October 30, 1996 - Patrick Wayne Kearney: Patrick, California's deadly "Trash Bag Murderer", was denied parole for the maximum of five years. His next parole hearing will be in the
year 2001.
October 29, 1996 - Grand Rapids Serial Killer: Police in Grand Rapids, Michigan, have formed a task force with
other departments to investigate 11 deaths in the past two years that might be the work of a serial killer. The 11 bodies found have been young white women with dark hair. Most
were known or suspected prostitutes. Five have been found since August, 1996. All of the victims were strangled with an unknown
October 28, 1996 - Eric Elliott: An 18-year-old suspect in four slayings during a week-long interstate crime spree pleaded guilty to one of the killings moments before jury selection was to begin.
October 27, 1996 - Paul Ely Jr.:
Embroiled in a domestic dispute Paul fatally shot an Anchorage police officer, then shot his wife and killed his two
small children before killing himself.
October 26, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: Japanese media reported that investigators who heard a Tokyo police officer confess to
shooting the country's top police official tried to keep the embarrassing admission a
October 25, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: A 31-year-old officer, whose name has not been released, said he was a member
of the Aum Supreme Truth doomsday cult and that cult leaders had ordered him to kill
Takaji Kunimatsu, the chief of Japan's National Police Agency.
Kunimatsu was shot and wounded outside his Tokyo apartment building on March 30, 1995, 10 days after a deadly nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system. Kunimatsu was rushed to a hospital unconscious, but recovered after undergoing an eight-hour operation.
Two bullets were removed during the surgery. The third had passed right through his abdomen.
October 24, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: In a fit of apocalyptic rage, Shoko Asahara was reportedly placed in protective custody after going berserk in
his jail cell at the Tokyo Detention Center. Apparently Shoko had to be restrained after he repeatedly screamed and banged on
his cell walls.
October 22, 1996 - Ivan Milat: Paul Onions, a British tourist whose evidence helped to convict the "Backpacker Murderer", said he will give his $400,000 reward to the victims' families and the New South Wales Homicide Support
an air-conditioning engineer from Willenhall, U.K., was on
a backpacking
tour of Australia in 1990 when he was picked up hitchhikking by Milat. He
escaped certain death by throwing himself in front of an oncoming car after Ivan shot at him and wrestled him to the ground on the Sydney-Melbourne highway.
October 22, 1996 - Nathan Brooks: An amateur satanist, Nathan was convicted of killing his mother
with an ax and decapitating his father with a hacksaw after shooting him to death.
October 21, 1996 - Moses Sithole: Allegedly one of South Africa's worse serial killers, Moses pleaded not guilty to 38 murders and 40 rapes.
October 21, 1996 - Fred & Rosemary West: The demolition of 25 Cromwell Street -- the "House of Horrors" -- was completed in ten days and
cost the Gloucester City
Council about ú27,000. Local residents and relatives of victims found in
the house will be consulted on what to construct in its place.
October 19, 1996 - Gary Ray Bowles: A suspected serial killer charged with slaying six men along the East Coast in 1994, Gary Ray surprised the judge and prosecutors by saying he wanted to plead guilty to the
bludgeoning death of a Jacksonville man.
October 18, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: In his latest court appearance, Shoko Asahara, Japan's portly doomsday guru, said the gods had spoken to him and
told him they don't want Yoshihiro Inoue, a former senior leader
of the cult, to take the stand. The gods thought the cross-examination by the defense would harm the Inoue's soul "He has attained complete enlightenment... I will shoulder the full weight of this case. But I want the cross-examination stopped." Caught by surprise, his lawyers didn't know how to explain his sudden admittance of guilt. In a strangely talkative mood, the blind guru added: "I feel bitter thinking about the suffering people would face by tormenting such a great soul as
Inoue." When Inoue approached the witness stand, Asahara abruptly said to him: "I may appear
to be mentally disturbed, but will you try to float from where you are?"
Toward the end of the session, Asahara began twitching and asked that he be allowed to sit in the lotus position. The judge rejected the request. Then he started holding his head prompting the defense to explain that, "the defendant told us his head has been in danger of exploding
since this morning, so he was trying to hold it down with his hands." After Asahara's convulsions got worse and he started bouncing in his seat precipitating an early end to the hearing. His next session in court is November 7.
October 15, 1996 - Marc Dutroux: Demonstrators jeered outside the court as five high court judges ruled that
attending a
fund-raising supper in aid of one of the kidnapping survivors meant that the impartiality of
Jean-Marc Connerotte -- the chief investigator in the
Dutroux paedophile
murder and kidnap investigation -- could not be guaranteed. Consequently he was taken off the case.
October 15, 1996 - Fred & Rosemary West: The wrought-iron sign that hung outside the home of the West family is now at the center of a legal dispute. Police had
the sign removed in the early stages of the investigation fearing that it
could be stolen by souvenir hunters. Several parties now claim ownership to it, including a number of the
older West children, the Official Solicitor representing
the younger children, the Gloucester City Council, and the
Gloucestershire Police Department.
The City Council wants the sign destroyed; the Police Department wants to display it as
part of an exhibition on the investigation.
October 14, 1996 - Virgil Martinez:
On the run after having killed his ex-girlfriend and three others, Virgil was
captured when it was discovered that he had
checked himself into a Kerrville, Texas mental hospital, claiming to
be hearing voices.
October 8, 1996 - Fred & Rosemary West: Demolition work began on he "House of Horrors" where the serial killing
husband and wife team tortured, murdered and buried at least nine young girls and
October 7, 1996 - Henry Louis Wallace: The judge, defense attorneys and prosecutors listened to Wallace's March 13, 1994 taped confession to the police in which he described in detail how he sexually assaulted, strangled and stabbed 10 women in Charlotte, N.C, and one in Barnwell, S.C.
