Once they were all dead he went out and murdered the driver of a tourist bus and shot at tourists around the site. After he walked back up the main road to his car. On the way he passed a woman who worked at the site with her two daughters. He murdered the woman, her toddler daughter and chased after the five-year-old and killed her. Then drove up to the admission booth of the site, murdered the people working there, and shot at people driving by. Next he drove to the gas station, murdered someone in a passing car, forced a driver into the trunk of his car and drove to a small bed-and-breakfast. By the time he left the colonial prison ruins and their vicinity, 32 tourists lay dead and 18 others were wounded; 20 were killed in a cafeteria, another 12 on the roads surrounding the historic ruins.
Apparently Martin knew the proprietors of "Seascape". It is unclear whether he murdered them then, or before the rampage through Port Arthur. Holed up in the quain seaside cottage, Bryant was surrounded by 200 police officers. During the 12-hour siege an Australian journalist managed to reach Bryant by phone. He told her, "I can't talk now, I'm having too much fun. I want to have a shower and if you ring me back again I will shoot the hostage." Later that night, he killed the driver who had been kidnapped and forced into the trunk of his car.
The next morning the house errupted in flames. Bryant ran out with his pants on fire and surrendered. He was rushed to the Royal Hobart Hospital where he was treated for second-degree burns and had several skin grafts, before being transported to Risdon Prison Hospital.
Jenetta Hoani, the gunman's former girlfriend, claimed that Bryant was obsessed with bestiality, violent videos and teddy bears, of which he had 200 in his bedroom. His best friend was a pet pig with whom he sometimes shared his bed. Jenetta said Martin's favorite video was "Child's Play 2", which features a doll named Chucky that is possessed by a serial killer and comes to life after killing a boy and taking over his body. She also said that he would undergo frightening personality changes and appeared to delight in death and danger.
Police have widened their investigation to include the killer's possible involvement in five other deaths making Martin a possible serial killer as well as the most lethal gun-toting mass murderer of the Archives. Detectives are investigating links between Martin, two or more stabbings, and the disappearance of a German backpacker three years ago, the apparent suicide of his father, Maurice, and the death of Helen Harvey, his family friend and possible lover. Dad's body was found in a dam with his son's diving weight tied round his neck. Helen died in a car accident in which Martin was a passenger. With her death Bryant inherited about $500,000. Neighbors said Martin used to grab the steering wheel when Helen was driving and several times the car had gone off the road.
On March 13, 1996, Hamilton walked to the Dunblane Primary School with payback in mind. Armed with four guns, he burst into the gymnasium where 29 children were attending class. The vengeful ex-scoutmaster systematically slaughtered 16 kids, their teacher and then shot himself. Another teacher and a dozen other students were wounded during the rampage. The children, ages 5 and 6, were sitting in circles on the floor playing when Hamilton started firing. 13 kids died instantly. Three more died later in the hospital. Surrounded by bodies of the dead and dying, 43-year-old Hamilton turned the gun on himself and put a bullet through his brain.
Scottish police described the crime scene as a medieval vision of hell with "little bodies in piles." Prime Minister John Major said the massacre was a "sick and evil act." Days later he visited Dunblane allong with the Queen to express their grief over the senseless tragedy. Dunblane, with a population of 7,300, is a small market town in the Scottish Highlands north of Stirling. It is a popular commuting base for people who work in Stirling and Edinburgh.
Nearly a month after the massacre work crews began demolishing the gymnasium where all the children died. In its place there will be a play area and a flower garden. To avoid having some weirdo try to claim a piece of the building as a trophy, officers have placed a 24-hour police presence around the demolition site.
The gunman, a loner who lived with his elderly mother, loved guns and television violence. The killing spree started in a forest outside of Hungerford. Wearing combat fatigues Ryan killed a woman who was preparing a picnic for her two children. Then he drove back to his house and killed his mother and the dog and torched the place. For the next two hours Ryan moved through the town, randomly killing or wounding everyone he met.
Ryan's rampage ended at the John O'Gaunt High School. Despondent over having killed his mom and his dog, Ryan commented "I wish I had stayed in bed". After 4 hours and several talks with the police Mike ended his life with the last round in his 9-mm. pistol.
After his deadly rampage the British government took steps to end the right to wear firearms, and to curtail television violence. Also, the film Rambo III was banned in several towns in the UK, because of Mike's claim of being inspired by Rambo movies.
