Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 11:18:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: about Russia info.
(snip) I found a lot of articles that might be of interest to you... It is my feeling, from what I see, that it is too soon to give any indication that Russia is going to do anything.
For one, Yeltsin is in bad health and won't last long. It is my guess that when Yeltsin dies a hardliner will step in. That is when you can be concerned about what Russia is going to do. This is not to say that Yeltsin isn't evil enough to get the job done, I just don't think he's the one that God has chosen. Yeltsin has a high ranking military man who I think could, and would step in if Yeltsin should die... He would be more the kind of hardliner to pull such a move off towards Israel.
In any case, here are my list of articles for you to read:
PROPHECY IN THE NEWS (J.R. Church) d.htm
"Israel Cries Out For Peace" Issue: July 1996
KOINONIA HOUSE (by: Chuck Missler)
PERSONAL UPDATE (news letter)
Cold War Over? Magog Arming! 7/96
Mid-East Update:
Israel's Elections 7/96
This web sight is more about the coming "New World Order". It has some really interesting articles one of them you should really read.
THE CUTTING EDGE (home web page)
Currently In The News UPdates:
#1. Independence Day, Aliens, Ufos-
The truth is much Stranger than Fiction!
#2. Gorbachev is more Dangerous than Ever Before!
Part 1 And Part 2.
This web sight has a ton more articles that I will one day get through reading...
I hope that you all keep adding to your web sight. I like to really stay up with what is going on from ufos to Russia, Israel, the NWO, and then some. I think that things are going to really change for everyone over this next year. .. trouble for Israel & the bombings will continue on until it'll one day bring Russia into the picture.
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