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E-mail Address: adachi@cris.com
Original Date: Oct. 1, 1995
Current Version: v2.1 / Jan. '96



~ Comet Hale-Bopp & Related Predictions ~





                 A)  Quatrains / CWN Interpretations
                 B)  Review / Correlation
                 C)  "Event List" (v.1)
         2) DEATH OF THE POPES
                 A)  Assassination / Related Events
                 B)  Discovery of the "tomb of the great Roman"
                 C)  "Event List" (v.2)
                 A)  Weather Changes & Anti-Christ
                 B)  Destruction of Rome 

III. SUMMARY - The Events

          ("Event List" - final version) 

Main sources used:

"Conversations With Nostradamus" vol.I-III by Dolores Cannon:

(Ms.Cannon is a hypnotist/regressionist and a researcher who records "lost" knowledge using hypnotized subjects. In this trilogy, she amazingly, yet believably establishes intertemporal communication with "Nostradamus" and obtains much information about our future. The authenticity of the information/predictions has recently been demonstrated by precisely predicting the appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp that was discovered in July 1995.)

And my analyses (includeding this one) of these books:


This is an in-depth study on the prophecies of Nostradamus, a prophet/physician who lived in France in the 1500's. There are already many books written on Nostradamus and his mysterious prophecies by various authors, but this is quite different from those typical ones. That's, first of all, because I extensively used the books "Conversations With Nostradamus" (vol.I-III) which were written by a regressionist (hypnotist), Dolores Cannon. Those books contain many interesting, original, insightful, and impressive predictions which are basically derived from the prophecies of Nostradamus through the use of hypnosis. They are nothing like other books written by Nostradamus "experts" and yet it is overwhelmingly obvious that these written by Dolores Cannon (who originally had a very little knowledge of Nostradamus) are much closer to solving the obscurity of the puzzling 'quatrains'. Although her books made a major breakthrough, there was still some room for further study and interpretation... and that's where I come in with my "Conversations With Nostradamus: Analysis" series in the hope that it will further analyze and clarify the prophecies.


I had been studying and following the predictions in "Conversations With Nostradamus" (CWN for short) for a few years now and was very impressed with the quality of the information. A number of predictions seem to have come true since I first read the books, and I found them convincing enough. However those hits were not specific enough or the events themselves were not clear enough to verify the predictions, for the skeptics. So, basically I had been waiting for some MAJOR hit to occur, and I knew it would come soon enough. And IT DID. Or more accurately, it very likely will around 1997.

The prediction that came true (will come true) is Comet Hale-Bopp:

I was completely blown away when I realized that the appearance of this major, previously unknown comet was CLEARLY foretold in CWN. Actually, the appearance of a "major" and "previously unknown" comet in "1997", "in the Northern Hemisphere" is predicted several times in the books along with related events. The quoted descriptions, "major", "previously unknown", "1997", and "Northern Hemisphere" are directly taken from the predictions. This is pretty remarkable. Actually, this is fascinating. I simply have not seen a clearer 'hit' than this one in my life (at least).

After the initial shock, I realized that this meant much more than just an appearance of a comet in the sky. This comet indicates the beginning of so much unrest in the world according to Nostradamus. And the fact that the improbable comet prediction is coming true means that the other events associated with the comet are also likely to come true. And this is why I decided to analyze all the related predictions and try to come up with the most probable scenario for our very near future.


It is important to note that all the predictions given in the books, CWN, are NOT prophecies of Nostradamus, but they were merely DERIVED from his quatrains. To be exact, all the prophetic information based on Nostradamus' quatrains in CWN was received metaphysically by various subjects under hypnosis. This is a little different from so-called "channeling". Most significantly because most of the time the subjects D.Cannon uses are not even interested in the stuff she is working on. Those subjects are not very knowledgeable people, yet they seem to be able to give some not well known facts accurately, or give very complicated explanations. This gives more credibility to the obtained information. Here are some excerpts from "Jesus and the Essenes" by D.Cannon that explain how she works with hypnosis and her subjects:

	"Critics claim that the hypnotist tells the subject to go to a 
	past life and the recalls are the results of the person wishing 
	to please the hypnotist.  In my technique I go to great lengths
	NOT to suggest.  Under normal circumstances I never tell them 
	to go anywhere.  It all occurs spontaneously."