Neighbors described Sherrill as a creepy loner who stalked the neighborhood at night wearing camouflage. He was once diagnosed as suffering from "fictitious post-traumatic stress disorder" which is imaginary battle fatigue. After the shooting, his imaginary battle fatigue didn't seem that imaginary.
On the night of July 13, Rich, tanked up with booze and dope, knocked on the door of the two-story townhouse occupied by the nurses. He corralled the six women inside and hog-tied them with torn bed-sheets. He then led the first victim upstairs to a separate room and stabbed her to death. Methodically, he smoked the rest of the nurses at a clip of three per hour. Throughout the slow-motion butchery, he only raped one of the women.
As the night wore on three more nurses arrived from their dates to fall prey to his mania. One nurse, Corazon Amurao, survived the deadly visit by scooting under a bed. Rich left the townhouse when he thought there was no one left alive and headed back to a bar. Days later, as police closed in on him, Rich tried to kill himself by slashing his wrist. When he was rushed to the hospital a doctor recognized his tattoo from a news report and turned him in. In 1991 Ricky died of a heart attack while serving a 400 year sentence. He was forty-nine. At the time of his death he was "overweight, a chain-smoker and had poor eating habits." But that wasn't half of it.
In May, 1996, five years after his death, a pornographic video made secretly in prison began airing on Chicago's WBBM-TV showing the mass murderer wearing woman's panties, doing drugs, having sex and bragging about living the good life at Stateville prison. A total embarrassment for Illinois lawmakers, the tape, believed to have been shot in 1988, shows Speck handling $100 bills and casually snorting from a huge pile of coke. At one point he says, "If they only knew how much fun I was having in here, they would turn me loose."
A feminine looking Speck appeared to have taken hormone shots and, like fellow killer Bobby Joe Long, seemed to be sporting a pair of tits. It is unclear how the jailhouse Tarrantinos obtained the equipment to make their porn video. Besides Speck two other inmates appear on the tape, Speck's black lover, or in prison lingo, "his bitch," and the filmmaker himself who casually pops in for a line of coke. After viewing the video, Illinois state Representative, Al Salvi, said the demeanor of Speck and the others suggest "that they had the run of the place." On the tape, the convicts do not appear worried about getting caught. At one point Speck acknowledges that he killed the eight nurses saying that it, "just wasn't their night." For years he claimed to have "blacked out" on drugs, and could remember anything about the killings.
The Stateville Correctional Center, a maximum-security party unit in Joliet, was used in the filming of the movie Natural Born Killers. It is reputed to be one of the toughest prisons in the United States... And, by the looks of it, the funnest.
He then went into Philadelphia to his favorite saloon, bought drinks for the house with his new found wealth, gambled and lost at bagatelle (an early form of pool) and then treated himself to a lady of the evening until the following morning when he was thrown out of the whorehouse almost penniless. Managing to come up with more money for whorehouses for the next five days, Probst was finally captured and subsequently hanged, His body was then used for chilling medical experiments at the local college.
Strong evidence also suggests he was a cold-blooded serial killer who roamed the east coast and that family murders were a matter of course for him.
Hall, who was described by neighbors as "mentally slow", suffered a head injury as a child. He was no stranger to having trouble with the law. In 1994 he was declared "incompetent" to stand trial on a domestic violence charge. He was also issued a citation for criminal trespass on May of 1996. Two days after the deadly blaze Hall stood up in court during his arraignment on eight counts of involuntary manslaughter and declared, "I didn't do it, I didn't do it, it's not fair." If convicted, Hall could face up to 25 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for each count.
On July 2, 1996, the story took an unexpected turn. The boy confessed to setting the fire next to the only exit for the 12-unit apartment building and was was heralded as a cold-blooded murderer. All the victims of the fire were of Mexican descent. A family of six - four of them young children - that lived in the apartment above, and a teen-age mother and a 3-month-old baby that lived next to them. "He might be a small child, but he had the head to do such a dreadful act, I want him to pay. He killed my family," said Mario Guzman, a relative of the victims. Although authorities assert that no evidence indicates the arson was racially motivated, the boy's uncle said that their Mexican neighbors never liked young Ray. In fact, no one did: "He only had one friend down the street, a little guy named Matt."
