Mass Murderers

+ Hennard + Hubberty + Pough + Lepine + Purdy +

There are three types of mass murderers, the family annihilators, the paramilitary enthusiasts, and the disgruntled workers. They all tend to be young, white, males with easy access to weapons. Unemployment, loneliness, a family breakup, or just a tongue lashing from a supervisor can trigger their deadly rage. Historically, female mass murderers tend to focus on killing their children and commiting suicide. Most mass murderers end their rampages by saving the last bullet for themselves. The numbers are the hits they tallied in their fifteen minutes of homicidal fame. Check the morgue for the latest entries to the Mass Murderer Hit List.


Timothy J. McVeigh & Terry Nichols (168) Speed freak Timothy McVeigh and fellow white-trash-neo-nazi-ex-soldier Terry Nichols are believed to be responsible for blowing up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. McVeigh and Co. thought the assault on the Branch Davidian compound by federal authorities in 1993 was a step towards civil war. To avenge this transgression by the feds, McVeigh, Nichols, and other possible paramilitary freaks decided to blow up a government building. On the two-year anniversary of the fiery assault in Waco they parked a Ryder rental truck full of gas and fertilizer in front of the federal building and blew it to smithereens killing 168 people, including twenty children.

Julio Gonzalez (87) Cuban born Gonzalez came to the United States in the 1980 Mariel boat lift. Ten years later, in a fit of jealousy, he killed eighty-seven partiers. Pissed off at his ex-girlfriend, Lydia Feliciano, who was dancing with someone else, Julio bought a buck's worth of gasoline and torched the Bronx's Happy Land Social Club killing nearly everyone inside. Only six survived. As luck would have it, one of them was lucky Lydia, his ex-girlfriend.

Jack Gilbert Graham (44) Jack, a petty criminal, was always annoyed by his doting mother. In 1955, when she came to visit him in Denver, Jack gave her a Christmas present to take back home with her on the plane. The present, fourteen pounds of dynamite with a timer in a box, blew up shortly after takeoff. This, he said, made him feel freer than he had ever felt before. It also got him gassed in 1957.

David Burke (43) On December 7, 1987, David Burke, a fired airline employee, followed his ex-boss onboard a Pacific Southwest Airline jet with his mind set on revenge. He shot the man in mid-flight and caused the plane to crash, killing all forty-three people onboard including himself.

Martin Bryant (35) On April 29, 1996, Martin, a 28-year-old wanna-be surfer with a history of mental problems went on a rampage through the historical town of Port Arthur in the southeastern corner of Tasmania. Packing his car with weapons and a surfboard, Martin headed to the ruins of Port Arthur's famous prison. Outside the Broken Arrow Cafe he muttered, "There's a lot of WASP's around today, there's not many Japs here, are there?" Then he entered the cafe, pulled out two expensive semi-automatic rifles from his tennis bag, and methodically shot at everyone inside.

Once they were all dead he went out and murdered the driver of a tourist bus and shot at tourists around the site. After he walked back up the main road to his car. On the way he passed a woman who worked at the site with her two daughters. He murdered the woman, her toddler daughter and chased after the five-year-old and killed her. Then drove up to the admission booth of the site, murdered the people working there, and shot at people driving by. Next he drove to the gas station, murdered someone in a passing car, forced a driver into the trunk of his car and drove to a small bed-and-breakfast. By the time he left the colonial prison ruins and their vicinity, 32 tourists lay dead and 18 others were wounded; 20 were killed in a cafeteria, another 12 on the roads surrounding the historic ruins.

Apparently Martin knew the proprietors of "Seascape". It is unclear whether he murdered them then, or before the rampage through Port Arthur. Holed up in the quain seaside cottage, Bryant was surrounded by 200 police officers. During the 12-hour siege an Australian journalist managed to reach Bryant by phone. He told her, "I can't talk now, I'm having too much fun. I want to have a shower and if you ring me back again I will shoot the hostage." Later that night, he killed the driver who had been kidnapped and forced into the trunk of his car.

The next morning the house errupted in flames. Bryant ran out with his pants on fire and surrendered. He was rushed to the Royal Hobart Hospital where he was treated for second-degree burns and had several skin grafts, before being transported to Risdon Prison Hospital.

Jenetta Hoani, the gunman's former girlfriend, claimed that Bryant was obsessed with bestiality, violent videos and teddy bears, of which he had 200 in his bedroom. His best friend was a pet pig with whom he sometimes shared his bed. Jenetta said Martin's favorite video was "Child's Play 2", which features a doll named Chucky that is possessed by a serial killer and comes to life after killing a boy and taking over his body. She also said that he would undergo frightening personality changes and appeared to delight in death and danger.

Police have widened their investigation to include the killer's possible involvement in five other deaths making Martin a possible serial killer as well as the most lethal gun-toting mass murderer of the Archives. Detectives are investigating links between Martin, two or more stabbings, and the disappearance of a German backpacker three years ago, the apparent suicide of his father, Maurice, and the death of Helen Harvey, his family friend and possible lover. Dad's body was found in a dam with his son's diving weight tied round his neck. Helen died in a car accident in which Martin was a passenger. With her death Bryant inherited about $500,000. Neighbors said Martin used to grab the steering wheel when Helen was driving and several times the car had gone off the road.

Humberto de la Torre (25) 21-year-old Humberto torched the Dorothy Mae Apartment Hotel in downtown Los Angeles in 1982 after a dispute with his uncle who managed the building. The blaze killed 25 residents and got Humberto a 625-year sentence.

George Jo Hennard (23) On October 16, 1991, Hennard crashed his blue Ford pickup truck through the plate glass window of Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. As he stepped out of the truck he screamed, "This is what Bell County has done to me! I hope all this is worth it, Texas!" Then he systematically opened fire throughout the cafeteria killing twenty-three and wounding twenty. As he was running out of munitions he went to the restroom and put his last bullet in his brain. One surviving employee hid in the freezer. Another crawled into the dishwasher where he stayed hidden for almost a day.

James Oliver Huberty (21) An unemployed security guard, James Oliver Huberty, had only one friend-- his dog Shep. On July 18, 1984, he donned camouflage pants, told his wife "Society had its chance. I'm going hunting. Hunting humans," and set off to a MacDonald's in San Ysidro. There he shouted, "I killed thousands in Vietnam, and I want to kill more!", and for the next hour and fifteen minutes he slaughtered twenty-one people and wounded twenty. A sniper's bullet ended his bloody rampage. Later the building itself was demolished and a park was built on the site.

Charles Whitman (18) Charlie's head always ached. On July 31, 1966, he decided to take action. He started at midnight by killing his mother and his wife. The next morning he packed a bag with guns, sandwiches, a radio, deodorant and toilet paper, bought ammo and barricaded himself in the University of Texas clock tower. There he started picking off students. After ninety minutes of target practice the police broke through his barrier and shot him to death. When the smoke cleared, Charlie had killed sixteen people and wounded thirty others. An autopsy revealed a golf-ball-sized tumor pressing against the aggression center of his brain which, of course, explains the headaches.