	"People have said there could be other explanations besides 
	reincarnation.  This of course, is possible.  But my research 
	leads me to believe the subjects are recalling actual memories 
	from their past.  As I regressed more and more people, I found 
	the method repeatable on all types, even the uneducated and 
	sceptical.  Often the subjects did not believe in past lives or 
	even understand what I was doing.  Yet the results were the 

	"The best subjects are those who can reach the somnambulistic 
	state.  In this state they will completely become the personality 
	and relive the life totally, even to possessing no memory of any 
	other time period." 

	"No, I have never yet found a Cleopatra or Napoleon.  To me 
	it is a sign of validity that most people recall lives that were 
	ordinary and routine.  It is my opinion that if someone were to 
	go to the trouble to make up a fantasy story to please the 
	hypnotist (as has been suggested by 'experts') he would create 
	an exciting adventure.  To me this would be a fantasy.  They 
	would see themselves as a hero performing wonderful and 
	extraordinary deeds.  Such is not the case.  The occasional 
	different, exciting life is unique.  The dull, the boring, the 
	mundane far outnumber these.  This would be equivalent to 
	real life.  There are far more ordinary, common people going 
	about their run-of-the-mill lives than the few who manage to 
	make the headlines of the newspapers."

	"The somnambulistic subject will forget anything that does not 
	pertain to the time period being relived.  There are numerous 
	examples of this in the book.  Many times the subjects will not 
	know what objects I am talking about because they do not 
	exist in their time frame.  Or I will use a word or a phrase that 
	they do not understand.  It is often simple terms.  Try it 
	sometime.  If the subject was using hidden memory, then why 
	are these modern things forgotten?  They are also part of the 
	memory of the present personality." 

As you can see from the excerpts, Dolores Cannon is a researcher who realizes the importance of being objective even though what she is dealing with is rather too fantastic for some. It is pretty clear to me that she doesn't want to misinform the readers by making up stories. She is just an honest "reporter" who writes what she has discovered without being judgmental.


I should probably clarify that the most of CWN is not directly related with the reincarnation phenomenon. It was, however, in the very beginning when she found Dyonisus who happened to be a student of Nostradamus. But after the initial contact, probably due to Nostradamus' incredible psychic ability, Ms. Cannon was able to communicate with "Nostradamus" through various subjects. It appears to me that Nostradamus was 'pushing' the information through the dimensional barrier, so that the information would come through a sensitive "mind/consciousness" at this particular time, and the sensitive spot probably just happened to be one of Dolores Cannon's subjects during a hypnosis session. The following are excerpts from CWN vol.III in which Pam/Nostradamus (under hypnosis) explains how the inter-temporal communication is taking place:


(Excerpted from CWN vol.III p.245-248)

	PAM (under hypnosis):    
	"You must remember that what you get comes through the
 	filter of your own understanding.  You will interpret it
 	through YOUR filter system, just as everyone else does.  I do
 	not think this is the time to have this conversation. To explain
 	it accurately might take longer than you are willing to talk
 	today.  But you MUST know that when you speak to anyone
 	who is not standing in front of you that you can touch, anyone
 	whose physical body lived at an earlier time period, you ARE
 	speaking to the consciousness of that person as it existed at
 	that time.  But the rest of the consciousness is also there and is
 	accessible.  It seems that we have accessed it in a clear enough
 	manner that I can explain to you the process.  However, the
 	very first time you contacted Nostradamus it was the same
 	process at work.  Whether the person explained it to you in
 	that manner or whether you understood it in that manner, it is
 	entirely the way it happened.  But the fact is, anybody that you
 	talk to from the past also has a perspective that took place
 	after death."


	"When they're in the physical (past-life) it seems that 
	everything else is shut out."

	P:  "It is focused on that life.  And if there are no questions 
	that ask beyond that, that's where it stays."

	D:  "Then this whole subject can get very complex."

	P:  "It is much more complex than, 'We'll go talk to 
	Nostradamus in 1535.' "

	D:  "But apparently it was set up for some reason."

	P:  "Yes.  I don't think it would be as impressive for YOU 
	personally to hear a spirit tell you what Nostradamus' intentions 
	were -are- in the 1550s.  If an invisible spirit with no name 
	started telling you these things, I don't think you would be as 
	receptive to it as if Nostradamus himself were speaking to you.  
	This is just personality preference.  That is all it is."

	D:   "But I like to believe he really is the one who is telling 
	us all this."