October 5, 1996 - Marc Dutroux:
Belgian police believe they could find more bodies buried in a former coal mine near a
caravan owned by
the pederast killer Marc Dutroux. They began searching a
water-filled tunnel in the
southern town of Jumet after Dutroux described the site as
October 5, 1996 - "Slaughter in the Playground": British authorities banned the sale and distribution of the video game, "Slaughter in the Playground." Putting taste above the free market, the Brits made the game illegal because it involves hunting down and killing children in a playground. The ban weas proposed after Thomas Hamilton slaughtered 16 children and their teacher in a primary school gymnasium in Dublane. Although they have destroyed the master CD-ROM, there are still 400 copies of the game in circulation around the country.
October 3, 1996 - Richard Ramirez: The feared "Night Stalker" married Doreen Lioy, a 41-year-old freelance magazine editor in a simple and tasteful Death Row wedding at San Quentin prison.
October 3, 1996 - Martin Bryant: A few days into his trial, Martin decided to change lawyers and signed John Avery as his new attorney. Bryant, accused of being the world's worst rampage killer, seems to be enjoying the proceedings.
October 2, 1996 - Estonian Serial Killer: Estonian authorities announced they feared the existence of a serial killer terrorizing the northeastern region of their tranquil European nation.
October 2, 1996 - A man whose hatred of whites led him to slay six storekeepers in a weeklong 1981 crime spree
was executed by lethal injection.
Oct 1, 1996 - Internet Crime Archives: Frequent visitors must have noticed the lack of updates to the Archives. The reason for this is that I am working in a movie in Mexico and have been without Internet access. Though I will remain in Mexico for another month, I finally have secured access and will keep updating the pages as thoroughly as I can. Viva Mexico!
September 29, 1996 - David Alvarez: Jilted by his girlfriend, Dave went on a shooting and stabbing rampage in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Baldwin Park killing two men and two girls--sisters age 9 and 12--and wounding three others. Three of the dead--the girls and a gardener working at the house--were gagged, forced to lie face-down on the floor and shot in the
head. The girls' uncle was the fourth victim. Their father was left in critical condition. Two boys, ages 2 and 3, cousins of the dead girls, were later found cowering in the house unharmed.
September 30, 1996 - Martin Bryant: In his first court appearance, Tasmanian butcher and wanna-be surfer Martin Bryant pleaded "not guilty" to
seventy-two charges, including 35 counts of murder, filed against him. Friends and relatives of those who died sobbed and held
hands in the packed court room as the charges were
read. The sight of the accused stifling a laugh before
saying "not guilty" proved too much for the
brother of one victim, who shouted "You're a bloody
coward, Bryant".
September 28, 1996 - Possible Charlotte-Mecklenburg Serial Killer : Police are investigating the possibility of a serial killer responsible for the disappearance
or deaths of at least four African American women since 1992 in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area.
September 21, 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski: Authorities said that they had found a diary outlining Ted's bombing schedules in the evidence gathered from his infamous mountain retreat.
September 16, 1996 - Marc Dutroux: Dutroux's lawyer stated that he would not back off from defending his pederast client even if he's had death threats and faces future fall-off in his legal practice.
September 15, 1996 - Ottis Toole: Deeply psychotic and partly transvestite serial killer Ottis Toole died of cirrhosis of the liver in a prison hospital in Florida. Together with his boyfriend Henry Lee Lucas confessed to killing more than 200 hundred people. Ottis once confessed to killing and decapitating little Adam Walsh but later recanted. While searching for his son's killer, John Walsh became a household name as the host for Fox's America's Most Wanted solveing many murders except the one of his own son. Ottis is also believed to be responsible for the death of fellow serial killer Gerard Schaefer.
September 2, 1996 - Marc Dutroux: Authorities uncovered two more dead girls buried in a property belonging to Belgian pederast Marc Dutroux.
The horrors of Dutroux's unchecked criminality have devastated Belgium's socio-political framework. Many civic and political figures have been linked with the pederast's child pornography and car theft rings. The very foundations of this quiet European nation have been cracked by this unfolding and far reaching scandal. To date five bodies have been uncovered -- four young girls and a man -- and Dutroux is suspected of ten other deaths including a young girl who disappeared Slovenia.
September, 1996 - Richard Ramirez: It is rumored that there will be wedding bells in the future for satanist killer, Richard Ramirez. Formely known as the "Night Stalker", Richie blazed through California in the early eighties leaving 13+ dead in his wake.
August 18, 1996 - Hammond, Indiana: Recent news reports in Chicago papers indicate 4 female
prostitutes in Hammond were killed by the same gun. Their bodies
were discovered over the last few months. There have been no arrests.
August 18, 1996 - Marc Dutroux: A Belgian pederast and convicted child rapist, led authorities to three bodies in a concealed basement dungeon in one of his properties. Two other girls who had been repeatedly sexually abused were found alive in a hidden dungeon in another house. Dutroux, his wife, and the five others were arrested for murder and kidnapping charges. They allegedly ran an international paedophile ring from their many properties in Belgium.
The two dead girls died of starvation when Dutroux was arrested and incarcerated for an unrelated violation. According to Dutroux, the dead male was an assocciate failed to feed the trapped girls who he killed after being released from jail.
August 16, 1996 - Order of the Solar Temple: French authorities investigating the bizarre December, 1995 deaths of 16 doomsday cult members confirmed that not all devotees died willingly.
August 9, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: Japanese authorities began the demolition of three buildings in the doomsday cult's facilities at the foot of Mt. Fuji. This Aum complex in the Yamanashi Prefecture includes the chemical plant where the sarin used in the 1995 Tokyo subway attack was allegedly produced.