Thomas Hamilton (17) An avid gun collector and disgraced scoutmaster, Hamilton was known as "Mr. Creepy" by the boys in Dunblane, Scotland, a village 40 miles from Edinburg. Disliked by all his neighbors, Tom enjoyed taking pictures of young boys with their shirts off. His fixation with young boys eventually got him dropped by the Boys Scouts. In the 1980s he sponsored boys' athletic clubs but it just wasn't the same. Sadly, Hamilton never got over being dropped as a scoutmaster. After nearly twenty years, he was still seething with anger. A week before his deadly rampage Thomas wrote a letter to Queen Elizabeth II complaining about a campaign to ruin his reputation. The shame was just too much for him.

On March 13, 1996, Hamilton walked to the Dunblane Primary School with payback in mind. Armed with four guns, he burst into the gymnasium where 29 children were attending class. The vengeful ex-scoutmaster systematically slaughtered 16 kids, their teacher and then shot himself. Another teacher and a dozen other students were wounded during the rampage. The children, ages 5 and 6, were sitting in circles on the floor playing when Hamilton started firing. 13 kids died instantly. Three more died later in the hospital. Surrounded by bodies of the dead and dying, 43-year-old Hamilton turned the gun on himself and put a bullet through his brain.

Scottish police described the crime scene as a medieval vision of hell with "little bodies in piles." Prime Minister John Major said the massacre was a "sick and evil act." Days later he visited Dunblane allong with the Queen to express their grief over the senseless tragedy. Dunblane, with a population of 7,300, is a small market town in the Scottish Highlands north of Stirling. It is a popular commuting base for people who work in Stirling and Edinburgh.

Nearly a month after the massacre work crews began demolishing the gymnasium where all the children died. In its place there will be a play area and a flower garden. To avoid having some weirdo try to claim a piece of the building as a trophy, officers have placed a 24-hour police presence around the demolition site.

Michael Ryan(16) On 19 August 1987, 27-year-old Michael Ryan shot to death 16 people and wounded 14 others in the small farming community of Hungerford, approximately 60 miles west of London. After a "Rambo style" bloodfest through the streets of Hungerford, he entrenched himself in a school building where he ended his life with a gunshot to his head.

The gunman, a loner who lived with his elderly mother, loved guns and television violence. The killing spree started in a forest outside of Hungerford. Wearing combat fatigues Ryan killed a woman who was preparing a picnic for her two children. Then he drove back to his house and killed his mother and the dog and torched the place. For the next two hours Ryan moved through the town, randomly killing or wounding everyone he met.

Ryan's rampage ended at the John O'Gaunt High School. Despondent over having killed his mom and his dog, Ryan commented "I wish I had stayed in bed". After 4 hours and several talks with the police Mike ended his life with the last round in his 9-mm. pistol.

After his deadly rampage the British government took steps to end the right to wear firearms, and to curtail television violence. Also, the film Rambo III was banned in several towns in the UK, because of Mike's claim of being inspired by Rambo movies.

Ronald Gene Simmons Sr. (16) This hillbilly from hell allegedly was the father of his daughter's son. In Christmas, 1987, he killed his whole family after his wife threatened with divorce. Gene killed fourteen members of his inbred clan making his the most proficient family annihilator of the Archives. When he was arrested for two other unrelated murders, the police sensed something suspicious about the way he talked about his family. When they went to his property they discovered the bunch of them dead.

Pat Sherrill (14) Meet the most prolific rampaging postal worker of the Archives. On August 20, 1986, Crazy Pat shot and killed fourteen in his Oklahoma post office. The day before the slaughter Pat was disciplined by his supervisor. Not one to take criticism lightly, Pat returned to work the next morning with his gun blazing. Fatefully, the lucky man who chastised Sherrill missed certain death because he overslept and showed up late to work.

Neighbors described Sherrill as a creepy loner who stalked the neighborhood at night wearing camouflage. He was once diagnosed as suffering from "fictitious post-traumatic stress disorder" which is imaginary battle fatigue. After the shooting, his imaginary battle fatigue didn't seem that imaginary.

Marc Lepine (14) Marc loved guns and hated women, a combination that proved fatal in the fall of 1989. Marc went to the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal dressed in typical mass-murdering fatigues looking for "feminists". In the twenty minutes that followed, he became Canada's reigning Mayhem King by killing fourteen women as well as himself. He shot his first female in the hallway, then walked into a class, asked the men to leave and shouted "You're all a bunch of feminists! I hate feminists!" He killed six of them. With a big smile on his face he proceeded to kill three more "feminists" in the cafeteria and four on another floor before turning the rifle on himself.

George Banks (13) George Banks, a prison guard in Pennsylvania, took out thirteen people, including five of his kids and the four women who bore them. He was sentenced to death in 1983.

Howard Unruh (13) A WWII veteran, Unruh never recovered from the war. He kept a list of his neighbors in Camden, New Jersey who irked or bothered him and mumbled that someday he would get them. On September 5, 1949 he set out with his two pistols and went from shop to shop killing anyone who crossed his path. He tallied thirteen dead in twelve minutes. After calmly strolling back home, he told a reporter, "I'm no psycho. I have a good mind... I'd have killed a thousand if I had enough bullets."

Eric Borel (13) A bored French teenager, Eric woke up a Sunday morning with death on his mind. On September 24, 1995 Borel killed his mother, stepfather and brother with a hammer and a baseball bat. Then he picked up his .22-caliber hunting rifle, walked six miles to the village of Cuers and opened fire in a parking lot outside a bank and in the town square. During his half-hour morning rampage, he killed seven more people and wounded nine others before putting a bullet through his head. Two of the wounded died later in the hospital. Neighbors said the teenager was taciturn and probably upset over his father's recent death from cancer. The posters of Hitler and other neo-Nazi themes plastered all over his room also might have fueled his rage.

Sadamichi Hirasawa (12) , A Japanese artist, Sadamichi poisoned 12 bank employees during a robbery.

James Ruppert (11) In 1975 James Ruppert killed his mother, brother, sister-in-law and eight nieces and nephews at an Easter Sunday dinner in Hamilton, Ohio. In 1982 he was convicted of two deaths and acquitted of the nine others by reason of insanity.

James Edward Pough(10) On the morning of June 18, 1990, James Edward Pough walked in a GMC car loan office in Jacksonville, Florida and started shooting. Police said he was distraught over GMC's repossession of his red 1988 Pontiac. "Pop," as his neighbors called him, started his rampage the night before by killing a prostitute and her pimp. The next morning, at the GMC office, he randomly killed eight and wounded five others. When he saw no one else left alive he turned the gun on himself.

