Billingham, J., editor, "Life In The Universe, " MIT Press, 1981. Proceedings from a 1979 NASA Ames Research Center conference on cosmic evolution and SETI.*
Cocconi, G., and Morrison, P., "Searching for Interstellar Communications," Nature, Vol. 184, #4690, p. 844. The classic paper that triggered the emergence of SETI on the world stage.*
Cullers, D.K., Linscott, I.R., and Oliver, B.M., "Signal Processing in SETI, "Communications of the ACM, Vol. 28, #11, 1985. A technical paper on the technical challenges faced by SETI.*
Doyle, L.R. (ed.), "Circumstellar Habitable Zones," Proceedings of the First International Conference, Travis Publishing House, Menlo Park, California, 1996.*
Drake, F. and Sobel, D., "Is Anyone Out There? The Scientific Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, "Delacorte Press, 1992. The astronomer who pioneered the radio search for extraterrestrial civilizations provides a personal view of the SETI saga.
Goldsmith, D. and Owen, T., "The Search for Life in the
Universe", Addison-Wesley (Reading, Mass.), 1992
A broad and fascinating review of the entire field, suitable for college
students and interested non-specialists.
Heidmann, J. and Klein, M.J., "Bioastronomy: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life, " Springer-Verlag, 1991. This collection of papers from an international scientific conference examines evolutionary processes that led to the emergence of complex organisms and technology on the planet Earth as well as current approaches for detecting manifestations of advanced life elsewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy.*
Horowitz, P., "A Search for Ultra-Narrowband Signals of Extraterrestrial Origin." Science, 201, 733 (1978).*
Horowitz, P., et. al., "Ultranarrowband Searches for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with Dedicated Signal-Processing Hardware." Icarus, 67, 525 (1986).*
Horowitz, P. and Sagan, C., "Five Years of Project META: An All-Sky Narrow-Band Radio Search for Extraterrestrial Signals." Ap. J., 415, 218 (1993).*
McDonough, T., "The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Listening for Life In The Cosmos, "Wiley, 1987. After examining humanity's long fascination with the possibility of life in other parts of the universe, SETI scientist McDonough turns his attention to today's radio astronomical investigations that may reveal the presence of other civilizations.
Morrison, P., Billingham, J. and Wolfe, J., editors, "The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: SETI, " NASA SP-419, 1977. Based on two years of Science Workshops, this ground-breaking report laid the foundation for NASA's subsequent SETI efforts.*
National Research Council, "The Search for Life's Origins: Progress and Future Directions in Planetary Biology and Chemical Evolution, " National Academy Press, 1990. Leading investigators from a broad range of scientific disciplines address our current understanding of the evolution of living systems within a cosmic context, and make recommendations for future investigations, including SETI.*
Oliver, B.M., and Billingham, J., "Project Cyclops: A Design Study of a System for Detecting Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life, " NASA CR 114445, 1973. A seminal document in the history of SETI.*
Poynter, M. and Klein, M.J., "Cosmic Quest", Atheneum, 1984. A writer and a radio astronomer team up to explain why we search for our counterparts in the cosmos.
Sagan, C., "Cosmos, "Random House, 1980. Based on the award-winning PBS-TV series, this international bestseller offers a scintillating introduction to astronomical knowledge from one of the sharpest minds in science. Chapter 12, "Encylopaedia Galactica," explores the central concepts of the SETI endeavor.
Shostak, G.S., (ed.), "Third Decennial US-USSR Conference on SETI,"
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (San Francisco), 1993.
Top SETI investigators from the U.S. and Russia exchange SETI ideas.*
Shostak, G.S., (ed.), "Progress in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life" Astronomical Society of the Pacific (San Francisco), 1995. Proceedings of the 1993 Bioastronomy Symposium.*
Sullivan, W., "We Are Not Alone", Penguin Books (New York),
An updated version of a classic work. New York Times science editor Sullivan
reviews both the history and science of SETI.
David Swift, "SETI Pioneers: Scientists Talk About Their Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence", University of Arizona Press, 1990.
A collection of interviews by a University of Hawaii sociologist provides
intriguing insights into the motivations of those who do SETI.
Angelo, Joseph, "The Extraterrestrial Encyclopedia: Man's Search for Life in Outer Space," (second edition), Facts on File, 1991.
Ashpole, Edward, "The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence," Blandford (UK) 1990.
Baugher, J., "On Civilized Stars: The Search for Intelligent Life in Outer Space," Prentice-Hall, 1985.
Billingham, John, editor, "Life In The Universe," MIT Press, 1981.
Bova, Ben and Preiss, Byron, editors, "First Contact: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence," NAL Books, 1990.
Coulter, G., Klein, M., Backus, P. and Rummel, J., "Searching for Intelligent Life In The Universe: NASA's High Resolution Microwave Survey," in Advances in Space Biology and Medicine, Volume 4, Bonting, S., editor, JAI Press, Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut and London, England, 1994.
Crowe, M., "The Extraterrestrial Life Debate, 1750-1900," Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Davoust, E., "The Cosmic Water Hole," MIT Press, 1991.
Diamond, J., Chapter 12: Alone In A Crowded Universe, in "The Third Chimpanzee," Harper Collins, 1992.
Dick, S., "Plurality of Worlds: The Origins of the Extraterrestrial Life Debate from Democritus to Kant," Cambridge University Press, 1982.
Evans, N., "Extraterrestrial Life," (3rd edition) Bellwether Press, 1992. (Textbook prepared for University of Texas, Austin)
Ferris, T., "The Mind's Sky," Bantam Books, 1992.
Goldsmith, D., "The Quest for Extraterrestrial Life: A Book of Readings," University Science Books, 1980.
Guthke, K., "The Last Frontier," Cornell University Press, 1990.
Gutsch, W., "The Search for Extraterrestrial Life," Crown, NY, 1991 (Children's book)
Heidmann, J., "Life In The Universe," McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Kuiper, T. and Brin, G.D., editors, "Extraterrestrial Civilization," American Association of Physics Teachers, 1989.
Kutter, G.S., "The Universe and Life," Jones and Bartlett, 1987.
Reeves, H., "The Hour of our Delight: Cosmic Evolution, Order, and Complexity," Freeman, 1991.
Ronan, C., "The Natural History of the Universe," Macmillan, 1991.
Sagan, C., Drake, F., Druyan, A., Ferris, T., Lomberg, and Sagan, L.S., "Murmurs of Earth: The Voyager Interstellar Record," Commemorative Edition CD-ROM Set, Warner New Media, 1992. This re-issued book comes for the first time in a boxed set containing the music and sounds of Earth along with images and photographs contained on the two Voyager spacecraft.
Seielstad, G., "At The Heart of the Web: The Inevitable Genesis of Intelligent Life," Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.
Swift, D.W., "SETI Pioneers," University of Arizona Press, 1990.
Tarter, J., Chapter 14: SETI: The Farthest Frontier in "Frontiers of Science," Scott, A., editor, Basil Blackwell (UK), 1990.