August 9, 1996 - John Crutchley: Giving pot-smokers wordwide a bad name, the so-called "Vampire Rapist" was put back behind bars after a drug test showed he had smoked a joint during a prison party celebrating his release.
August 8, 1996 - Theofilos Sechidis: 24-year-old law school student Theofilos Sechidis confessed to killing his parents and three other family members, dismembering their bodies with a chainsaw, and burying them at a garbage dump, in the northeastern Aegean island of Thasos
August 8, 1996 - Anthony Balaam: A Trenton, New Jersey, crack addict confessed to raping and strangling four prostitutes during sex-for-drugs exchanges in a 22-month murder rampage.
August 7, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: The Tokyo District Court ordered Aum Supreme Truth founder Shoko Asahara to pay 163 million yen in damages to the family of a public notary clerk allegedly killed by the doomsday cult.
August 6, 1996 - Siswanto: A 33-year-old homeless man, Siswanto, confessed to killing 10 boys over an 18-month period in Jakarta, Indonesia, and Pekalongan in central Java.
August 6, 1996 - John Crutchley: Florida prison officials are desperately trying to find a home for John Crutchley, Florida's "Vampire Rapist," who served 10 years for raping a hitchhiker and drinking her blood. The lawyer who represented him at trial, Joe Mitchell, said Crutchley would still be behind bars if prosecutors had accepted his offer to plead guilty to six murders in exchange for life sentences.
Mitchell said Crutchley made the offer after his arrest in November 1985 in order to avoid the electric chair. At the time, police and prosecutors were trying to tie Crutchley to a number of unsolved murders in Brevard County and Fairfax County, Virginia, where Crutchley used to live. Investigators were not able to link Crutchely to any of the murders so they settled on a sexual assault conviction.
Now that he is legally free, no community wants him, except for a Christian mission in Melbourne-- where he was convicted-- who offered him a cot. "I can't be convinced that he's not going to do it again," Melbourne Police Chief Keith Chandler said, "I'm not sure we can guarantee his safety if he comes here."
August 6, 1996 - Todd Hall: 24-year-old Todd Hall, who in 1987 underwent a lobotomy and now has the mental capacity of a 12-year-old, was indicted by an Ohio grand jury
on 13 counts of arson and involuntary manslaughter charges stemming from the July 3 fireworks store fire in rural southern Ohio that killed nine people.
July 31, 1996 - Roberto Arguelles:A confessed killer of four girls was attacked in a Salt Lake City courtroom by the mother of one of his victims. "You animal! You killed my daughter! You killed her!" Lorraine Martinez screamed as she grabbed at the killer's hair and scratched at his face. It took two sheriff's deputies and a bailiff to pull her away. A few minutes after the courtroom attack, a deputy asked the repentant killer if he was okay. "I don't matter," he replied. "I'm the one who hurt them."
July 29, 1996 - Branch Davidians: FBI and ATF agents did not use excessive force in trying to arrest Branch Davidian leader David Koresh, a federal appeals court said upholding the convictions of six cult members.
July 29, 1996 - Ivan Milat: Justice David Hunt, the judge preciding the Milat case, said: "In my view, it is inevitable that the prisoner was not alone in that criminal enterprise". Police said there are more than a dozen young hitch-hikers - Australians, Japanese and Europeans - who have disappeared in the same region over the past 15 years. Furthermore, the 1979 murder of a woman in a forest south of Canberra, about 100 miles away, remains unsolved. Seems like the Milat family might have been more active than anyone imagined.
July 27, 1996 - Ivan Milat: After three and a half days deliberation, a jury of seven men and four women convicted the former road worker of murdering seven backpackers in Australia's Belangelo State
Forest. Faced with a trail of evidence found in his home and the homes of family members, Ivan's lawyer tried to pin the murders on, first, Ivan's brother Richard, then, his other brother, Walter. Unlike the O.J. trial, the diversionary tactics of the defense did not work. Nevertheless, Australian authorities should keep an eye on the rest of the Milat clan, just in case.
May 24, 1996 - Clifford Olson:
Anything-for-a-buck Cliff Olson is at it again. While serving his life sentence in Saskatchewan,
Cliff announced through his lawyer in March that he had registered
with Canada's copyright office to protect his proposed video
series offering psychological insights. Olson, who sexually
assaulted and murdered eight girls and three boys in 1981 and conviced authorities to pay his wife $10,000 for each killing he confessed, plans
to call the video, "Motivational Sexual Homicide Patterns of
Serial Child Killer Clifford Robert Olson."
July 25, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: Japanese police announced it is continuing its investigation of 28 cases of Aum Supreme members who are listed as missing or died of undetermined causes. Most of the 10 cultists missing disappeared in 1994. Some Aum members told police they were involved in "disposing of the bodies," but investigators have been unable to uncover evidence to prove their accounts.
The death certificates of 18 members who died at cult facilities were conveniently prepared by Aum doctors. Police so far have investigated six deaths as homicides, and treated four others as death from illnesses. Eight others are believed to have been accidents.
In related news, bankruptcy administrators of the Aum closed three buildings at the group's main compound near Mt. Fuji in the Yamanashi Prefecture after all followers vacated the premises.
July 23, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: Japanese academics and lawyers protested the Public Security Investigation Agency's move to apply the Antisubversive Activities Law against Aum Supreme Truth. The event was organized by lawyers representing Aum. Participants said they are skeptical about claims that Aum continues to pose a threat to society -- a key condition under which a group can be banned under the law. At the gathering, lawyers claimed the agency's reports, which supposedly justify the application of the law, were not credible. The Japan Federation of Bar Associations has opposed the law on human rights grounds.