Then he proceeded to set up barricades trapping seven people inside. After exchanging gunfire with police the mad activist set several fires in the store. Ronnie, who liked to call himself Abubunde Mulocko, feeling he had done his job for the cause, ended his morning rampage by putting a bullet in his head. The seven others trapped in the store burned to death. Police are still investigating the reasons for his attack.
However, as news came that the whole family was dead, Houshiar Nejad, the publisher, called the cops. Later, his sister Maro Ovanesyan told authorities that he had been arrested in Iran for trying to stab his wife. He was also arrested in the United States for using excessive force disciplining one of his children. His wife complained to police that he threw a chair at one fo the children and brandished a knife. He served no jail time but recieved counseling.
Fire officials could not explain why the Avanesians where trapped in their one-bedroom apartment and could not escape the fire. Three bodies were found in the bathtub and another on the bathroom floor. The bodies of two small children and a teenager were found in the bedroom.
He spent the rest of the day on the roof of the hotel shooting people.He killed two hotel workers, three cops, a newlywed couple, and wounded twenty-six others. Eventually he was shot down by Marine sharpshooters who were called in to take him out.
When he returned home, the police had surrounded his house and shot him. He died in the hospital but not before saying why he shot each person. All the victims had irked him in some way or another. There was one person he couldn't get to, a seventy-year-old neighbor, a fact which he lamented on his death bed.
Sadly, it was all a lie. Unscrupulously, Romand turned to murder rather than face exposure. Records show he went no further than the first year of medical school in Lyons. Instead of admitting it to his doting parents and his future wife, "Doctor" Romand invented his credentials and the life to go with them. He maintained his successful lifestyle by borrowing money from his rich mistress and others and carried on as a respected member of the community . His con began to unravel in 1992 when his mistress demanded her money back.
On January 10, 1993, the shit hit the fan when the Romand family home burst into flames. Inside, firemen found the partly burnt bodies of Florence, his wife, who had been killed by a blow to the head while sedated, and their two children, ages five and seven, who had both been shot. Romand lay near them after unsuccessfully trying to kill himself with a combination of sleeping pills and gasoline. Later the bodies of Romand's elderly parents were discovered shot dead in their home in the Jura. All dead because Jean-Claude could not get past the first year of medical school.
The convicted robber was released the Monday before the killings after serving 21 days on a parole violation. Three days after his release he slit the throats of the Jacobs family in their trailer home. It seems that Girley knew the victims. Police say they have no motive for the slaying.
Police chased the fuming firefighter from the downtown Jackson Fire Department to the parking lot of a suburban shopping center causing many wrecks on the way. There, after exchanging gunfire with the cops and wounding an officer, Ken was hit in the left eye. Last we heard of him Tornes was in serious but stable condition after surgery in which they removed the bullet from his eye.
A longtime maintenance crew worker, McCree, 41, was fired after a 20-day suspension for failing a drug test, "threatening and harassing" his co-workers and making "insulting remarks" to tourists and residents on the beach. At the time he said his threats were a joke. For a year his co-workers never heard from him until he showed up at the trailer at dawn. After the massacre his family expressed their condolences in a statement that said, "We knew he was distraught, but not to that extent." In a semi-coherent suicide note he left behind, McCree said the shootings were "to punish some of the cowardly, racist devils" that got him fired. Nonetheless, by noon of the very day of the massacre the yellow crime-scene tape around the murder site was taken down to allow a fund-raising go-cart race to take place.
The next morning he took her with him to buy an axe which he used to kill her once they returned to the condo. That afternoon, Megan's friend Phaedra telephoned to speak to her pal, but Josh told her "something has come up. Megan's really busy right now and can't talk."
Shortly after, Josh torched the condo and sped away in the family's silver Mercedes Benz. The youth was arrested the next morning after he stopped at an AM/PM Minimarket off California 78 where he inquired about what route to take to Las Vegas and put air in the tires. The clerk at the market recognized the youth from the description in the local paper and called 911. When police arrested him, Josh was verbally abusive and had his grandparent's white poodle with him.
John Lindley Frazier (5) Along with big Ed Kemper and Herbert Mullin, Frazier was the third cog in the legendary Triumvirate of Evil of Santa Cruz in the early seventies. As a young man Johnny Boy dropped out of society because he didn't want to participate in the killing of the planet.