	P:    "He IS, but the essence of Nostradamus is also involved."

	D:  "I don't want to think I'm conversing with some other 
	spirit who is trying to play tricks on me."

	P:  "No, we have Nostradamus' thoughts and memories.  You 
	have made that connection.  But we have more than that 
	because we have his expanded perspective as well."


	D:  "There have been reports of people saying they are 
	Nostradamus reincarnated."

	P:  "You might find that there are multiple people who say 
	that.  To a certain degree it is true, but not to a total 
	degree.  The more you ask in this realm, the more confused 
	you're likely to become.  I would like say also that we have 
	communication with that larger aspect of ME.  There is a 
	conversation that goes on between the essence of Nostradamus 
	and MY essence, so understanding can get through to ME." 

(End of excerpted material)


Now, let's take a look at the actual predictions concerning the comet and associated events. Because the following analysis is rather systematic and somewhat complicated, you might want to skip to the summary, "Event List" (chapter III, near the bottom of this CWN-analysis report) if you are only interested in the result of the analysis. (It is advisable that you print out the following section. It would make it easier to follow.)

II. ANALYSIS: Hale-Bopp & Related Prophecies

Main source used:

"Conversations With Nostradamus" vol.I-III by Dolores Cannon

Vol.1 - ISBN 0-922356-01-7 (1989)
Vol.2 - ISBN 0-9632776-1-8 (1990)
Vol.3 - ISBN 0-9632776-3-4 (1992)

The reason for choosing the following four quatrains/interpretations is, first of all, because all of them mention the presence of a comet. But more importantly, it's because other descriptions that accompany the mention of a comet seem to be referring to the particular comet, Hale-Bopp, and the particular time-frame, 1995-2000.

Although most of the interpretations of the quatrains don't state a specific date for the comet, you can come up with a quite narrow time-frame by analyzing/correlating other events predicted in the presence of the comet. The two of the most significant events that will be taking place at the time, which are mentioned over and over in D.Cannon's material, seem to be:

1. Death of the present and the next pope
2. Rise of the Anti-Christ

Both of these events are predicted to take place in the time frame of 1995-2000. Those events will be mentioned in the following quatrains/interpretations many times. There also seems to be other events that will be taking place along with these two that can be derived from analyzing those quatrains that are related to the appearance of a comet. What I'll do in the following sections is basically this:

1)  Present quatrains that very likely refere to Hale-Bopp. (I'll call  
    these the "comet quatrains") 
2)  Show how they correlate with each other. 
3)  Select quatrains that are clearly connected (indicated by  
    correlation) to the comet quatrains, which also provide some more  
    details / new events. 
4)  Further analysis on the new pieces of information (from #2) which  
    don't directly correlate with the comet quatrains, but are mentioned  
5)  Summarize all the information.

(When I say "quatrains", I refer to both quatrains and the interpretations given in the books, CWN vol.I-III)


A) Quatrains / CWN Interpretations

According to the information received from Nostradamus via Brenda under hypnosis by D.Cannon (vol.I p.220):


The "burning torch" refers to a comet that will be "particularly visible to the Northern Hemisphere" where much unrest will be taking place at the time. Comets have traditionally been used as harbingers of doom, and in this case it will be particularly applicable. This will take place in "1997". During this period, diplomatic foul-ups in other countries will permit the Anti-Christ to attain greater power. (The Anti-Christ is repeatedly predicted to rise from the unstable middle eastern area.) In the beginning, when he does not have a broad base of power but is building on it, those in power elsewhere who can do something about it will hesitate until it is too late. Even though people realize he wields great power "from the dark side", his demonic hatred and magnetism will enhance the fatal attraction. He will advance his campaign by invading and conquering neighboring countries, especially some European countries, particularly because of the political turmoil and instability of the realm. At the time Mars will be very red (astrologically) and very much coming into power.

Key Descriptions:

1)  A comet visible in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere in 1997.
2)  The AntiChrist will rise in the Middle East 
3)  The AntiChrist will take advantage of unrest in the neighboring  
    middle eastern and European countries and start invading 
4)  Mars will be astrologically coming into power 


According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I.p121):

The death of a world leader will coincide with the coming of a major comet. The comet will be clearly visible where the leader dies. The country involved is in the Middle East. The death of the leader and the passing of the comet will provoke a revolt, partly because there will also be major crop failures that year. All this will start in the year the comet is visible, and will continue for about five hundred days. The revolt will break forth and become open enough and wide-spread enough to capture the world's attention.