Mark Chahal (9) Straight from the wedding-guest-from-hell-file. Mark walked into a pre-wedding gathering of his estranged wife's family in Vernon, Brittish Columbia, and killed his wife, her sister-- the bride-to-be-- and seven of her relatives. Two others were wounded, an elderly woman and a 6-year-old girl. After the massacre the chagrined husband drove a rental van back to the motel where he was staying, scribbled a short apology and killed himself. The stunned groom heard of the rampage en route to the wedding.

Richard Speck (8+) Richard Speck had a tattoo on his arm that read "Born to raise hell". In 1966 that's exactly what this garbage man and apprentice seaman did when he leisurely slaughtered eight student nurses in Chicago. Rich is believed to be responsible for at least four more deaths in a three month period before his blood-soaked swan song.

On the night of July 13, Rich, tanked up with booze and dope, knocked on the door of the two-story townhouse occupied by the nurses. He corralled the six women inside and hog-tied them with torn bed-sheets. He then led the first victim upstairs to a separate room and stabbed her to death. Methodically, he smoked the rest of the nurses at a clip of three per hour. Throughout the slow-motion butchery, he only raped one of the women.

As the night wore on three more nurses arrived from their dates to fall prey to his mania. One nurse, Corazon Amurao, survived the deadly visit by scooting under a bed. Rich left the townhouse when he thought there was no one left alive and headed back to a bar. Days later, as police closed in on him, Rich tried to kill himself by slashing his wrist. When he was rushed to the hospital a doctor recognized his tattoo from a news report and turned him in. In 1991 Ricky died of a heart attack while serving a 400 year sentence. He was forty-nine. At the time of his death he was "overweight, a chain-smoker and had poor eating habits." But that wasn't half of it.

In May, 1996, five years after his death, a pornographic video made secretly in prison began airing on Chicago's WBBM-TV showing the mass murderer wearing woman's panties, doing drugs, having sex and bragging about living the good life at Stateville prison. A total embarrassment for Illinois lawmakers, the tape, believed to have been shot in 1988, shows Speck handling $100 bills and casually snorting from a huge pile of coke. At one point he says, "If they only knew how much fun I was having in here, they would turn me loose."

A feminine looking Speck appeared to have taken hormone shots and, like fellow killer Bobby Joe Long, seemed to be sporting a pair of tits. It is unclear how the jailhouse Tarrantinos obtained the equipment to make their porn video. Besides Speck two other inmates appear on the tape, Speck's black lover, or in prison lingo, "his bitch," and the filmmaker himself who casually pops in for a line of coke. After viewing the video, Illinois state Representative, Al Salvi, said the demeanor of Speck and the others suggest "that they had the run of the place." On the tape, the convicts do not appear worried about getting caught. At one point Speck acknowledges that he killed the eight nurses saying that it, "just wasn't their night." For years he claimed to have "blacked out" on drugs, and could remember anything about the killings.

The Stateville Correctional Center, a maximum-security party unit in Joliet, was used in the filming of the movie Natural Born Killers. It is reputed to be one of the toughest prisons in the United States... And, by the looks of it, the funnest.

Anton Probst (8+) The axe murders in 1866 near Philadelphia were unprecedented. Anton Probst, a farm hand, systematically lured all eight members of the Deering family into a barn, then axed them to death. Beginning about 8:00 in the morning and finishing around 1:30 p.m., he then went into the farmhouse and put on Mr. Deering's fine clothes, sat down and ate the food in their kitchen (a man's got to eat), then plundered the house one room at a time until evening.

He then went into Philadelphia to his favorite saloon, bought drinks for the house with his new found wealth, gambled and lost at bagatelle (an early form of pool) and then treated himself to a lady of the evening until the following morning when he was thrown out of the whorehouse almost penniless. Managing to come up with more money for whorehouses for the next five days, Probst was finally captured and subsequently hanged, His body was then used for chilling medical experiments at the local college.

Strong evidence also suggests he was a cold-blooded serial killer who roamed the east coast and that family murders were a matter of course for him.

Todd Hall (8) On July 3, 1996, in an act of sheer stupidity, Todd Hall decided that it would be fun to ignite a box of fireworks inside a fireworks store in Lawrence County, Ohio. The boneheaded prank left eight people -- six adults and two children -- dead and a dozen injured as the store exploded in flames while customers were shopping for Independence Day fireworks. The bodies of the dead were so badly charred that the Ohio state coroner needed dental records to identify the victims.

Hall, who was described by neighbors as "mentally slow", suffered a head injury as a child. He was no stranger to having trouble with the law. In 1994 he was declared "incompetent" to stand trial on a domestic violence charge. He was also issued a citation for criminal trespass on May of 1996. Two days after the deadly blaze Hall stood up in court during his arraignment on eight counts of involuntary manslaughter and declared, "I didn't do it, I didn't do it, it's not fair." If convicted, Hall could face up to 25 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for each count.

Ray Martin DeFord(8) 11-year-old Ray -- the youngest member of the Archives -- was charged with eight counts of murder after allegedly setting a lethal fire in a suburban apartment complex west of Portland, Oregon. Three days before his arrest the kid was heralded as a hero. At first Ray told reporters that he was awakened by squeals from a rat he was planning to feed to his pet snake. When he realized the building was being ravaged by fire he woke up the rest of his family and alerted the neighbors. "My dad says I'm the hero for the day,"Ray said. After the fire the Portland media billed the kid as a real-life hero showing him eating chocolate cake at his favorite restaurant and interviewing him extensively.

On July 2, 1996, the story took an unexpected turn. The boy confessed to setting the fire next to the only exit for the 12-unit apartment building and was was heralded as a cold-blooded murderer. All the victims of the fire were of Mexican descent. A family of six - four of them young children - that lived in the apartment above, and a teen-age mother and a 3-month-old baby that lived next to them. "He might be a small child, but he had the head to do such a dreadful act, I want him to pay. He killed my family," said Mario Guzman, a relative of the victims. Although authorities assert that no evidence indicates the arson was racially motivated, the boy's uncle said that their Mexican neighbors never liked young Ray. In fact, no one did: "He only had one friend down the street, a little guy named Matt."

Wade Frankum (8) In 1991 Taxi Driver Wade Frankum killed 8 people when he sprayed his chinese assault rifle in a suburban shopping mall in Strathfield, Australia. Then he killed himself.

Frank Vitkovic (8) Like the U.S., Australia has also had it's share of postal rampages. In 1987 Melbourne law student Frank Vitkovic rampaged through an Australian Post Office building killing 8 and injuring 17 before leaping to his death from the 11th floor.

Julian Knight (8) In 1987 Australian rampager Julian Knight shot at motorists driving along Hoddle St. in Melbourne killing eight and injuring more than 18.

