of the original discoverers of the "Face on Mars" and a serious scientist who has argued for nearly two decades that the Cydonia landforms may be evidence of advanced intelligence beyond Earth. Here, DiPietro describes work done by himself and several other reputable scientists which showed as early as 1975 that Mars rocks contain signs of life, and that some regions of Mars may still be able to support life. CNI News thanks Vincent DiPietro for permission to print this material.]
by Vincent DiPietro
There is nothing new about the carbonaceous meteorites disclosed recently by NASA. It is time that credit due to Dr. Bartholomew Nagy is properly given.
Dr. Nagy (pronounced NAAAG) announced his discoveries in 1975 from a culmination of work as far back as 1966 (30 years ago). He examined very old meteorites (about 4 billion years old) from several places -- Revelstoke from Canada, Orgueil from France and Ivuna, which I think was from Africa.
Dr. Nagy did very good work, but it was not considered "good Science" because the meteorite from France -- Orgueil -- was contaminated with Earth biological entities. Therefore, the entire work was cast aside, and has remained this way for 30 years. Dr. Nagy passed away this year, and is not able to defend his pioneering effort, but Dr. John Brandenburg managed to converse with Dr. Nagy several times. Dr. Nagy insisted up until his death that he did indeed show that the fossils that he found were from other than this Earth. To quote Dr. Nagy: "Perhaps it is well not to draw conclusions, but it appears most likely that the carbonaceous compounds and small carbonaceous objects found in these meteorites would be confidently assumed to be of biological origin if found on earth."
Because Dr. Nagy's work had been flawed, we were denied the results of this important discovery for 30 years. The same thing happened with Gregor Mendel and his history of the heredity experiments with his pea plants. Because it was considered to be heresy, his work was mostly destroyed, and did not surface until nearly 100 years later, again setting science back 100 years. And what about Galileo and the four large moons of Jupiter that the church clergy refused to look through his telescope and see for themselves, setting back Astronomy hundreds of years? And what about the Planetary Society who refused to see the pictures of the Face in Cydonia by covering their eyes, so that they could confidently say that they had never seen it?
[Dr. Nagy was not the only scientist who discovered evidence of life on Mars long before NASA'a recent announcement. In the following text, Vincent DiPietro lists some of the major discoveries and serious scientific papers that have been published on this subject.]
REPORT OF FINDINGS OF LIFE ON MARS by Vincent DiPietro, August 16, 1996
There have been several significant discoveries which point to the possibility that intelligent ancient life may have existed on Mars about 1.5 billion years ago. There are several research papers (many published years ago) and discoveries to back up this claim.
A) The images in the Cydonia region reveal what appears to be a human face complete with mouth, teeth, eye sockets, eyeball and pupil, and hairline or headress, and the FACE appears to be bi-symmetrical.
B) Dr. Stan McDaniel published the McDaniel Report which emphasizes the work of DiPietro and the image processing techniques. Excerpts of the work can be seen at the following web pages:
C) Evidence of water, oxygen, and oceans (ref. EP-146) have been known since 1976.
D) Hartman's Model in the Journal of Geophysical Research, volume 78, no. 20, dated July 10, 1973, pages 4096-4116 suggest an age of the Cydonia site at 0.6 billion years ago, not a half million as proposed by some writers.
E) Brandenburg and DiPietro have published "The Cydonia Hypothesis" in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, volume 5, no. 1, pages 1-25.
F) DiPietro published "Did the Lyot Impact end the Liquid Water Era on Mars?": Mars Eos at the American Geophysical Union in Baltimore, June 2, 1995 76,17, p.197. The papers suggest that the meteorites examined by Dr. Nagy with the fossils have come from Mars. (See item G below.) The meteorites exhibit water spots and mineral layers which suggest that their origin is from a place with gravity such as a planet. The most likely planet with water and gravity is Mars. The crater Lyott (pronounced LEO) may have been responsible for the damage to the planet, and the extinction of life there. Crater Lyott dates at 300 million to 900 million years ago.
G) Dr. Bartholomew Nagy of the University of Arizona had published a book, "Carbonaceous Meteorites," (ISBN 0-444-41189-5) in 1975 (prior to the Viking spacecraft's encounter with Mars) which describes his findings of the meteorites from Orgueil, Ivuna, Revelstoke and other areas on Earth. What appear to be fossil remains of creatures including cellular structure have been found and pictured in the book. Dr. Nagy believes that the meteorites have their origin from extraterrestrial sources. Because the meteorite from Orgueil was contaminated with earth organisms, the entire report was discredited, and thus Dr. Nagy's pioneering effort was not available to the world community.
H) Brandenburg, J.E. published "The Possible Parent Body of the CI Carbonaceous Chrondrites": Mars Eos at the American Geophysical Union in Baltimore, Spring, 1995 76,17, p.197.
I) Brandenburg, J.E. published "Mars as the Parent Body of the CI Carbonaceous Chrondrites": Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 23, no. 9, pages 961-964, May 1, 1996.