Key Descriptions:

1)  "A major comet" clearly visible in the Mid East (N. Hemisphere)<
2)  It will coincide with the death of a world leader in the Middle East 
3)  "Major crop failures" during the same period 
4)  It will result in a revolt 


According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I p194):

This refers to events that will happen due to the intervention of the Anti-Christ. Castor and Pollux represents the Prime Minister of Great Britain and the President of the United States. "The bearded star" refers to a major comet that will be clearly visible in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere. The present pope will be assassinated before this comet comes. The comet is a sign leading up to the assassination of the next pope. The final pope will be Anti-Christ's tool. (It is repeatedly stated in other sections that the current pope will be assassinated around the middle of this decade, and the next pope will be also assassinated very quickly. So the time-frame is just about perfect.) At the time the next pope is assassinated, the Anti-Christ will start his European campaign. Because of this, the Prime Minister and the President will meet at the sea the way Churchill and Roosevelt did, for better security and secrecy for their meetings.

Key Descriptions:

1) "A major comet" visible in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere 
2) The pope will die before this comet comes, and the next pope  
   will also be killed during/following the comet. 
3) The Anti-Christ starts his European campaign. 
4) Consequently, U.S and the Great Britain will be in consultation.


According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I p170):

There will be a very bright, easily seen comet when the sun moves into a fire sign which will be previously unknown. This coincides with the time of great geological troubles. There will be earthquakes, eruptions of volcanoes, great famine and drought which will cause social upheaval in unexpected places, particularly western nations. This will assist the Anti-Christ in gaining power in certain areas of the world. It will be in the near future (written during the '80s). It will be a very fiery time, very dry and very hot and fiery astrologically.

Key Descriptions:

1) A very bright previously unknown comet (the sun in a fire sign) 
2) Great geological troubles - including drought 
3) Consequently, there will be social upheaval, including western  
4) This will assist the Anti-Christ in gaining power

B) Review / Correlation

So, here is the review of Nostradamus / D.Cannon's interpretation of the quatrains we've looked at above. (Remember, my emphasis is not on the interpretative technique, but the received information itself and how they correlate with each other):

We'll first try to find out if it is indeed the comet Hale-Bopp that those predictions refer to by evaluating the descriptions of the comet and by finding the implied time-frame. First, I want to bring your attention to IV-67 from the above "comet quatrains." Here is an excerpt from CWN, Brenda doing the interpretation of the quatrain under hypnosis:

Interestingly, Brenda, who did the interpretation under hypnosis, doesn't mention Mars but instead refers to the position of the sun. First, the position of Saturn which is mentioned in the quatrain and Brenda precisely coincides with the time of Hale-Bopp since Saturn will be in the sign of Aries (a fire sign which is ruled by Mars) from April 7, 1996 until June 10, 1998! Incredibly, the mention of the sun (which is not mentioned in the quatrain) ALSO makes it clear that the comet can be Hale-Bopp! Check out the correlation below:

"...at the time the sun moves into a fire sign, there will be a comet"

Hale-Bopp was discovered on 	July 23, 1995
Sun in Leo (a fire sign):      	July 23-Aug. 23, 1995 


Hale-Bopp's perihelion is around 	March 30 1997
Sun in Aries (a fire sign)       	March 20-April 19, 1997 

It is pretty that Hale-Bopp is the "very bright, previously unknown" comet mentioned in the excerpt.


The one quatrain/interpretation that stands out the most, however, is II-96 (from the "comet quatrains") because of what Brenda said while interpretating the quatrain. Here is the paraphrased version of it:

This is almost a perfect description of Comet Hale-Bopp, because April 1997 is when Hale-Bopp is predicted to appear brightest and mostly visible to the Northern Hemisphere at the time. Also, notice that the quatrain number, II-96, which may be implying the year 1996. Furthermore, take a look at the second line of the quatrain:

2nd Line: "Near the end and beginning of the Rhone"

This line is probably where the interpretation about the comet in the "Northern Hemisphere" came from. And if you analyze this line just a little more and compare it to Comet Hale-Bopp, you'll have another amazing correlation. "Rhone" is a major river in France. Significantly, it runs roughly between 43-47 degrees latitude. It is significant because at the time of perihelion (when the comet becomes brightest), Hale-Bopp will be located in the northern sky at declination +45 degrees (which means the comet will be right above geographic latitude 45 degrees. It will also be visible all night for observers located north of latitude 45 degrees.) Now, how much more accurate can a prophecy be than this?

