Phoenix in Oz:
The Control Room
The Parkes Observatory Control Room
Project Phoenix uses a bank of five computer displays (four X-stations and
an HP9000/735 workstation) to monitor and control the Targeted Search System.
The HP735 (leftmost in the picture) operates one of the 10 MHz TSS units,
monitors the power and temperature sensors in the MRF, provides diagnostic
information on several subsystems, and displays status information about the
Mopra telescope. One X-station (second from the left) runs the main graphical
interface and is connected to an HP9000/755 workstation in the MRF. The HP755
runs the overall system control software and operates the other 10 MHz TSS
unit. The next two X-stations are used for graphical display of data, one for
each TSS unit. The X-station on the right is used to view the results from the
signal detection and follow-up procedures, for miscellaneous editing
and data display.
Phoenix Workstations in the Control Room (154 kB)
The close-up below shows the typical displays on the leftmost monitors. Note
the speakers visible at the right.
These are not used to listen to extraterrestrial broadcasts, but are part of
the system that monitors conditions in the MRF. Any unusual conditions,
such as high temperature in a rack, are announced to the observer. To make
sure the observer is alert and ready to respond to any such warning message,
an ample supply of "lollies" (candies) is available in the jars on top of
the monitors.
"Safety" Equipment (86 kB)
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