Ghost Stories - Volume 2

Stories On This Page

Description: Chingle Hall Description: The Emailer
Description: Haunted Train Tresel Description: Quija Smashed
Description: Quija and Lincoln Description: Two Houses
Description: Mom's Place Description: Four Wheeler

Chingle Hall

When I heared of Chingle Hall, I was very eager to get there. When I did, I wasn't ready for what I would find. I was expecting for nothing to happen, and if it did, it would only happen once and it would be a very small thing. I was taken aback by the level of activity and the frequencey of activity at the house.
I was so unprepaired for what would happen that I made only briefe note's with no time reference's on the first two visit's, but on the third visit I tried to make better, more detailed note's with time reference's.
For a few hours in the ------ room, I took tempurature reading's every 5 minute's and plotted a graph. I intend to write many more book's in the future and I'm going to visit Chingle hall again so I will write more about those visit's after they happen, but for now here is a brief description of my past three encounter's with Chingle Hall.

Visit No.1

We arrived at about 7:30 - 8:00 and after the guided tour was over we dumped our stuff in one of the upstairs room's and went downstairs to the great hall. There were four of us visiting, John, George, Joe and myself.
The first thing to happen was when we all felt a cold spot by the wall in the great hall. There were many other cold spot's around the building and we began to smell insence from time to time in the chaple and on the stairs. After several hours of cold spot's, sound's and 7 gallon's of coffee I saw my first ever ghost.
In the priest room were one of the biggest monk-hole's can be found, my friend's and I were in this room, they were looking at the monk-hole and I was looking at the door-way when like a bolt of lightening a white and grey cat ran into the room and dissappered before my eye's. The cat didn't have very clear feature's and I could only make out part of the body and it's two front leg's.
Joe claim's to have seen a ghost but I suspect he is not telling the truth.

Visit No.2

We arrived later than last time, the same people eccept for Joe. Darren came instead and proved to be more interested and took it all very seriousley.
We went upstair's and dumped our stuff. Something was different, there were more people staying in the hall, they didn't seem to know much about the paranormal as we did. There was a new monk-hole in the priest room, about a foot high and half a foot across. It was covered with cling-film to stop dust from falling out. Slowly it began to move back and forth. We called Darren to get the camera to film the movement, then suddenly without warning the cling-film moved violentley as if being hit from the inside of the monk-hole.
On close inspection after, we noticed bumps as if it had been poked from the inside by two finger's. There were also tiny slits running vertictly through the bump's. About five minuete's later we were standing outside the priest room talking when all of a sudden, the light's turned themself's off. It wasn't a power cut as the light-switch had been phisicly move into the "off" position by some unditermined poltergeist activity.
We then proceeded to investigate the other room (John Wall's room) before going down to the great hall again. After refreshement's, we went on to the chaple were we then took several photograph's, these later revealed the figure of a monk praying to the wall under the monk-hide in the chimney. A few hour's later we were all back in the priest room, except for George who was in the John Wall's room on his own sitting on the bed. He sat there for about 15-20 min's when he noticed a black oblong shape appeared on the wall. He saw it dissappeare so he left in a hurry.
George was still not scared by this, so he took himself down-stairs by himself to the great hall were he sat for about quarter of an hour or so when he heared something outside."I heared footstep's outside, then the door knocker began to rattle then it stopped. I waited for a minute or so before going upstaires to join the other's." Say's George
Meanwhie in the priest room, John had been touched on the shoulder by cold icey finger's. They tapped him on the shoulder three time's quite softly but hard enough to feel.
Several hour's later in the John Wall's room I was sitting on the floor with Darren, John and two of the other people who we didn't know. My hand's were on the floor, my right hand went very cold and I felt pin's & needle's in my hand like electricity. My hand was forced into the air about 5-6" off the floor.
Eventually we began to ask question's to the ghost and it responded by moveing my hand in varieous directiion's to answer the question's that we asked it. This went on for the rest of the night. It wasnt only me that it happened to, Darren felt it too in the same place of the same room.