I think it is safe to assume that this quatrain/interpretation (II-96, vol.I, p220) indeed refers to non other than the comet Hale-Bopp. Therefore, I'll use II-96 as the base for the following correlations to certify that the other quatrains/interpretations (II-62, II-15, IV-67) also refer to the same comet, and thus the same time-frame.

The key components of II-96 interpretation were:

(Around 1997....)

1)  A comet visible in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere 

2)  The AntiChrist will rise in the Middle East  

3)  The AntiChrist will take advantage of unrest in the neighboring  
    middle eastern and European countries and start invading 

4)  Mars will be astrologically coming into much power 

So, let's see how the other "comet" quatrains/interpretations correlate
with II-96 (events #1- 4 above):

Century II-62 (review)

1) "A major comet" clearly visible in the Mid East (N. Hemisphere) 
2) It will coincide with the death of a world leader in the Middle East 
3) "Major crop failures" during the same period 
4) It will result in a revolt 


1) = II-96-#1
2) = II-96-#2
3) = IV-67-#2 [see IV-67 listed below, second item] (=>II-96-#3)
4) = IV-67-#3 => II-96-#3


Century II-15 (review)

1) "A major comet" visible in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere 
2) The pope will die before this comet comes, and the next pope  
   will also be killed during/following the comet. 
3) The Anti-Christ starts his European campaign.
4) Consequently, U.S and the Great Britain will be in consultation. 


1) = II-96-#1
2) X
3) = II-96-#3
4) X


Century IV-67 (review)

1) A very bright previously unknown comet
2) Great geological troubles - including drought
3) Consequently, there will be social upheaval, including western  
4) This will assist the Anti-Christ in gaining power


1) = (Hale-Bopp)
2) = II-62-#3 (=>II-96-#3)
3) = II-62-#4 (=>II-96-#3)
4) = II-96-#3

- As you can see, all those four quatrains/interpretations seem to be referring to the same comet and the same time period. When combined, those four predictions would give us more details and a clearer overall picture.

- Other points worth noting are:

- There seems to be a similar underlying scenario behind all this prophetic information. The main events associated with the comet seem to be:

C) Event List (v.1)

========= EVENT LIST  ==========                   

(Around 1997 when a comet is present in the sky....)

A)  The present pope and the next pope will die.

B)  A world leader in the Middle East will die. (UPDATE:  fulfilled)

C)  The Anti-Christ will rise (in the Middle East).

D)  Major geological upheavals (world-wide drought, earthquakes,etc)

E)  The AntiChrist will take advantage of unrest in neighboring middle 
    eastern and European countries to increase his power

F)  Especially when Mars astrologically has much power 

G)  Military alliance between U.S. and England against the AntiChrist


Now, since the vehicle "Brenda", who received all of the above information while under hypnosis, was amazingly accurate in "her" predictions about the comet, Brenda's ability is pretty much authenticated. This means that the other information received through Brenda might be valid as well. Furthermore, if (part of) the information received through the other vehicles that Ms.Cannon used for contacting Nostradamus agree with Brenda's information, then they should also be taken seriously.

What I'm going to do next is look for other quatrains/interpretations that coincide directly (or indirectly in some cases) with part of the comet quatrains we've already analyzed above and see if we can come up with more details and get a clearer picture of the coming events. By focusing on the ones that are somehow connected to the comet quatrains, we'd get the more accurate time line and predictions because now we know that the comet (Hale-Bopp) prediction is very likely coming true. I feel this is quite an unique situation and I'm just simply compelled to do this study.


In this section, I'll focus on the predictions that include information regarding the assassination of the current and the next pope, which is "Event-A" (check "EVENT LIST" above).

A) Assassination / Related Events

It is repeatedly stated by various (hypnotized) subjects in the books that the Catholic church will fall soon, and that there are only two more popes left after JPII. Here are some excerpts from the book that describe what will happen to the remaining popes:

(Excerpt - vol.I p.201-2)

	Brenda:   "He (Nostradamus) says this refers to the last three 
	popes of the Catholic church.  He says the third from last will 
	fall from an assassin's bullet.  He says the second from the last 
	will be swallowed up by the schemings of the Anti-Christ.  And 
	the last one is the one he has mentioned before who was born 
	misshapen.  The pope who will be in charge of the church for 
	what time is left for it.  He'll go the greater part of the way.  
	But he too will fall in the end, because he has been a tool.  
	The Anti-Christ will use him as long as he needs him, until he 
	gets in the way and then he'll get rid of him.  And when he gets 
	rid of him, that will essentially get rid of the church too." 