July 19, 1996 - Mayhem.Net: We are proud to announce that the Mayhem.Net virtual domain is averaging over 60,000 unique clients per day. Although it is driving our internet host batty, we couldn't be happier. Thank you all for joining the body count and making the Archives part of your daily surfing.
July 19, 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski: According to court documents Unasuspect Teddy K. has been linked to a bombing that occurred near his remote Montana cabin four days after his arrest. Fortunately no one was injured in the April 7 blast. It is unsure whether it was triggered deliberately, accidentally, or by a timer.
July 17, 1996 - Tsutomu Miyazaki: Japanese serial killer, Tsutomu Miyazaki, who is accused of kidnapping and murdering four small girls in Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture in 1988 and 1989, appeared in court for the first time in more than three years and said he "feels no regrets" for his alleged crimes.
July 17, 1996 - Todd Hall: Judge W. Richard Walton ruled that Tod Hall, the brain-damaged man accused of starting a blaze that killed nine people in the Ohio River Fireworks store in Scottown, Ohio, is not entitled to a court-appointed lawyer. The accused must pay for his own defense out of a settlement he received in a 1987 skateboard accident. According to court documents Hall owns a $124,000 home, has $30,000 in a bank account and recieves $3,000 a month. The money is part of a settlement from a lawsuit over brain injuries he suffered in the skateboarding accident. After the accident, he underwent a lobotomy, which involved the removal of the portion of the brain that controls thinking, memory and judgment.
In related news, a ninth victim died from burns sustained in the July 3 blaze. The deceased, Kathlene G. Wilks, 71, of Proctorville, was the sister of the store's owner. Eleven people were injured in the fire of which only two remain hospitalized. One is in good condition and the other in fair. A grand jury will meet next month to decide whether to bring an additional charge to Hall's eight count's of involuntary manslaughter.
July 17, 1996 - John Joubert: Child killer John Joubert was electrocuted in Nebraska for stabbing two boys to death in 1983. Joubert, 33, asked the Nebraska Pardons Board to send him to Omaha for a brain scan before his execution so researchers could check for abnormalities. State and prison officials denied the request because they feared potential security risks and legal appeals that would delay the execution if any abnormalities were found. Perhaps now they can just send the brain itself to see if they find anything fishy.
July 16, 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski: Federal Defender Quin Denvir, Ted's lawyer, asked U.S. District Judge Garland Burrell to appoint Judy Clarke, the lawyer who helped Susan Smith avoid the death penalty, as his co-counsel. Clarke, a staunch opponent of the death penalty, convinced jurors in South Carolina that Smith did not deserve to die for drowning her sons. The move hints at the defense's plan to plead insanity.
July 16, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: Kozo Fujinaga, a top cult member, was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison for helping build the cult's sarin factory and modifying a car used to release the poisonous gas in a June 1994 attack in the town of Matsumoto that killed seven people.
July 13, 1996 - Martin Bryant: The Tasmanian Corrective Services Department refused to confirm that Martin Bryant, the mad surfer of Port Arthur, attempted to commit suicide on July 12. Trying to put a lid on a rumour started by a report on ABC television, the deputy secretary for corrective services said, "Anything that could contribute to speculation about Bryant's mental condition is obviously potentially quite prejudicial to the trial."
July 12, 1996 - Ivan Milat: The defense completed its summing-up in Australia's backpacker murder trial by accusing Richard Milat, Ivan's brother, of killing the seven hitch-hikers. Terry Martin, Milat's attorney, reminded the jury that Richard had told coworkers: "Stabbing a woman is like cutting a loaf of bread," and had cryptically stated that there were more bodies in the bush after the corpses of two British backpackers were discovered. In his summation Martin asked the jury "If you just look at Richard Milat himself and the manner he's conducted himself in this case, do you not think it's reasonably possible he was the killer and not Mr. Milat?" Here at the Archives we are starting to believe that maybe both brothers are guilty.
July 11, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: The Japanese Justice Ministry and the Public Security Investigation Agency submitted a request to the Public Security Commission to have the Antisubversive Activities Law applied to Aum Supreme Truth. This completes the final step before the cult can be outlawed.
In related news, in a Tokyo court, Shoko Asahara, again refused to enter a plea after six criminal cases against him were read by prosecutors. The cases include the 1995 kidnapping of a Tokyo notary public who allegedly died in captivity. Since he was brought to trial Shoko has refused to enter pleas in all 17 cases against him.
July 11, 1996 - Eugen Berwald: A Frankfurt court convicted Eugen Berwald in the murders two years ago of four Russian prostitutes and the husband-and-wife team that pimped them in a high-class brothel. Eugen's wife, Sofia, was handed a six-year sentence for robbery after the court determined that she did not participate in the killings.
July 6, 1996 - Internet Crime Archives: Now evil has a soundtrack, or at least a background sound that loops transparently using the Live Audio Plug-In. You can hear the Archives whimper and scream if you are using Netscape 3.0 beta 5. Other versions and other browsers should not be affected by these changes.
July 5, 1996 - Martin Bryant: Blond-haired surfer Martin Bryant was finally indicted on the remaining 34 counts of murder stemming from his bloody rampage through the historic town of Port Arthur.
July 5, 1996 - Ivan Milat: According to his defense attorney, the serial killer of seven backpackers in a remote Australian forest is a member or close friend of Milat's family.
July 3, 1996 - Todd Hall: Showing true patriotic spirit, mentally impaired Todd Hall started a blaze in a crowded fireworks store in Lawrence County, Ohio, killing eight Independence Day shoppers.
July 3, 1996 - Unidentified Armenian Soldier: Police arrested an Armenian soldier who killed five other servicemen several weeks ago before fleeing from his military unit.