We asked it such questions as :-
Q, Do you know your dead ? - A, yes
Q, Are you John Wall ? - A, no
Q, Are you a monk ? - A, yes
Q, Can you show yourself ? - A, no
Q, Can you give us any other sign that you're there. - A, yes
Q, Can you make a noise ? - A, no
Q, Can you make the light's flicker ?- A, no
Q, Can you talk to us ? - A, no f

After the question "Can you give us any other sign that you are there?" and it answerd "Yes." We were unable to ascertain how it could actualy give us this sign, or what it would be.
Just after this experience, we were still in the John Wall's room taking picture's etc. We tried sliding Geoge's compass across the floor when to our surprise the needle began to move. It turned about 350 degrees then back again. I entered the room unawere of what was going on. When I saw, I rushed to get Darren's filming-camera and I managed to capture several minute's of this phanominon on film before it eventually stopped.

Visit No.3

| Mins |Temp |
| 5 | C |
| 10 | C |
| 15 | C |
| 20 | C |
| 25 | C |
| 30 | C |
| 35 | C |
| 40 | C |
| 45 | C |
| 50 | C |
| 55 | C |
| 60 | C |


Chingle Hall is haunted by at least 16 ghost's accourding to the resident's of Chingle. We didnt whitness all 16, but we did whitness at least 8-9 ghost's in diferent parts of the house. All of the house's I've read about only have 2-3 deffinate ghost's. Chingle Hall is quite small so the paranormal activeity is very consentrated on the house.
I would say that Chingle Hall only rivaled by Borley Rectory, which was more haunted and had more than one poltergeist. But Borley burned down in 1939 and was further damaged by gale's in 1943. It was razed in 1944 and new house's were built on the site, so Chingle Hall is the most haunted standing house in the entire of Britain.
Even thogh Chingle is the most haunted house in Britain, there is no violent activity unlike 50 Berkley Square were the ghost of a woman who hurled herself out of one of the upstare's window's to her death. Something so evil occupies one of the room's, that people have been driven insane and even died of feare. Captain Kenfield in 1880 stayed in on of the room's againsed the addvice of the owner's who knew of the unearthly terror's that were in that room.
Just after midnight everyone heared a scream of terror from Kenfiled who they later found convusing with fear on the floor. Even thogh he recovered, he was never the same man, and he never told anyone what he saw. 328 Chase Street in America also was home to several evil entertie's. The smurl's first noticed that the house wass haunted in 1973 when stain's kept apearing on the carpet. The activity became worse until the ghost's became very violent.
Even Borley Rectory had it's share of violence. One of the female resident's was repeatidley throne out of bed, and people had stone's throne at them.

The photo's we took revealed the folowing :-
Visit No.1

Vistit No.2

The End of "Chingle" Visits (for now) !

The Emailer

I go to a very old University, and the building I live in is, itself, over 100 years old.
When a friend of mine from down the hall went home for Christmas break, a girl she went to high school with warned her that she had contacted a spirit on her Ouija board, of a male student who had committed suicide in our building in the 1940's. We haven't yet been able to determine whether this actually happened, but I never put too much faith in Ouija boards, so I didn't think much of it.
I live in the very top floor of this building, and the room across from mine is unoccupied. It is the largest, and most beautiful room in the building, with the best lighting and lots of windows, but it is only used for storage. One day, as I was leaving my room, I would swear to hearing eerie Latin choral music coming from inside that room, but at the time, I figured that I was just imagining things, and ignored it.
Since yesterday, I am pretty convinced that I have a spirit of some kind hanging around my room. Why it has reached out to me, I'm not sure. Fortunately, I don't believe this spirit to be evil, as nothing destructive has yet been done. Still, the things that happened yesterday have me convinced that there is something, or someone, else present here, other than myself.
Yesterday I checked my e-mail, then logged out and laid down to take a nap. After a few minutes I heard a beep, exactly like that kind that sounds when I'm logged on, and I got a new e-mail message. A few minutes later, I heard another, but, since I clearly remembered logging out, I assumed I was just tired and hearing things. When I got up about an hour later, I checked my mail again, and I had two new messages. I noticed right away that both messages had arrived just after I had laid down for my nap. Putting it up to coincidence, I gathered my things together and headed off to class, locking my door behind me.
When class got out, I headed back to my room, and noticed that my door was slightly open. Since I live alone, this scared the living crap out of me. I slowly peeked in the door, and saw my neighbor sitting at my computer, using my e-mail. She heard me come in and jumped about a mile high, then questioned where I'd been. I told her that I'd been in class for the last two hours, and asked her how she'd gotten into my room. She told me that she'd knocked on my door, and heard someone say "Come in!". Shetried the door and, finding it unlocked, let herself in. She was pretty freaked out when I wasn't in the room.... she even checked under my bed and in my closet to see if I was hiding. She figured that she was just hearing things and that I'd run downstairs for a few minutes, leaving my door unlocked, so she sat down and checked her mail, etc.
When I got back from class, about 10 minutes later, she told me about the voice, and I explained to her that I had locked my door before I left.
Perhaps it's all coincidental, and she just thought she heard something, and I left my door unlocked, thinking I had locked it, but I'm not so sure. There have been a few too many coincidences for me to swallow. I hope that if I do have a ghost, that it's a friendly ghost, and we can get along. I have nothing against them, and hopefully it has nothing against me. And, I figure that, if the ghost wants someone in my room, that's okay with me... as long as nothing gets stolen or whatever. It's still all retty weird, though.