(End of excerpt)

So, basically the first line refers to JPII, the second line refers to the next pope, and the third and the fourth refer to the last pope who will be a tool of the AntiChrist.

(Excerpt - vol.I p. 198)

	Brenda:   "He says this (IV-86) refers to the last pope of the 
	Catholic church.  This event will take place sometime during 
	the next decade from your point of view, the 1990's." 

(End of excerpt)

It is now clear that the current pope and the next pope are likely to die during this decade, 1990's. This statement validates the 'comet & death of the popes' connection.


Now, there are several (pope-related) quatrains/interpretations that seem to correlate with the comet quatrains that I want to look at closely here:

(First one is VI-6, which actually mentions the presence of a comet in the sky, but I didn't include it among the "comet quatrains" because the interpretation was not as clear as the others.)

According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.III p163):

1)  The death of the (next) pope  
    *(It is actually implied in the interpretation that it refers to the  
    death of the final pope.  But I believe it was probably  
    miscommunicated or it refers to both the next and the last popes.) 
2)  A celestial event, either a comet or a nova of a star. 
3)  This is when the AntiChrist becomes aggressive and gets rid of the 
    secrecy aspect.

Correlation (Refer to "EVENT LIST" above):

1) = Event A
2) = Hale-Bopp

      - (strongly validating the comet-pope connection.  It is 
      possible that the "nova of a star" is also correct and it may be 
      referring to the time of  the last pope.)
3) = Event C


According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I p191):

1)  The present pope will be assassinated when traveling . (*1) 
2)  There are only two more popes left, and the next pope won't last  
    very long
3)  After the assassination, a lot of unrest and rioting in Rome. (*2) 
4)  At the same time, the AntiChrist will begin to stir and flex his  
5)  This will be "when Mars will take up his horrible throne." 


1) = Event A - in detail
2) = Event A
3) - New -
4) = Event C
5) = Event F


According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I p193):

1)  Some kind of atomic (electromagnetic?) device will affect the  
    planetary climate, and will hurt people's eyes. (*3)
2)  The climate out of balance will then affect agriculture. 
3)  This will take place when the (next) pope dies at Rege (Italy). 


1) - New -
2) = Event D
3) = Event A - in detail


-- Further Investigation --

B) Discovery of the "tomb of the great Roman"

Quatrain III-65 tells us there will be a sign before the next pope dies:

According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I p197):

1)  The tomb of "the great Roman", who was a great philosopher will be 
    discovered in Rome shortly before the next pope is killed.  (*5) 
2)  The (final) pope who will follow the next pope will be a tool of the  
    AntiChrist.  (*6)

The above quatrain/interpretation alone doesn't really correlate with the "Event List" derived from the comet quatrains/predictions. However, when you look at Quatrain VI-66 below, the connection becomes clearer and it may provide us with some more information.


* The information received by Brenda/Cannon regarding this quatrain seems to have ignored its important connection with III-65. Even at first glance at the quatrain, you'd notice that the same words, "sepulchre" and "du grand Romain trouuez" (the great Roman), were used that are also in III-65. Therefore, I will show you here my own interpretation which I believe contains an important piece of information:

- Quatrain #: "VI-66"

Yes, it is 666. This quatrain # may be implying that the prophecy is about the rise of the AntiChrist, and the final pope (= fall of the church). There is no way Nostradamus could have wasted the quatrain #, 666, by not using it as a symbol, in my opinion. It is also interesting to note that quatrain VI-6 (= 66), which we've already looked at, also refers to the rise of the AntiChrist, as well as the appearance of a comet.

- 1st line: "At the foundation of the new sect,"

The "new sect" refers to the last pope and the church because since the pope will be the AntiChrist's tool, the church will no longer be the same. The pope's intentions will be so far from the Catholic Chruch's original teachings that it can be seen as a new sect. So, the first line means 'In Rome when we have the last pope."