July 2, 1996 - Ray Martin DeFord: At first, 11-year-old Ray was heralded as a hero for saving lives during a deadly fire in a suburban apartment complex where he lived. Three days later the youngster confessed to setting the blaze and was charged with eight counts of murder making him the youngest member of the Archives.
July 2, 1996 - Gerd Wenzinger: Germany has asked Brazil to extradite the sadistic German doctor Gerd Wenzinger who has been charged with one murder in Brazil and is suspected of a string of grisly prostitute killings in Germany.
July 2, 1996 - "Werewolf Killer of India": Authorities in Northern India announced that 16 children had been killed by what villagers believe was a hyena, werewolf or deranged criminal.
June 28, 1996 - Jeffrey Dahmer:A truckload of items from the Jeffrey Dahmer estate was finally destroyed by Milwaukee business leaders to prevent the ghoulish "freak show" that would have happened if the items were to be auctioned.
June 28, 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski:Three more bombing indictments in Utah, Michigan and Tennessee where filed against mountain-man Teddy K. The new charges include a blast in Utah that left one man seriously injured. The same attack was the one from which the FBI produced its only sketch of the mysterious Unabomber.
June 26, 1996 - The Death Penalty: The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a new federal law that cuts back on death row appeals. The new law denies death row inmates some of their access to federal courts. Inmates who are denied a federal hearing in the first round of appeals must have permission from a lower court panel before filing another appeal. In other words, you're fucked if you're on death row.
June 26, 1996 - Gerald Parker: A former Marine who once told a psychiatrist he had "always thought of raping women" pleaded not guilty to six slaying in Orange County in the late 1970s. Investigators say Parker already confessed to being the "Bludgeon Killer" when interrogated by authorities while in prison on an unrelated parole violation. He is expected back in court on July 29. If convicted, Parker could face the death penalty.
June 25, 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski: Unshackled and wearing a green shirt, tan trousers and
tennis shoes, the prim and proper Teddy K. entered a plea of not guilty to four Unabomber attacks in a 120-second courtroom appearance. With a small bandage on the right side of his face, Teddy, the silent type, nodded in agreement and let his lawyer do all the talking.
June 24, 1996 - Jean-Claude Romand: After maintaning a bogus identity as a medical expert for 20 years, "Doctor" Romand murdered his wife, children and parents in 1993 because of his fear of being unmasked. Three years after his rampage the fake doctor appeared in court in eastern France and was charged with five counts of murder.
June 23 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski: Under tight security and wearing a bullet-proof vest, the reclusive genius Ted landed in Sacramento for an arraignment on federal Unabomber charges set for June 25.
June 21, 1996 - Gerald Parker: Prosecutors in Orange County, California, filed murder charges against ex-Marine Gerald Parker in six slayings, including one case in which another ex-Marine, Kevin Lee Green, was wrongfully sent to prison for 16 years. Green was convicted in 1980 of second degree murder in a bludgeoning attack on his then pregnant wife that led to the death of their unborn baby.
After declaring Green a free and innocent man, Superior Court Judge Robert Fitzgerald apologized for the justice system's grave error and told the 38-year-old former prisoner that he hoped the second part of his life would somehow make up for the lost time. Members of the District Attorney's office and the Tustin Police Department also apologized for arresting and convicting the former Marine corporal. Perhaps a cash settlement to the tune of a couple million would make all apologies a bit more hearfelt.
June 21, 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski: A groomed and chatty Theodore Kaczynski, wearing khaki pants and a sports coat, faced U.S. District Judge Charles Lowell who ordered him to be moved to Sacramento where he faces charges on four separate bombing attacks. Judge Lowell dismissed the single Montana explosives count against the ex-professor to ease his transfer to California.
June 18, 1996 - Heriberto Seda: Arrested after shooting at his sister and two others and holding police at bay for 3 1/2 hours, Heriberto, an obsessive bible quoting Brooklyn resident, confessed to being New York's copycat "Zodiac Killer."
June 18, 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski: Sacramento authorities charged the reclusive genius with four Unabombing attacks that resulted in the deaths of two Sacramento businessmen and the maiming of two university professors. The 21-member grand jury hand-delivered the 10-count indictment to U.S. Magistrate John Moulds who issued a warrant for the ex-professor. The next step, according to federal attornies, is a removal hearing in Montana after which agents have 10 days to move Kaczynski to Sacramento.
June 13, 1996 - Rory Conde: New to the Archives, "Catch Me if You Can," a page chronicling the deadly rampage of Rory Conde, Miami's prostitute killer. This page is best viewed using Netscape 3.0.
June 13, 1996 - Communications Decency Act: Although unrelated to crime, here at the Archives we are happy to report that a federal court panel declared that the Internet must be given the highest possible level of 1st Amendment protection. In effect such ruling prohibits the goverment from enforcing the much maligned Communications Decency Act. As U.S. District Judge Stewart Dalzell said: "The Internet may fairly be regarded as a never-ending worldwide conversation. The government may not, through the CDA, interrupt that conversation. As the most participatory form of mass speech yet developed, the Internet deserves the highest form of protection from government intrusion." Thank you... So much for civil conversation, where can we find pornography?
June 12, 1996 - Aum Supreme Truth: 52-year-old Mitsuo Okada died in a Tokyo hospital after being in a coma since last year's nerve gas attack. His death raises the official death toll to 12 in the March 20, 1995, attack on five crowded Tokyo subway lines.
June 12, 1996 - Internet Crime Archives: The Archives now have a new look and several new sections. Truckload of Maniacs consist of several linked pages with image loops of a truckload of killers. There is a new Imagemap of Hell and a revamped Manson page. There is also a new Crime Index page with an overview of the Archives for low-fi browsing. All new material is best viewed in Netscape 3.0. It also looks pretty good on Internet Explorer 3.0.