Carl Brown (8) Unhappy with the work done on his lawn mower, Carl Brown returned to a Miami machine shop and shot eight people. He then walked out the back door and rode his bicycle back home. Two witnesses chased after him, shot him down and ran him over with their car to make sure he was dead.

Dale Merle Nelson (8) A sexually dysfunctional lumberjack, Dale fought his impotence with violence and liquor. On September 5, 1970, tanked up with booze and hatred, he drove to his wife's relatives' house where he killed a women and her seven-year-old daughter. Feeling a bit hungry, he slit the young girl's gut and munched on the half-digested food in her entrails. He then went to a neighbor's house and killed all six inside, sodomizing an eight-year-old girl as she died. Feeling hungry again, he returned to the first house and stole the corpse he previously had for dinner.

Gian Luigi Ferri (8) A failed businessman Ferri did what others only dream about doing. In 1993, the avenging angel of all those screwed by lawyers, killed eight and wounded six, as he rampaged through the Pettit and Martin Law offices in San Francisco. Fearing legal recourse, he turned the gun on himself.

Roland Smith (7) On December 8, 1995, Ronald Smith, an overzealous black activist, turned the white-owned Freddy's Fashion Mart across the street from Harlem's famous Apollo Theatre into a flaming grave for seven low-wage workers and himself. Fueled by a bitter dispute stemming from the clothing store's planned expansion that would result in the eviction of the black-owned Record Shack next door Ron grew tired of picketing and decided to take matters into his own hand. On that fateful morning he entered Freddy's with a .38-caliber revolver and a bag of lighter fluid, yelled for everyone to leave and started firing wildly wounding four people who managed to stumble out of the shop.

Then he proceeded to set up barricades trapping seven people inside. After exchanging gunfire with police the mad activist set several fires in the store. Ronnie, who liked to call himself Abubunde Mulocko, feeling he had done his job for the cause, ended his morning rampage by putting a bullet in his head. The seven others trapped in the store burned to death. Police are still investigating the reasons for his attack.

Richard Farley (7) A computer technician obsessed with a female coworker, Richard Farley killed 7 people in one day and single-handedly forced a revision of the California law against stalking.

Ramón Salcido (7) After a night of heavy drinking and snorting cocaine, Ramón pondered his impending unemployment and divorce. On April 14, 1989 --the next morning --he decided what to do. First he took his three daughters to a municipal dump and slit their throats. One survived, two died. Then he went looking for his wife in his in-laws house. There he killed his mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law. When he returned home he found his wife, Angela, and smoked her too. He finished the day's work by murdering his boss whom he suspected of having an affair with his wife.

Jorjik Avanesian(7) On February 6, 1996, this 40-year-old Iranian immigrant, killed his wife and six children by torching their Glendale, California apartment. Jorjik, after years of anger at his wife, set the lethal fire out of jealousy because "his wife was involved with drugs and had been with another man." The lethal familicide fled the one-room inferno with burns on his hands and headed to the offices of Asre Emrooz, a Farsi-newspaper in Encino, to tell his side of the story. Jorjik, unaware of having charred his wife and six children, ages 4 to 17, said that he burnt down their home to scare his wife. He was hoping to get a divorce and get her deported.

However, as news came that the whole family was dead, Houshiar Nejad, the publisher, called the cops. Later, his sister Maro Ovanesyan told authorities that he had been arrested in Iran for trying to stab his wife. He was also arrested in the United States for using excessive force disciplining one of his children. His wife complained to police that he threw a chair at one fo the children and brandished a knife. He served no jail time but recieved counseling.

Fire officials could not explain why the Avanesians where trapped in their one-bedroom apartment and could not escape the fire. Three bodies were found in the bathtub and another on the bathroom floor. The bodies of two small children and a teenager were found in the bedroom.

Mattias Flink(7) Sweden's premier mass murderer. In June, 1994, Mattias killed seven and wounded two during a one-night rampage through the town of Falun. Matt, an army man, was distraught over the impending break-up with his girlfriend. After a night of serious drinking he returned to his barracks, grabbed his AK-5 and extra ammunition clips and went to town to mow down citizens. After killing seven people he climbed up to a crane and waited for the police. Two hours later he got bored of waiting and climbed down. When he was spotted by the police, he laid his weapon on the ground and was shot on the buttocks. Now he spends his times in Sweden's premier prison wishing he had stayed on the crane.

Joseph Wesbecker (7) At 8:30 a.m., September 14, 1989, Joe entered the Kentucky printing plant where he worked, armed to his teeth with an AK-47, two Mac-10s and two other pistols. After testing out all his weapons and killing seven, he put a bullet in his head. A former co-worker thought that Joe was argumentative, confrontational and paranoid. "This guy's been talking about this for a year." He went in looking for bosses but ended up shooting at anyone that moved.

Daniel Patric Lyman (7) In July, 1987, Danny boy, a thirty-six year-old resident of Tacoma, Washington, decided his family had bothered him long enough. He proceeded to kill the whole lot: his parents, his parents-in-law, his wife, his two children, and then, himself.

Edward Charles Allaway (7) In 1976 Ed shot nine people, seven fatally, in a homicidal rampage at the library at Cal State Fullerton where he worked as a janitor. Not a marksman, Eddie used a .22-caliber rifle to shoot his victims at close range. Found not guilty by reason of insanity, the killer has been confined to the Atascadero State Hospital. In 1992 he was transferred to the less restrictive Napa State Hospital and has been deemed well enough to be released into the community. Dr. Paul Blair, a state psychiatrist and UC Irvine professor said that Allaway's psychopathic behavior appears "to be in full remission." If released maybe Dr. Blair could give him some work in the UC Irvine campus. However, he should stay clear of the library.

Mark Essex (7) Mark Essex left the U.S. Navy because he thought the white man did not care about his problems. He moved to New Orleans where he brooded over racism a little too long. On a Sunday morning in January, 1973, Mark stormed into a Howard Johnson's Motel with his rifle in his hand and a private race war on his mind. A black maid spotted him but he reassured her, "Don't worry. We're not killing blacks today, just whites. The revolution is here." With that, he torched the drapes of his room and started shooting at the white folk.

He spent the rest of the day on the roof of the hotel shooting people.He killed two hotel workers, three cops, a newlywed couple, and wounded twenty-six others. Eventually he was shot down by Marine sharpshooters who were called in to take him out.

James Schnick (7) Another from the family-annihilator file. In September, 1987, this Elkland, Montana, resident wasted seven family members, including four of his children. He then tried to blame his fourteen-year-old nephew for the crime.

Colin Ferguson (6) On December 7, 1993, Colin decided to ignite his own race war and started firing at white people on the Long Island Commuter Train. His rampage left six dead and several injured. Colin defended himself at his trial claiming that he was the victim of a racist conspiracy.