On October 19, 1970, this acid-dropping environmentalist set out to settle a score with an eye doctor who hated hippies. After entering the home of the doctor, he found the wife and shot her with her own gun. He then proceeded to bound and kill everyone as they arrived. By the time he was done, he had killed the doctor, his wife, his secretary and his two children. Frazier wrote a rambling letter on the doctors typewriter about how World War III had started and that anyone who misuses the environment would be executed. He then tossed the bodies into the swimming pool and torched the place.
His hippie friends thought he had gone a bit to far and turned him in to the police. During his trial Johnny showed up with half of his head, half of his beard and one eyebrow shaved. He got the death sentence before his hair could grow back in.
He then took his father's pickup truck and drove 94 miles to Campinas to visit to his grandparents. There he confessed to the killings and apparently didn't like their reaction. He killed both his grandparents and drove back to São Jose where he picked up his girlfriend. Before turning himself to the police Tavinho spent four days with his girlfriend enjoying the beaches of São Paulo.
That night, while his mother-in-law was out walking the dog, he hammered to death his wife and then his three sleeping sons. When his mother-in-law came back, he killed her too. Then he drove the bodies out to a remote forrest 300 miles away and torched their corpses with gasoline. Since then he has been seen only once --a former neighbor spotted him in a bathroom in Serano, Italy. No one knows where he is today.
Seventeen years later, after his story was detailed on the TV show, "America's Most Wanted", a caller sent authorities to Richmond, Virginia, where they found him living as Robert P. Clark. The Lutheran matricide was leading a normal life there very much like the one he finished off in Westfield, New Jersey, seventeen years before.
While they were wretching and vomiting, he went around and forced them to drink another round. He then took the time to rape one of the girls after she was done vomiting, while the others lay there and suffered. After the girl was raped, she pleaded for her life. He then took his .38 and shot her in the head, along with all the others-one at a time. One of his victims, a middle aged man, was still alive. John proceeded to take a ball point pen and kick it all the way into his ear until the man could feel the end of it in his throat.
This man, and another young boy, Cory Naisbitt. survived the ordeal. The young boy suffered horrible brain damage from the bullet, along with numerous operations to repair his esophogus which was destroyed by the Drano.
Three people in the procession - Victorico Martínez, 73, Herminio Martínez, 72, and Eva González, 22 - were shot in the back and died on the spot. A young sergeant of the Civil Guard died during the ensuing gun battle. "Everyone knew the killer was disturbed, loco. But why did the police let him keep his guns? Why was he allowed a licence?" one of the villagers said. "This is what happens when you allow just anyone to have a gun."
The killer had a history of confrontation with the villagers. He was often abusive and threatening. He was known to fire several rounds from his rifle every night into the trees in his yard. "We complained several times to the Civil Guard," one villager said, "but they never did anything. They said that he hadn't hurt anyone."
Willie then walked down the stairs to the basement of Piper Tech and hunted down his other two victims. The two other supervisors died in a hallway and in another office. Two officers of the police gang unit who happened to be there arrested him leaving the building. Co-workers said that Woods, "seemed like a mellow guy." His problems with his supervisors started 6 months before the killings. Once he threw a chair across the room when he was being counseled by one of the victims.
Seely, 40, died about an hour after the shooting. Christina Ely, 27, was hospitalized and is in stable condition. "I had heard that they had just gotten divorced and I know they had been having problems for more than a year because the kids would come to the bus stop and talk about the parents fighting," said one of the neighbors. At the time of the rampage Paul was not living with Christina and the kids.
As the family was getting the children ready for school, Martin knocked on the door and pulled out his gun. Angelica Cervantes, Rocio's sister managed to call 911 before Martin fired shots into the house and threatened to kill everyone. He then grabbed Sandra, his 13-year-old stepdaughter whom he admitted having beaten previously in Carson City, and held the gun to her head. By the time police arrived, he had three children in his car and Sandra in a headlock. When he saw the cops he shot Sandra at point-blank range killing her instantly, then turned and fired into the car full of children killing another stepdaughter, a niece and wounding his biological son before police fired back wounding him. He then ran to the back of the house where he was tackled and disarmed by his brother-in-law.
Unable to withstand the shame, John put on a "Freddy Kruger" mask, killed his wife and two daughters in his prestigious home in Little Rock's historical section. Then he called his lawyer and shot himself in both temples simultaneously.
The family tried to supress a lot of documentation in the case, but the two newspapers in Little Rock sued and eventually got everything released. It included some venomous letters to his mom about how he had never been able to please her and felt unloved.
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