June 10, 1996 - Jesús Andrés Iglesias:An mentally disturbed gunman kills four after firing at a Corpus Christi procession passing under his window in the tiny town of Herreros de Rueda in norwest Spain.
June 10, 1996 - Death.Net: A revamped version of Death.Net was added to the archives. It now chronicles the post-mortem controversies surrounding Jeffrey Dahmer.
June 3, 1996 - Francisco del Junco: A dishwasher at the American Sports Bar and Grill in Coconut Grove, a restaurant owned by Miami Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino, confessed to killing and torching four black crack addicted women in the Miami area.
May 29, 1996 - Andre Luiz Cassimiro: Brazilian authorities arrested the feared "Juiz de Fora Strangler" after a year-long crime spree during which he savagely raped and killed five elderly women.
May 29, 1996 - Jeffrey Dahmer: Closing another chapter in the Dahmer legacy, it seems that the cannibal's household items will head to the incinerator rather than the auction block. Thomas Jacobson, a lawyer representing eight of the 11 families of Jeff's victims said they decided to accept an offer from a Milwaukee civic group that pledged $407,225 to buy Dahmer's estate. The civic group, fearing bad publicity for their fair city, raised the money to buy the goods rather than see them auctioned. Originally the lawyer said they would accept nothing less than a million. Then again, who would ever believe what a lawyer says.
May 29, 1996 - Colin Ferguson: Carolyn McCarthy, a 52-year-old woman who's husband died and son was seriously wounded in the 1993 Long Island Railroad Massacre, announced she will be running for Congress against a Republican Daniel Frisa who supports repealing the ban on assault weapons. Carolyn gained national attention as a representative of the surviving victims and their relatives during the trial of Colin Ferguson who was sentenced to life in prison for the rampage aboard the commuter train in which six people died and 17 others were wounded.
May 28, 1996 - Richard Speck: For those who never had the chance to see Speck's killer tits. Here they are in all their pasty glory. Excerpted into five short quicktime movies for easy downloading. Viewer discretion advised.
May 28, 1996 - Cannibals Anonymous: A new addition to the Archives, the homepage of the hungry killer. Best savored using Netscape 3.0.
May 28, 1996 - Operation Enigma: Brittish authorities launched Operation Enigma to investigate the links between nine dead women found under similar circumstances since 1987. All evidence point at the existence of a new Brittish serial killer.
May 23, 1996 - Toronto Serial Killer: Metro police have linked the murders of three prostitutes sparking
fears that a serial killer is loose in Toronto.
Autopsies and ballistic testing confirmed that the same gun was used to kill the three victims over a three-hour span. There are no suspects.
May 17 1996 - "Lisbon Ripper":
Interpol announced an all-points bulletin search for the feared Portuguese killer dubbed the "Lisbon Ripper." Since 1992 the "Ripper" has strangled, then disembowelled with a shard of glass seven prostitutes in Portugal, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, and The Netherlands. Police believe he is a white truck driver, aged between 35 and 40, tall, with a pathological
hatred of women, and probably suffering from Aids.
May 16, 1996 - Shoko Asahara: In his second court appearance the blind cult leader was charged with killing seven and wounding 144 people in a trial gas attack in 1994 in a town north of Tokyo. Prosecutors also presented evidence showing that the doomsday leader ordered his disciples to build a sarin plant to produce 70 tons of the lethal Nazi-invented gas. He also ordered the production of 1,000 automatic rifles and one million bullets in preparation for an attempt to topple the Japanese Government. Mr Asahara's next court appearance is set for June 20.
May 16, 1996 - Richard Speck: Five years after his death, mass murderer Richard Speck came back to life when a pornographic videotape made secretly in prison began airing in Chicago's WBBM-TV showing the "busty" killer wearing women's panties, snorting lines of coke, having sex. and bragging about living the good life at Stateville prison.
May 16, 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski: FBI agents have boxed up and shipped the reclusive genius' Montana cabin to the Malmstrom Air Force Base for safekeeping. Mild-mannered Ted is suspected by the FBI of being the feared Unabomber.
May 15, 1996 - Theodore Kaczynski: Associated Press reported that Kaczynski was being investigated by the San Francisco Police Department for any links to the Zodiac serial slayings in the late 1960s. Perhaps he is also the other gunman in the Kennedy assassination. There is no end to what authorities want to pin on this loner ex-math professor.
May 13, 1996 - "Juiz de Fora Strangler": A fifth victim was discovered in what Brazilian authorities believe is a serial killing spree targeting elderly women in the town of Juiz de Fora. The first victim was discovered on June 19, 1995. Authorities have a composite picture of the suspected killer who is believed to be a black male of average
height between 30 to 35 years old.
May 10, 1996 - Girley Logsdon Crum: An ex-con with a curious first name was arrested and charged with the murder of three adults and two children at a trailer park in Oregon.
May 3, 1996 - Martin Bryant: Australian police widen the investigation into Bryant's past to investigate his possible involvement in five previous deaths making Martin a possible serial killer as well as a mass murderer. In other news authorities announced that they will demolish the Broken Arrow Cafe where Martin killed 20 people and wounded 18.
May 2, 1996 - Robert Arguelles: While in prison child molester Robert Arguelles confessed to killing three young girls and an adult after hearing about the birth of his daughter. In
return for fessing up, Arguelles asked for a private cell, a color
TV and the death penalty.
May 2, 1996 - Gregory Clepper: 28-year-old Gregory Clepper was charged with eight counts of first-degree
murder, all on Chicago's South Side where he lived. Police said he preyed on drug-addicted prostitutes who he killed after they objected to his refusal to pay for sex.