Leo Held (6) On morning in the fall of 1967, Leo, a devout Christian, woke up and decided to take care of his problems. He drove his kids to school, dropped his wife at her job and showed up at the paper mill where he worked packing heat. There he wasted five supervisors. Then he went to a local airport and wounded a switchboard operator that was part of his car pool. Next he went home and shot his neighbors, the Quiggles, while they slept. One died, the other survived.

When he returned home, the police had surrounded his house and shot him. He died in the hospital but not before saying why he shot each person. All the victims had irked him in some way or another. There was one person he couldn't get to, a seventy-year-old neighbor, a fact which he lamented on his death bed.

Ronnie DeFeo (6) Ronnie DeFeo shot and killed the six members of his family at 3:15 a.m. on the morning of November 13, 1974 with a .35 caliber rifle. He testified in court to being possessed by Satan who he blamed for the murders. The house itself in Amityville, New York, was believed to be under demonic attack. When the new owners of the house started to show signs of demonic possession, it was almost confirmed. The new owners fled the house in complete terror and fear, never to return to it again. The house has since been torn down and locals still avoid walking on the property. On a lighter note, the DeFeo murders and its subsequent haunting became part of pop lore with the brilliant "Amityville Horror" film series.

William B. Cruse (6) In April, 1987, sixty-year-old William Cruse, randomly killed six and wounded ten in Palm Bay, Florida.

Alvin Lee King (6) Alvin was an atheist eccentric with a Ph.D. in Psychology and a taste for crime. In 1966 he accidentally killed his father with a shotgun blast. In the summer of 1980, the Sunday before he was scheduled to go to trial for allegedly molesting his daughter, he tied his wife to a kitchen table, dressed up in military drag, and set off to the First Baptist Church in Daingerfield, Texas. As he busted in the packed church, he screamed "This is war!" and started firing. In ten seconds he killed five and wounded twelve. He then fled to a fire station where he tried and failed to commit suicide. Happily he did succeed while in jail, by hanging himself with a towel.

William Cook (6) Billy Boy had tattooed HARD LUCK on his left hand. As a child he grew up in a mine shaft, then reform school, and then the pen. While in jail he nearly killed an inmate with a baseball bat. In 1950, a short time after being released from prison, he flagged down a car and forced a family of five to drive aimlessly through four states. After seventy-two hours of driving he shot all five family members and their dog. When he got to California he commandeered another car and shot the driver in Yuma, Arizona. He was finally arrested by Mexican police six hundred miles south of Tijuana. Before getting gassed in 1952 he stated he hated "everybody's guts."

Theofilos Sechidis (5) 24-year-old, Greek law school student confessed to murdering his parents, sister, grandmother and an uncle on the northeastern Aegean island of Thasos. Theo told police he murdered each one separately over a five-day period, hackingup their bodies and placing the remains in black plastic garbage bags and leaving them in a garbage dump.

Jean-Claude Romand (5) After maintaining a bogus identity as a medical expert for 20 years Eurotrash "Doctor" Romand killed his wife, children and parents because they were about to discover his counterfit existence. To his friends and family Jean-Claude Romand, 42, seemed to be a brilliant doctor specializing in cardiovascular diseases. The good "Doctor" had all the trappings of success: a beautiful wife, two children, an elegant home in the town of Prevessin-Moæns near the Swiss border and a wealthy mistress in Paris.

Sadly, it was all a lie. Unscrupulously, Romand turned to murder rather than face exposure. Records show he went no further than the first year of medical school in Lyons. Instead of admitting it to his doting parents and his future wife, "Doctor" Romand invented his credentials and the life to go with them. He maintained his successful lifestyle by borrowing money from his rich mistress and others and carried on as a respected member of the community . His con began to unravel in 1992 when his mistress demanded her money back.

On January 10, 1993, the shit hit the fan when the Romand family home burst into flames. Inside, firemen found the partly burnt bodies of Florence, his wife, who had been killed by a blow to the head while sedated, and their two children, ages five and seven, who had both been shot. Romand lay near them after unsuccessfully trying to kill himself with a combination of sleeping pills and gasoline. Later the bodies of Romand's elderly parents were discovered shot dead in their home in the Jura. All dead because Jean-Claude could not get past the first year of medical school.

Girley Logsdon Crum (5) On May 10, 1996, Crum, an ex-con with an extensive rap sheet, was charged with the murder of three adults and two children at a trailer park in Bandon, a town of 2,400 people along the Oregon coast. His numerous previous offenses included assault, robbery, driving under the influence, carrying a concealed weapon and overall criminal mischief. Recently Girley--a curious name for a slasher --had served three years in prison for attacking someone with a screwdriver during a robbery.

The convicted robber was released the Monday before the killings after serving 21 days on a parole violation. Three days after his release he slit the throats of the Jacobs family in their trailer home. It seems that Girley knew the victims. Police say they have no motive for the slaying.

Kenneth Tornes (5) Tornes, a Jackson, Mississippi firefighter and walking time-bomb, joked about rampaging through the firehouse killing "the chiefs". On April 24, 1996, his fantasies became reality when, after gunning his wife at home, he went to the fire department to hunt "the bosses". Before leading police in a high-speed chase, Kenny, an eight-year fire department veteran, killed four supervisors in the fire station.

Police chased the fuming firefighter from the downtown Jackson Fire Department to the parking lot of a suburban shopping center causing many wrecks on the way. There, after exchanging gunfire with the cops and wounding an officer, Ken was hit in the left eye. Last we heard of him Tornes was in serious but stable condition after surgery in which they removed the bullet from his eye.

Clifton McCree (5) A fired Fort Lauderdale, Florida, beach maintenance crew worker, Cliff returned a year later to extract revenge from his co-workers. At 5:00 AM on February 9, 1996, Clifton returned to a temporary trailer office a block from the beach and systematically started firing on the beach cleaning crew he once worked with as they sat around a table preparing for work. McCree entered the trailer carrying a .9 mm semi-automatic handgun and said: "Everyone is going to die." He then started shooting, killing five co-workers and wounding another who survived by playing dead. After the rampage, the gunman killed himself. When police arrived, they found an empty 10-round magazine, another partly loaded magazine in the gun next to his body and 12 spent shell casings. The killer also had a .32-caliber loaded pistol under his coat.

A longtime maintenance crew worker, McCree, 41, was fired after a 20-day suspension for failing a drug test, "threatening and harassing" his co-workers and making "insulting remarks" to tourists and residents on the beach. At the time he said his threats were a joke. For a year his co-workers never heard from him until he showed up at the trailer at dawn. After the massacre his family expressed their condolences in a statement that said, "We knew he was distraught, but not to that extent." In a semi-coherent suicide note he left behind, McCree said the shootings were "to punish some of the cowardly, racist devils" that got him fired. Nonetheless, by noon of the very day of the massacre the yellow crime-scene tape around the murder site was taken down to allow a fund-raising go-cart race to take place.