J) Dr. Ian Wright has analyzed SNC meteorites taken from the Antarctic region of the Earth. The general opinion of many scientists around the world is that these meteorites are now believed to have come from Mars. Within the meteorites, Dr. Wright also found traces of ORGANIC CARBON. The organic carbon has been dated at 1.5 billion years old. Dr. Wright has published his findings in "NATURE," volume 340, dated July 20, 1989, pages 220-222.
K) Dr. Leonard Martin of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona discovered a large water spout erupting in two images in 1980, and was published in the NASA Activities, Dec. 1980, vol. 11, no. 12. The images -- 775A10 and 775A11 -- are included in the referenced book, "Unusual Mars Surface Features." If NASA is serious about retrieveing "possible LIVE" specimens from Mars, this is the place to go. Peroxides cannot exist in this warm wet environment, but mold, bacteria and other "buggies" can and probably do. There were two overlapping photos taken 4-1/2 seconds apart which clearly show this geyser eruption of water. This area is significant in establishing that water still exists on Mars. Like all of the work that we have done on the Cydonia region, Dr. Martin's work also has never been seen or heard from again since 1980. When I went to Flagstaff, to the Lowell Observatory a few years ago, the attendants at the visitor's center informed me that Dr. Martin was still there, but none of them had ever heard of the water spout, and of course, the pictures were NOT on display. It seems like almost a conspiracy to cover up any evidence that Mars could have or still contains the prime ingredients for life. You may also wish to refer to our book, "Unusual Mars Surface Features" (pps. 60-66) which give the details and frame numbers of this discovery by Dr. Martin.
PUBLIC DISCLOSURE - There have been numerous newspaper, magazine, television, and radio coverage of articles on the Mars findings since 1979. Unfortunately, there have been other writers who have used the research data which DiPietro, Molenaar, and Brandenburg have worked with. These other writers have invented speculative ideas about the findings without supporting evidence or accepted refereed papers in any journal. The researchers DiPietro, Molenaar, and Brandenburg do not support the claims of those who have distorted the data as it was originally presented. We urge all those who are interested in our work on Mars to contact his or her Congressional Representative and Senator to promote further studies of the planet Mars. We endorse the Manned Mission to Mars by the United States government, however unlikely it appears to be in today's political arena. We welcome scientific study of our work, and await new data from new spacecraft.
[CNI News thanks James Sutton for forwarding this story.]
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 (UPI) -- A team of DNA hunters has deciphered the genetic code for a tiny methane-producing creature that thrives in sulfurous, near-boiling waters at thermal vents on the bottom of the sea, scientists said Thursday.
Investigators said this is the first time they have unraveled the genetic code for any member of the controversial third class of life on Earth, called Archaea, which were discovered in just the last 20 years.
Knowing the genetic code for a creature so different from the other two groups of life forms -- the bacteria and the higher organisms -- will shift the direction of the search for extraterrestrials, scientists said.
"If there was ever a candidate for something that sounds like it came from outer space and started life here, this would be compatible with that," said J. Craig Venter, the pioneering gene prospector who runs The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) in Rockville, Maryland. The TIGR lab led the investigation.
"It tells us things about life on this planet that would have seemed like science fiction even a few years ago," said Venter.
About two-thirds of the microbe's 1,738 genes are "new genes, completely unknown to biologists," said Venter. Oxygen, he said, is toxic to the microbe, called Methanococcus jannaschii, and it lives at the crushingly high pressures about a mile and a half (2.4 kilometers) below the ocean surface.
Holger Jannasch, from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the scientist for whom the microbe was named, found it in 1982 at a "white smoker" in the Pacific Ocean, living at pressures that could crush a submarine. His group retrieved samples using a specially designed research vehicle.
M. jannaschii's unique properties, such as its ability to gobble up carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen and spit out methane, might give it value in industry, said Venter. Some of the potential uses include the development of biological cars, new power sources, hazardous waste clean-ups and detergents.
Venter led the team of 40 scientists in the 18-month DNA analysis, which he likened to assembling a "jigsaw puzzle with about 40,000 pieces." The findings are published in the journal Science, and the genetic information will be posted on the TIGR site on the Internet .
Researchers said that the discovery of M. jannaschii's DNA code confirms the existence of a new class of life -- the Archaea. This newly described class, which only caught the eye of biologists in the mid-1970s and has generated controversy ever since, falls somewhere between the first class, bacteria, and the second class, which includes everything else from plants to humans.
"This is, in effect, a scientific dream come true," said Carl Woese, the evolutionary biologist at the University of Illinois, Urbana, who first proposed the idea of a third class of life about 20 years ago.
"This theory (of a third class of life) was given a universal thumbs down when it was first published," he said at a press conference.
Scientists now estimate that Archaea represent about half the biomass of the planet, which consists of the total weight of all microbes, plants and animals on Earth.
So little is known about the Archaea that they are rarely mentioned in graduate level textbooks, said Venter.
As for the role that M. jannaschii plays in the search for extraterrestrial life, Venter pointed out that the first Mars probes were launched in the late 1970s, before the Archaea were discovered. NASA is said to be laying plans to look for these kinds of organisms.
"We can't look for life on other planets if we don't understand life on this planet," he said. "This gives us a much better chance of finding life in other parts of the Universe."