May 1, 1996 - Richmond, Virginia: The Richmond Times Dispatch believes there are two possible serial killers around Richmond City
or Henrico County, Virginia. One killer dates back to 1990, the other struck as recently as April, 1996. The first killer is stabbing black women. The other
is killing elderly white women.
April 28, 1996 - Martin Bryant: Brandishing a high-powered rifle Martin, a 28-year-old disgruntled surfer, opened fire on tourists in Port Arthur, a historical town in southeastern Tasmania, killing 35 and wounding 18. After barricading himself in a Bed and Breakfast for 12 hours, Bryant torched the building and emerged from it with his clothes on fire and surrendered to the police.
April 25, 1996 - Jeffrey Dahmer: Wisconsin Circuit Judge Daniel George ordered the city of Milwaukee to release Jeffrey Dahmer's personal belonging to Robert Steurer, a lawyer representing the families of some of his victims. Steurer plans to auction the cannibal's tools of the trade -- hammers, drill bits, hatchets, saws and his world-famous refrigerator -- to settle claims filed against the city by victim's families. Prosecutors objected to the sale on the grounds that it might glorify Dahmer's acts of murder and cannibalism. Here at the Archives we believe such claims are ludicrous as we are busily making room for our new freezer.
April 25, 1996 - Kenneth Tornes: A disgruntled Jackson, Mississippi, firefighter kills wife and four of his supervisors.
April 25, 1996 - Shoko Asahara: In the opening day of his trial, Shoko Asahara, the leader of the deadly cult Aum Supreme Truth, refused to enter a plea to charges of masterminding the March 20, 1995 gas attack in the Tokyo subway that killed 11 and sickened 4,000 people.
April 19 1996 - John Martin Scripps: Globe-trotting serial killer was hanged in Singapore for the murder and dismemberment of a South African tourist.
April 16, 1996 - Anatoly Onoprienko: A former forestry students confessed to killing 52 people in the Ukraine. Known as "The Terminator", Anatoly tallied the worst murder spree in Europe since fellow Russian psychopath Andrei Chikatilo.
April 11, 1996 - Thomas Hamilton: Work began yesterday to demolish the gymnassium where Hamilton butchered 16 children and a teacher on March 13. Scottish authorities plan to build a play area and flower garden in place of it.
April 8, 1996 - Robert Shulman: A suburban New York postal worker was arrested and accused of the murder and dismemberment of five prostitutes.
April 5, 1996 - "El Depredador Psicópata": Another young girl found dead in the outskirts of Ciudad Juarez raising the total bodycount to 16 for the "Depredador".
April 5, 1996 - Mark Chahal: In the Easterly tradition of family annihilation, this estranged husband killed his wife and eight in-laws as they gathered for a wedding the next morning.
April 3, 1996 - Theodore J. Kaczynski: The Harvard grad and former UC Berkeley math professor believed to be the Unabomber. He was arrested in a 10-by-12-foot cabin in the Montana wilderness after a three-week stakeout. The Feds claim to have conclusive evidence proving that he is the elusive killer. The question is, can we really believe the Feds and their so-called "evidence?"
March 26, 1996 - Joseph Kallinger: The Philadelphia cobbler-turned-killer who terrorized New Jersey
suburbs two decades ago died of a seizure in a Pennsylvania prison. He was
March 1996 - Clifford Olson
Anything-for-a-buck Cliff Olson is at it again. While serving his life sentence in Saskatchewan,
Cliff announced through his lawyer that he had registered
with Canada's copyright office to protect his proposed video
series offering psychological insights. Olson, who sexually
assaulted and murdered eight girls and three boys in 1981 and conviced authorities to pay his wife $10,000 for each killing he confessed, plans
to call the video, "Motivational Sexual Homicide Patterns of
Serial Child Killer Clifford Robert Olson."
March 25, 1996 - Ivan Milat: Australia's alleged worst serial killer, Milat is suspected of killing seven hitchhikers in the remote bush in the New South Wales. At the opening of his trial, which promises to be the lengthiest and most expensive in Australian judicial history, Milat declared his innocence.
March 1996 - "El Depredador Psicópata": A four dead women have been found in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, within the month of March. Authorities believe that the killer or killers could be either a lethal gang of "coyotes".; or a copycat killer following the steps of Abel Latif Sharif, a suspected perpetrator who has been charged with five killings.
March 21, 1996 - Thomas L.: Handcuffed and surrounded by a dozen policemen, 27-year-old neo-Nazi Thomas L. - German law forbids the printing his full name until the trial begins - led the state prosecutor to a fifth secret grave.
March 21, 1996 - Order of the Solar Temple: Fearing a full moon and the spring equinox, French authorities crack down on suspected members of the doomsday cult to avert another ritual murder-suicide.
March 13, 1996 - Thomas Hamilton: A classic loner rampages through a primary school in Dunblane, Scotland, killing 16 children and a teacher.
March 13, 1996 - Ramon Jay Rogers: Part-time actor-musician-model and suspected serial killer, arrested after body parts of his ex-girlfriend are found in bags in the garage of the apartment complex he manages in San Diego.
March 11, 1996 - William Bonin: Family members of executed serial killer William Bonin agreed to repay $79,424 in Social Security disability benefits he received illegally while in Death Row.
March 11, 1996 - Robert Joseph Silveria: A drifter, arrested for the murder of one transient in a boxcar in northern California, is suspected of 13 more murders in boxcars across six western states.
March 1, 1996 - Ferdinand Gamper: A shepherd believed to have killed five people in the spa town of Merano near the Italian-Austrian border, was killed in a 90-minute gun battle with Italian police.
February 23, 1996 - William Bonin: Southern California's Freeway Killer, was executed in San Quentin at 12:08 AM by lethal injection after eating two pizzas, three coffee ice-creams and drinking fifteen cokes.