Haunted Railroad Trestle

There is a Haunted Railroad Trestle in Hartford, VT.

In 1887 a train wreck burned the old wooden bridge and many died. Today there is a new steel bridge on the old stone pillars. Passersby frequently see a young boy playing in the White River even in winter.

Evidently his father died in the wreck and the boy could not pull him free. If you look carefully in Summer you will notice that the boy is about a foot or two off the water which is where he would be when the accident occurred in winter on top of the ice!

I conducted Haunted Motorcoach Tours of Vermont but don't always see the Ghosts others see. This time I do. And when i hiked over there the new bridge smells of fire and burned wood even though it is steel.

Quija Smashed

On December 2,1995 three days before my birthday I threw a party.

That same night my friend and I decided to run some reaserch on the Quija board but something happend when we decided to play it some power over myself and so did my friend.We got the Quija board and smashed it.Then in my house we had some phantom encounters in my house.Till this day...

Quija and Lincoln

The wind blew hard in my face as I pushed to reach the door.I grabbed the handle and pushed open the door. "Hi mom hi steve,"I yelled. "Hi Jason it's apples for snack today," anounced my mom. I didn't even stop for my snack.I rushed up to my attic to where I hoped to contact the dead with my new Ouiji board.

I pushed away the boxes where I had hidden it from my brother.I said " Dear Abraham Linclon I wish to speak with you about heaven." The small wooden piece slowly started to move spelling out the words WHY DON'T YOU JUST COME HERE INSTEAD.Jason couldn't believe it they wanted him to kill himself.

Even after 20 years Jason can't stop the words from ringing in his head.Jason is starting to consider what the ghost said.

Two Houses

I am 19 years old, and in my life I have lived in two houses that one could make an argument for being haunted.

The first, and this is all from information from my parents, was a quiet little house in a subdivision with a lot of houses. There were simple little things, like seeing things out of the corner of your eyes and the like. The two biggest incidences were like this:
One evening, my father was watching a football game, and somehow the channel on the television changed. He changed it back (attributing it to power surges), but immediately, it changed back. It went on a couple of more times, and stopped when Dad left the room.

Second refers to when I was little. I have no memory of this, but my mother says I had a friend that I would play with. Mom at first though that she was my imaginary friend, but one day she saw her (my friend) too. We were playing outside while mom was working in her garden. I went in to get something. Mom turned around a second later, and the little girl was gone. (This is where my only memory of this comes in). I came out and Mom said she had gone home. (My memory, though, recalls it being my best friend. It could be a different incident).

Mom didn't think of it until a few years later, when she looked out in the back yard, and saw my little sister playing with the very same girl, wearing the same clothes she had been when I was playing with her. Mom looked down for a second, and when she looked back up, the girl was gone, and my little sister (who was about four) was looking around for the little girl. My sister has no memory of this, either.

We moved to the house I lived in until college when I was about ten or eleven years old.

The main story here is like the previous house, you would see things out of the corner of your eye, etc. There are a couple of occasions, though, where you can make a real case.

A few weeks after we had moved into the house, my Dad, our dog Molly and I were in the downstairs TV room. At the same time, our attention was diverted out into the basement. Dad said we both saw this guy in a big army outfit (I thought it was just green). What got us both, though, was the fact that our dog Molly went out barking, looking for the "ghost." I went out into the basement, and there was nothing there except a strange eerie feeling.