Josh Jenkins (5) A troubled 15-year-old boy, Josh slaughtered his family during a visit to his grandparent's condo north of San Diego, California. Quick tempered Josh was at a private school in Southern California for students needing academic help and discipline. His family who lived in Las Vegas picked him up from school and took him to his grandparent's condominium in the exclusive community of The Terraces to spend the weekend. There, after an argument with his mother, he bludgeoned to death his parents and grandparents. Inexplicably, he somehow kept his 10-year-old sister Megan from discovering the carnage.

The next morning he took her with him to buy an axe which he used to kill her once they returned to the condo. That afternoon, Megan's friend Phaedra telephoned to speak to her pal, but Josh told her "something has come up. Megan's really busy right now and can't talk."

Shortly after, Josh torched the condo and sped away in the family's silver Mercedes Benz. The youth was arrested the next morning after he stopped at an AM/PM Minimarket off California 78 where he inquired about what route to take to Las Vegas and put air in the tires. The clerk at the market recognized the youth from the description in the local paper and called 911. When police arrested him, Josh was verbally abusive and had his grandparent's white poodle with him.

Michael Vernon (5) On December 19, 1995, at the peak of the holiday shopping season, Mike, a gun-toting shopper seeking to buy shoes, opened fire in a crowded store killing five people and critically wounding three others. Police arrested the 22-year-old mass murderer and possible foot fetishist after a chase through the snowy streets of the Bronx, New York. Displeased with the service at the Little Chester Shoe Store, a small shop near the Bronx Zoo, short-tempered Mike pulled out his automatic 9mm. pistol and started shooting. "It looks like he had an argument with one of the employees," said a police spokesperson. Maybe a little too much eggnog and one too many rude attendants fueled his deadly Christmas rage.

John Lindley Frazier (5) Along with big Ed Kemper and Herbert Mullin, Frazier was the third cog in the legendary Triumvirate of Evil of Santa Cruz in the early seventies. As a young man Johnny Boy dropped out of society because he didn't want to participate in the killing of the planet.

On October 19, 1970, this acid-dropping environmentalist set out to settle a score with an eye doctor who hated hippies. After entering the home of the doctor, he found the wife and shot her with her own gun. He then proceeded to bound and kill everyone as they arrived. By the time he was done, he had killed the doctor, his wife, his secretary and his two children. Frazier wrote a rambling letter on the doctors typewriter about how World War III had started and that anyone who misuses the environment would be executed. He then tossed the bodies into the swimming pool and torched the place.

His hippie friends thought he had gone a bit to far and turned him in to the police. During his trial Johnny showed up with half of his head, half of his beard and one eyebrow shaved. He got the death sentence before his hair could grow back in.

Geoff Ferguson (5) Geoff Ferguson is currently on trial in Danbury, Connecticut, for shooting five people and setting a house on fire. Geoff had rent dispute with the tenants of his house in Georgetown, Connecticut. He threatened his three tenants repeatedly, and on the night of April 18, 1995, he decided to take action. Geoff allegedly came to the house, shot the three tenants, two guests, and set the building on fire. One of the tenants, Scott Aurbach, managed to crawl out of the blaze and tell the emergency workers that, "Ferguson did it." Unfortunately Scott later died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

Bruman Alvarez (5) On Friday July 21, 1995, Bruman, a twenty-year-old Potomac, Maryland, resident was charged with the murders of a podiatrist, his three daughters and a house painter. Bruman, day laborer, was hired to assist the painter with the doctor's house. On that fateful Thursday Bruman, tired of working and wacked-out on paint fumes, went ballistic and bludgeoned and stabbed everyone in the house. Then called 911 and pretended someone else did it.

Gustavo "Tavinho" Pissardo (5) On the night of September 29, 1994, Tavinho, a 22-year-old Brazilian student in São Jose dos Campos, Brazil had a bad headache. His father took him to the hospital where he was given an injection and sent back home to bed. At midnight he woke up and found his mother and his sister watching TV. Maybe he didn't like what they were watching. Who knows? In any case, he took a .32-caliber revolver from the top of the fridge and killed them both with a bullet to the head. Then he killed his father. He proceeded to mess up the house and undressed the women to make it look like a robbery and an attempted rape.

He then took his father's pickup truck and drove 94 miles to Campinas to visit to his grandparents. There he confessed to the killings and apparently didn't like their reaction. He killed both his grandparents and drove back to São Jose where he picked up his girlfriend. Before turning himself to the police Tavinho spent four days with his girlfriend enjoying the beaches of São Paulo.

Michael Stevens (5) Fearing that his girlfriend Brenda Chevere's family was trying to end their relationship, Michael sent six booby-trapped mail bombs to Brenda's relatives across Upstate New York. Four of the bombs exploded, one failed to detonate and another was intercepted by the police. Brenda's mother, sister and stepfather were killed as well as two unlucky bystanders. Three more people were injured.

Patrick Purdy (5) Patrick Purdy thought Asians where at the root of all his problems. In January, 1989, he decided it was time to vent. He left his flea bag motel wearing the customary army fatigues with "Death to the Great Satin" (a typo or perhaps a strange fixation with fancy evening wear) scribbled on his sleeve and headed for the Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California. In the next six minutes Pat was able to kill five with his AK-47 and unwittingly influenced the passage of a ban against assault rifles in California. When the smoke settled, Michael Jackson, the Peter Pan of auto-erotica, descended on the school to spread goodwill (and maybe something else) among the surviving children.

Brad Bishop( 5) In the 1970s Brad seemed to have it all. A family , a home in Bethesda, Maryland, and a good job at the State Department. One day, after telling his psychiatrist that a "voice inside me" was the only thing he was answerable to," he took off early from work and bought a gallon of gas and a small sledgehammer at a local mall.

That night, while his mother-in-law was out walking the dog, he hammered to death his wife and then his three sleeping sons. When his mother-in-law came back, he killed her too. Then he drove the bodies out to a remote forrest 300 miles away and torched their corpses with gasoline. Since then he has been seen only once --a former neighbor spotted him in a bathroom in Serano, Italy. No one knows where he is today.

Robert Benjamin Smith( 5) Bobbie just wanted to be known, to carve a name for himself. Following the leads of his two heroes, Richard Speck and Charles Whitman, this high-school senior from Mesa, Arizona, headed to the Rose-Mar College of Beauty ready to gun down someone for his 15 minutes of homicidal fame. At the College he forced five women and two children into a back room and systematically shot them in the head killing five of them. When the police arrived at the scene, he gleefully confessed to everything.