- 2nd line: "The bones of the great Roman will be found"

Well, this is almost exactly the same as the first line of III-65; "When the sepulchre of the great Roman is found" meaning the tomb or bones of an important Roman will be found.

- 3rd line: "A sepulchre covered by marble will appear,"

This is an important line. It is one of those multiple-meaning lines. One of the meanings probably refers to the tomb of the "great Roman" mentioned in the last line. It might be the actual physical description of the tomb. The other meaning probably refers to the appearance of a comet. The phrase "covered by marble" refers to the bright cloud and light covering the comet. The comet is described as a "sepulchre", because comets have traditionally been used as harbingers of doom. It probably is Comet Hale-Bopp in this case.

- 4th line: "Earth to quake in April poorly buried."

This line also seems to contain a number of meanings. My first guess is that it means the next pope will be killed in April '97 which is also Hale-Bopp's perihelion. "Poorly buried" because he will be secretly poisoned by someone in the church (possibly associated with the AntiChrist). The other meaning that I can come up with is an actual earthquake that will unearth the "bones of the great Roman." Those two events are likely closely connected just as quatrain III-65 indicated. (*7)


Here is another quatrain that seems to be connected with the previous quatrains, VI-66 and III-65:

The following is my own interpretation again:

- 1st line: "Born in the shadows and during a dark day,"

This is referring to JPII. He was born during a solar eclipse.

- 2nd line: "He will be sovereign in realm and goodness:"

Description of JP II.

- 3rd line: "He will cause his blood to revive the ancient urn"

This could refer to the scenario that after JPII is killed, "the tomb of the great Roman" (III-65, VI-66) will be discovered.

- 4th line: "Renewing the age of gold for that of brass."

This could be referring to the period around the year 1995. According to the Mayan calendar, the 1995 spring equinox initiates a time when ancient and hidden knowledge is to be reawakened. The Maya understand it is the end of the "age of belief" and the start of "the age of knowledge: the Itza Age, The Age of Aquarius. It will be the "age of brass" because at the beginning of the age of Aquarius, or the "Golden Age", the world situation will be far from being a golden age.

The above interpretation of the 4th line (and all other ones in this section) gains more credibility when combined with the following quatrain, II-46.


My own interpretation:

1st line: "After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared"

This refers to the "time of troubles", when the AntiChrist rises.

2nd line: "The Great Mover renews the ages:"

This line correlates with the fourth line of the previous quatrain, V-41. It refers to the year 1995 (in this case), the end of the age of Pisces and the start of the age of Aquarius.

3rd line: "Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,"

This probably refers to some kind of nuclear/radiation disasters. This interpretation would correlate with X-70-#1.

4th line: "In the heavens fire seen, a long spark running."

Here is where we come back again to Comet Hale-Bopp! This line reassures us that we're still following the correct time line.

*(The subject of the "great Roman" is discussed further in Analysis-4, chapter 5.)

Now we have some more new information (*1-7 from the above section) related to the appearance of the comet from the above analysis:

*1)  The present pope will be assassinated when traveling .
*2)  After the assassination, a lot of unrest and rioting in Rome.
*3)  Some kind of atomic (electromagnetic?) device will affect the 
      planetary climate, and will hurt people's eyes.
*4)  The (next) pope dies at "Reggio"/Rege (of Italy).
*5)  The tomb of "the great Roman", who was a great philosopher will 
      be discovered in Rome shortly before the next pope is killed.
*6)  The last pope will be a tool of the AntiChrist
*7)  Something big (probably an earthquake, discovery of the tomb of "the
     great Roman", & the death of the next pope) will happen in April
     (likely 1997). 

I will now incorporate the above information into the 'Event List'.

C) Event List (v.2)

========= EVENT LIST (2nd version) =========

(Around 1997 when a comet is present in the sky....)

A) The present pope and the next pope will die.