Plus, there's a black cat that shows up every once in a while. I think it scared my sister so much that she got me to trade rooms with her, because I would wake up on occasion and look up on my bookcase and see a pair of yellow cat eyes staring at me. (I sleep with the door and windows closed, so there's no way for the cat to get in, and no light for the eyes to reflect.) Plus, I've seen the cat in the kitchen, sitting on the table staring at me, and that's the strangest thing. It just looks at you, and when you look away and look back quickly, it disappears.

The last incidence is when I was home for Christmas this past year. My parents and sister had gone to our relatives' house for New Years, and I was awake the night before New Years, reading or something at about 2 in the morning. I heard something come up the stairs toward my room. For some reason, I got really edgy, and I immediately picked up the softball bat I had had out for some reason. But then I heard footsteps run down the stairs. Imagine this, a big 18 (I was 18 then) year old guy, scared to look out his door, holding a softball bat ready to strike. When I heard the steps coming up again, and I came out of the room, my nerve regained. As soon as I stepped out of the room, the steps stopped, and I didn't hear them again. I turned on the light, and there was nothing there.

Well, those are my ghost stories. Every once in a while, I'll still get a strange feeling and the hairs on my neck will stand on end. Even now, when I go home, there are times I don't like being alone in a room.

Mom's Place

My_Story: This story is not my own personal story. It is second hand from my mother's side of the family. Apparently for the last 50 years, my grandparents house has been haunted. Because of that, the children that are now adults, will no longer stay in that house for long periods of time. For a little background: the house was bought by my grand father and moved to its present sight in upstate New York. I have listened to so many stories of that house, I am at a loss to decide which one is the best one....Well here goes.

Apparently one night, my mother was sleeping in her bed, and her sister was sleeping with her. My mother woke up to the sound of her sister screaming. When she looked over she saw a round, very bright ball floating next to the other side of the bed. What my aunt saw was a head of a bald man, with very evil eyes, staring at her. They both watched, as this "thing" moved down toward the bottom of the bed and come up around to the other side. (My mother's side). It floated there for a short time, then disappeared. Both were scared out of there minds. There parents never quite believed them when the children said they saw something, until it happened to my grandmother.

If you walked into the side door of the house many years ago, you could step into a foyer and then either go straight up to the left into the kitchen, or down to the left into the basement. If you stood at the top of the stairs to your right about 4 feet was a door. At that time, it was used as the T.V. room. My grandmother had a really heated fight with her husband and was sleeping in there. At one point a short time later, she heard someone running up and down those stairs. From the top all the way down into the basement. She thought it was her husband having an Italian temper tantrum, she she told him to knock it off. Then it got really quiet, and my grandmother says she got the feeling that someone was watching her.(her back is to the door). When she turned over there was this black shadow/like man standing there staring at her. She to got the feeling that this was evil. She screamed and then started to say her hail- mary's. Two seconds later, my grandfather come into the room and she asked him did he see the man with the horrible eyes. He hadn't, and she then went back to bed with her husband. These are just a couple, i have lots more if you are interested. Thanks for Listening.

Four Wheeler

A few months ago, my cousin and I were riding his four-wheelers through a trail in the woods behind my house. We were pretty far back and heading to the fence, where we could turn a corner and head home. About a hundred yards from the fence, my cousin turned to a narrow trail we had made to get back without going all the way around.

Thinking his engine had died (it happens a lot), I kept going, and, rounding the corner, my bike suddenly sputtered and died. I tried to hit the "engine start" button, but it wouldn't help, when I happened to look behind me.

Seeing who I thought was my cousin coming around the corner, I just stood there. Thinking he needed a ride back, I opened my mouth to tell him the engine had cut out on me, when I noticed it wasn't him at all. No one lives within a mile of the woods (or my houses at that matter) that knows us very well, and so I knew it wasn't someone from "across the street" (it was 1:00 AM anyway). I jumped on my bike, and, giving it a frantic kick in the side, managed to get the engine started after a little pounding. I shot through the woods and looked behind me, only to see this man floating behind me in the glow of the tail light at about 35 mph. I just looked ahead to avoid hitting a tree, and, when I got out of the woods, found my cousin in the yard.

He looked scared, and, as he said, my face was a pale white color. He said he had turned away because he had an eerie feeling that something was behind him. I told him what I saw, and, to this day, we have never gone to that spot after sundown.

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