John Emil List (5) The deeply religious John List must have had a religious epiphany before killing his mom, wife and three teenage children. In 1971 this fastidious accountant executed all members of his family, left their bodies neatly laid in the ballroom of his mansion (except for his mom who was too fat to drag down the stairs), arranged photos and books he had borrowed from a neighbor on a table, and disappeared.

Seventeen years later, after his story was detailed on the TV show, "America's Most Wanted", a caller sent authorities to Richmond, Virginia, where they found him living as Robert P. Clark. The Lutheran matricide was leading a normal life there very much like the one he finished off in Westfield, New Jersey, seventeen years before.

Gang Lu (5) A Chinese graduate physics student, Gang Lu resorted to a killing rampage when his department did not reward his dissertation with the award he believed it deserved. On the afternoon of November 1, 1991, Lu went to the physics department of the University of Iowa and shot at three dissertation-committee professors and a student. Then he went to the administration building and shot the vice president for academic affairs who supervised the award-giving and a sudent-secretary before turning the gun on himself. The only survivor of his academic tantrum was the student-secretary working in the administration building who is now a quadriplegic. If only Gang Lu's space-plasma theory had been a little more engaging all this would have never happened.

James Simpson (5) Another one from the disgruntled-ex-employee-returns-on-a-rampage file. On April 3, 1995, 28-year-old James Simpson walked into the Walter Rossler Co., a refinery inspection company in Corpus Christi, Texas, and killed his former boss, his wife and three other employees. He then walked out the back door and shot himself.

Leonardo Morita(5) Leo, a 46-year-old electrician, wanted to collect on the insurance policies he took out on each member of his family. To expedite matters, in May, 1995, he set his San Marino, California, home ablaze killing his wife, three children and housekeeper. He poured so much gasoline on the stairs to make sure no one got out alive, it leaked to the basement igniting the water heater's pilot flame and sparking a massive explosion. Greedy Leonardo died two months later from injuries suffered during the blaze.

Dale Pierre (4) Known as the "Drano killer". Dale was born on the Island of Tobago on Jan. 21, 1953. His family moved to the US in 1970. He entered the Air Force in 1973, and was stationed at Hill AFB in Utah at the time he commited the infamous "Hi-Fi Murders.". On April 22, 1974, Dale and his partner, William Andrews rounded up a six innocent employees in a stereo shop in Odgen, Utah, tied them up in the basement, and made them all drink Drano.

While they were wretching and vomiting, he went around and forced them to drink another round. He then took the time to rape one of the girls after she was done vomiting, while the others lay there and suffered. After the girl was raped, she pleaded for her life. He then took his .38 and shot her in the head, along with all the others-one at a time. One of his victims, a middle aged man, was still alive. John proceeded to take a ball point pen and kick it all the way into his ear until the man could feel the end of it in his throat.

This man, and another young boy, Cory Naisbitt. survived the ordeal. The young boy suffered horrible brain damage from the bullet, along with numerous operations to repair his esophogus which was destroyed by the Drano.

Jesús Andrés Iglesias(4) Before being riddled with bullets, Jesús -- a 40-year-old, mentally disturbed man -- fired more than 30 shots with his double-barrelled hunting rifle at a religious procession passing below his window. The "Corpus Christi Massacre" as it was immediately dubbed by the Spanish media, ocurred in Herreros de Rueda, a tiny village of 35 inhabitants near León in northwest Spain.

Three people in the procession - Victorico Martínez, 73, Herminio Martínez, 72, and Eva González, 22 - were shot in the back and died on the spot. A young sergeant of the Civil Guard died during the ensuing gun battle. "Everyone knew the killer was disturbed, loco. But why did the police let him keep his guns? Why was he allowed a licence?" one of the villagers said. "This is what happens when you allow just anyone to have a gun."

The killer had a history of confrontation with the villagers. He was often abusive and threatening. He was known to fire several rounds from his rifle every night into the trees in his yard. "We complained several times to the Civil Guard," one villager said, "but they never did anything. They said that he hadn't hurt anyone."

Mark A. Clark(4) On September 18, 1995, Mark decided go out with a bang, and take his family with him. Mark, a laborer, packed his estranged wife and three kids in the family station wagon and took them to the a Maryland shopping center to buy back-to-school clothing. As they arrived to the Middlesex Shopping Center he detonated a bomb made out of commercially available explosives hidden in the glove compartment spewing car and body parts all over the parking lot of the mall.

David Whitson(4) On the same day as the Clark familicide, David Whitson shot-gunned to death his estranged wife and three daughters and wounded his mother-in-law in Scotts Mills, Oregon.

Willie Woods(4) Willie, a Los Angeles city electrician, felt he was being singled out by his supervisors. On Wednesday July 19, 1995, he went to Piper Technical Center in Downtown Los Angeles where he worked as a radio repairman with payback in his mind. At 10 a.m., after a brief argument about a negative performance evaluation he received, left the area and returned to shoot two of his supervisors in their office cubicles with a 19-shot Glock semiautomatic pistol.

Willie then walked down the stairs to the basement of Piper Tech and hunted down his other two victims. The two other supervisors died in a hallway and in another office. Two officers of the police gang unit who happened to be there arrested him leaving the building. Co-workers said that Woods, "seemed like a mellow guy." His problems with his supervisors started 6 months before the killings. Once he threw a chair across the room when he was being counseled by one of the victims.

Alan Winterborne (4) All Alan wanted was a job and no one would give it to him. So on December 2, 1993, this computer analyst became the avenging angel of the unemployed. First he went to the Star-Free Press in Ventura, California, and presented his case against the Unemployment Agency to an editor. Then at 11:41 he entered an unemployment office in Oxnard and started shooting at state employees, killing three. Afterwards he headed to another unemployment office killing a cop on his way. He was shot down by the police in the parking lot of the second unemployment office before he could wreak more havoc.

Christopher Green(4) On March, 1995, Christopher Green, a former postal worker, returned to rob the tiny neighborhood post office where he worked and executed four-- two workers who knew him and two customers. A third customer was left in critical condition with a bullet in his head. Green said he held up the post office because he owed back rent and was buried under "a mountain of debt."

Thomas McIlvane (4) On November 14, 1991, Tommy Boy, a fired postal worker, returned to his former post office in Royal Oak, Michigan, and wasted four supervisors and wounded five other employees before stamping a bullet through his head.

Joseph M. Harris (4) Not to be outdone, on October 10, 1991, another fired postal worker, Joe Harris, went to the home of his former supervisor and killed her and her boyfriend. The he went to his post office in Ridgewood, New Jersey, where he killed two mail handlers. After a 4-hour standoff with the police, he surrendered.

Barry Wayne McNamara (4) For some reason Barry thought he was the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth II and that his TV told him to kill his family because they were Soviet spies. So on a fateful January night in 1985, Barry did as he was told. He shot his father, sister and niece, and crushed his mother's skull with a rock. All, of course, in the name of democracy.