February 13, 1996 - Pietro Pacciani: Once believed to be the "Monster of Florence," this 70-year-old farm hand was
acquitted of all charges against him by an Italian appeals court.
February 9, 1996 - Clifton McCree: Fired Fort Lauderdale beach maintenance crew worker comes back to kill 5 former co-workers as well as himself.
February 6, 1996 - Jorjik Avanesian: Fearing that his wife was taking drugs and cheating on him, this Iranian immigrant torched his Glendale, California home killing his wife and six children.
February 4, 1996 - Josh Jenkins: Troubled 15-year-old butchers family during a visit to the grandparents condo in a suburb north of San Diego. The disgruntled youth was arrested near an AM/PM Market a few miles from the crime scene as he drove away in the family's Mercedes Benz.
February 3, 1996 - Barry Loukaitas: 14-year-old honor student kills three in Frontier Junior High School in Moses Lake, Washington.
February 3, 1996 - "El Depredador Psicópata": Another dead woman is found outside Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, raising the bodycount of the "Depredador" to 11.
January 26, 1996 - Martin Mendoza-Garcia: Abusive stepfather kills 3 children outside his estranged wife's house in Landers, California.
January 11, 1996 - Ilfreide Blaunsteiner: A 64-year-old Austrian "Black Widow" and compulsive gambler confessed to killing five men because "they deserved to die."
January 1, 1996 - Order of the Solar Temple: French authorities believe that the 9 surviving witnesses of the 1994 killings in Switzerland are in danger of being abducted or murdered.
December 24, 1995 - Order of the Solar Temple: On a remote plateau of the French Alps police found 16 charred bodies arranged in a star formation in an apparent mass murder-suicide ritual. Evidence suggest that this murder-suicide may not have been voluntary. Merry Christmas.
December 19, 1995 - Michael Vernon: Caught up in the Holiday spirit, this gun-toting shopper killed five in New York shoe store.
December 15, 1995 - Sean Patrick Goble: Trucker sentenced to two consecutive life terms for killing two women in Tennessee. Suspected of dozens more killings in several states.
December 15 1995 - Aum Supreme Truth: Japanese Prime Minister, Tomiichi Murayama approved the use of a Cold War law to disband the religious cult. Justice Minister Hiroshi Miyazawa said the cult posed a public safety threat due to its anti-state ideology and stockpiles of weapons and toxic chemicals. Many lawyers and social activist view the government's action as unconstitutional.
December 12 1995 - Jeffrey Dahmer: The absurdist saga surrounding Jeffrey Dahmer's brain finally came to an end when Columbia County Circuit Judge Daniel George ordered it to be cremated.
December 12 1995 - Charles Rathbun: The autopsy report of Linda Sobek stated that dead model was sexually assaulted and died of asphyxiation. This new evidence clearly contradicts the confessed killer's claim that he accidentally killed her while demonstrating a driving maneuver.
December 9, 1995 - "Double-Initial Killer": A convicted murderer in a maximum security prison claims to know the identity of Rochester's "Double-Initial Killer.".
December 8, 1995 - Roland Smith: An irate black activist, turned white-owned Freddy's Fashion Mart in Harlem into a fiery morgue for 8, including himself.
November 27 1995 - Laverne Pavlinac & John Sosnovske: Released from jail after being wrongly imprisoned for murder for more than four years. Serial killer Keith Jesperson, the real killer cried when he heard of their acquittal.
November 24 1995 - Errol S. Dehaney: Depressed over a lousy turkey, kills wife and kids after Thanksgiving dinner.
November 22 1995 - Rosemary West: British serial killer, convicted in Winchester, England, of murdering 10 women and girls, including her daughter and stepdaughter.
November 21 1995 - Dora Buenrostro: Found competent to stand trial for knifing her three children.
November 13, 1995 - Glen Rogers: Dubbed the Cross-Country Killer, Rogers was the subject of a nationwide all-points bulletin manhunt. Captured on national TV after a chase across Kentucky with speeds sometimes exceeding 100 miles an hour.
November 9, 1995 - Eugene V. Britt: Convicted rapist, confessed to killing eleven women in Gary, Indiana.
November 6, 1995 - Unabom: No longer thought to fit the FBI's terrorist profile. Now considered a serial killer.
November 3, 1995 - Keith Jesperson: Dubbed the "Happy Face Killer," was convicted of a murder for which two others had been arrested and convicted. The convicted couple is expecting their imminent acquittal.
October 26, 1995 - William Lester Suff: Convicted serial killer, sentenced to death for a sex-murder rampage in Riverside County, California.
October 19, 1995 - Moses Sithole: Suspected South African serial killer is captured. He is thought to have killed least 37 women and a child.
October 17, 1995 - Juan Rodriguez Chavez: Murder parolee charged with 11 "thrill kills" in Dallas, Texas.
October 13, 1995 - James W. Lewis: Tylenol Extortionist released from jail after serving a 12-year sentence.
October 5, 1995 - Jeffrey Dahmer: Judge asked for more information to determine the fate of Jeffrey Dahmer's preserved brain. His mother wants it studied by scientist, his father is fighting her in court. Jeff has no opinion.
September 24, 1995 - Eric Borel:French teen-ager runs amok in the village of Sollies-Pont leaving 12 dead.
September 19, 1995 - Jeffrey Dahmer: The serial killer and cannibal was cremated nine months after his death.
The cremation was delayed by the trial of his killer. Now the courts are deciding what to do with his brain.
September 18, 1995 - Mark A. Clark: Took the family shopping and blew them up in the station wagon in a Maryland shopping center parking lot.
September 18, 1995 - David Whitson: Shot-gunned his ex-wife and daughters in Oregon.
August 19, 1995 - Victor Gant: A police officer, linked to 2 of 24 serial killings in New Orleans.