Kevin Weaver (4) In 1987, Kevin Weaver, 24, clubbed his mother and sister to death in Bristol, England. Then he took out three shotguns from his collection and seized his ex-fiancée. He killed two of her colleagues after she escaped. He was arrested and sent to Broadmoor for his jealous tirade.

Paul Ely Jr.(3) On October 27, 1996, in a typical fit of love gone sour, Paul Ely Jr. of Anchorage, Alaska, went hunting for his estranged wife leaving three dead and one wounded in his wake before killing himself. The suspect first attacked a police officer who was responding to a domestic violence call. After wasting the cop in the hallway of the apartment building where his estranged wife and children lived, Ely shot his wife in the gut, ran to a neighbor's house with his two small children and killed them. Then, committed suicide.

Seely, 40, died about an hour after the shooting. Christina Ely, 27, was hospitalized and is in stable condition. "I had heard that they had just gotten divorced and I know they had been having problems for more than a year because the kids would come to the bus stop and talk about the parents fighting," said one of the neighbors. At the time of the rampage Paul was not living with Christina and the kids.

Martin Mendoza-Garcia(3) Martin, a short-tempered Nevada construction worker, killed two stepdaughters and a niece when he went searching for his estranged wife. Rocio Cervantes had fled Carson City, Nevada for her brother's house after her husband Martin was arrested on a domestic battery charge for beating his stepdaughter. Three weeks later, on January 26, 1996, Martin showed up at his brother-in-law's home in Landers, California, with blood on his mind.

As the family was getting the children ready for school, Martin knocked on the door and pulled out his gun. Angelica Cervantes, Rocio's sister managed to call 911 before Martin fired shots into the house and threatened to kill everyone. He then grabbed Sandra, his 13-year-old stepdaughter whom he admitted having beaten previously in Carson City, and held the gun to her head. By the time police arrived, he had three children in his car and Sandra in a headlock. When he saw the cops he shot Sandra at point-blank range killing her instantly, then turned and fired into the car full of children killing another stepdaughter, a niece and wounding his biological son before police fired back wounding him. He then ran to the back of the house where he was tackled and disarmed by his brother-in-law.

Dora Buenrostro(3) A San Jacinto, California resident, Dora was charged with the murders of her three children. On October 27, 1994, she led police officers to her apartment were they discovered the bodies of her children Susana, 9, and Vicente, 8. The body of her youngest was found 10 miles away inside her abandoned car still strapped to the car seat. She tried to pin the bloody knife attacks on her estranged husband living in Los Angeles. A San Jacinto police officer remarked that before her arrest Dora, "was like a roller coaster. She went from laughing and joking to being tired to being nonchalant, but never showed remorse or sadness, even after we told her we found the body of her third child." Obviously they never believed her and on November, 1995 a jury decided she was competent to stand trial despite the defense's contention that she is psychotic.

Barry Loukaitas(3) On September 2, 1996, Barry Loukaitas, a 14-year-old honor student in Moses Lake, Washington, broke into algebra class with a high-powered rifle and shot three students and their teacher. Two of the students and the teacher died. The third student was left hospitalized in serious condition shot in the abdomen and right arm. Hearing the shots, physical education teacher and champion wrestler Jon Lane burst into the classroom, disarmed the boy and held him until police arrived. It seems that Barry and Manuel Vela, one of the students shot, were always exchanging words. "I guess he finally got sick of it," said fellow-student Walter Darden.

Errol S. Dehaney(3) On November 25, 1995, Errol, a Hartford, Conneticut resident with a history of domestic violence, shot and killed his wife and two kids. The couple argued in the car after leaving a friend's Thanksgiving party. Shennavia, his unfortunate wife, went back to the friends' house where Errol followed her and shot her in the head. He then returned to the car and killed his two children.

Ernesto Cruz Jimenez(3) A Mexico City police officer, said to be suffering from depression opened fire with his 9-mm. pistol in a crowded subway car on Thursday, September 21, 1995. He fired 10 rounds on the rush hour passengers before being seized by an unarmed subway police officer. Three passengers died and five others were wounded. The sister of the 22 year-old gunman said that Ernie had been very depressed and twice had tried to commit suicide.

James Floyd Davis(3) James, a classic loner from Ashville, N.C., was fired from a machine-tool company for fighting with co-workers and returned later to kill three people and injure four others. Later he walked out the back door, threw his two guns down and emptied his pockets of shells. He then lit a cigarette and surrendered. His co-workers knew he was dangerous. They said he kept talking about his guns and knives. At work he talked to himself and never associated with anyone.

Albert L. Petrosky(3) Distraught over marital woes, Al Petrosky opened fire in a crowded supermarket in Littleton, Colorado, killing his wife and two others. The wife, Terry, worked in the store and had recently obtained a restraining order against him. Albert, didn't take it too well. He decided to strap on a bullet-proof vest, grab his pistol, assault rifle and hunting rifle, and head to Albertson's. There he shot his wife, the store manager and a sheriff's sergeant who was getting out of his patrol car. As he tried to flee, the rampager was tackled by a construction worker who held him down until police arrived.

Sylvia Seegrist(3) SOn October 30, 1985, Sylvia Seegrist, 26, put on camouflage pants, combat boots, a wool cap, and a shirt with the word "Jihad" printed on the back. She then headed to the Springfield Mall near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle killing three and wounding seven. Several months before the mall shooting, Sylvia took to wearing army fatigues in combination with a shirt that had printed on the front, "Kill 'em all". Ruth Seegrist, Sylvia's mother, recalled the events that occured during the last month before the rampage. "By the third week in October she was completely out of touch with reality, continuously agitated, vitrolic, restless, unable to concentrate, or even comprehend questions directed at her. 'You!' she would screech, pointing an accusing finger at me, eyes ablaze with scorching anger, 'you gave me birth, you will be lucky if some day you don't die by my hand.' I was terrified. I did not doubt that she was capable of killing me".

John Markle (3) John was the son of the Academy-award winning actress Mercedes McCambridge (who won the Oscar for "All the King's Men," but was best known as the voice of the demon in "The Exorcist"). In the late 80's John murdered his family and killed himself after he was suspended by his employer for embezzling money into his mother's account. His employer was Stephens Inc., a bond brokeage firm in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Unable to withstand the shame, John put on a "Freddy Kruger" mask, killed his wife and two daughters in his prestigious home in Little Rock's historical section. Then he called his lawyer and shot himself in both temples simultaneously.

The family tried to supress a lot of documentation in the case, but the two newspapers in Little Rock sued and eventually got everything released. It included some venomous letters to his mom about how he had never been able to please her and felt unloved.

They tried it, they liked it, they did it again!
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