       1)  The present pope will be assassinated when traveling .
       2)  After the assassination, a lot of unrest and rioting in Rome
       3)  The (next) pope dies at "Reggio"/Rege (of Italy).
       4)  The tomb of "the great Roman", a great philosopher, will be
           discovered in Rome shortly before the next pope is killed,
           probably around April '97 (and possibly an earthquake).
       5)  The last pope will be a tool of the AntiChrist

B) A world leader in the Middle East will die. (UPDATE:  fulfilled)
C) The Anti-Christ will rise (in the Middle East).
D) Major geological upheavals (world-wide drought, earthquakes,etc)

       1)  Some kind of atomic (electromagnetic?) device will affect
           the planetary climate, and will hurt people's eyes.
       2)  An earthquake may contribute to the discovery of the tomb
            of  "the great Roman" in April (likely 1997).
E) The AntiChrist will take advantage of unrest in neighboring middle
   eastern and European countries to increase his power

F) Especially when Mars astrologically has much power
G) Military alliance between U.S. and England against the AntiChrist



This section will deal mainly with Event D and E which are:

D)  Major geological upheavals (world-wide drought, earthquakes,etc)
E)  The AntiChrist will take advantage of unrest in neighboring middle 
    eastern and European countries to increase his power


A) Weather Changes & Anti-Christ

According to John/Nostradamus (vol.II p183):

1)  A world-wide drought will start in Italy in the 1990's. (*1)
2)  This will be caused by (nuclear) pollution.
3)  There will be warnings before this takes place, but will be ignored.

Correlation (Refer to "Event List"-second version above):

1) = Event D - in detail
2) = Event D-1
3) - New -


According to John/Nostradamus (vol.II p170):

1)  There will be world-wide famine.
2)  World weather changes will cause hailstorms to destroy agriculture 
    of the U.S., Russia, Central America, and Australia. (*3)
3)  This will take place before the AntiChrist comes to power.  But he 
    will use this situation as a tool.


1) = Event D
2) = Event D - in detail
3) = Event E


According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I p227):

*(This interpretation was done via Brenda, who made all the comet predictions. So this information/connection validates the previous III-52 and III-42 which was done through John)

1)  Drought / weather changes will occur in relation to the earth 
    changes around 1998 (implied). (*4)
2)  Italy will be suffering from drought.
3)  Then the AntiChrist will take over Italy and Greece by destroying 
    their cultural centers. (*5)


1) = Event D - in detail
2) = III-52-#1 => Event D
3) = Event E - in detail


According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.II p45):

1)  The AntiChrist will destroy Rome. (*6)
2)  The AntiChrist will have the (last) pope disinherit and create a big 
    scandal in the church.
3)  The weather will be messed up due to the earth changes at the time.


1) = Event E / II-84-#3 - in detail
2) = Event A-5
3) = II-84-#1 => Event D


It is becoming clear that Italy will suffer from drought during (following) the time of the comet. Also, it is stated that the AntiChrist will attack Italy (and Greece, etc.) following the messed up weather. According to the following predictions, it will be Rome (as mentioned in III-17-#1) and the Catholic church that will suffer the most.... this will be the beginning of the AntiChrist's European invasion.


B) Destruction of Rome

According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.III p165):

1)  "The final downfall of the Catholic church will be as if it had been 
    swallowed up by the waves."

Interestingly, the phrase, "swallowed up by the waves", seems to be both literal and symbolic. The church will fall from within and will probably be also *physically* threatened by the encroachment of the sea. The following quatrains and interpretations will focus on these events concerning the destruction of Rome.


According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I p211)

1)  The AntiChrist will obtain power in the Middle East.
2)  Europe/Mediterranean area will be the first place the AntiChrist 
    will attack.
3)  First, the AntiChrist will destroy Rome so severely that Rome will 
    be threatened by the encroachment of the sea. (*7)


1) = Event C
2) = II-84-#3 => Event E
3) = Event E / III-17-#1 - in detail


According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I p209):

1)  The restrictions of the Vatican will cause the church structure to
    crumble. (*8)
2)  Some kind of accident involving the sea and some sort of force from 
    the sky will damage Rome. (*9)
3)  The Arabs/AntiChrist will be quick to take advantage of the situation 


1) - New -
2) = Event E and/or D / II-81-#3 - in detail
3) = Event E


And now, the next one again bring us back one of the original comet events, Event E, verifying that we're still on the right track.

According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.I p213)

1)  Same event as II-81, from a different point of view.
2)  There will be a newly established military alliance between the U.S. 
    and England, but their inability to make decisions will allow the 
    AntiChrist's invasion. (*10)


1) --
2) = Event G - in detail

Again, we got a lot more details from the above quatrains/interpretations (*1-10):

*1)  A world-wide drought will start in Italy in the 1990's.
*2)  There will be warnings before the world drought takes place, but 
     will be ignored.
*3)  World weather changes will cause hailstorms to destroy agriculture 
     of the U.S., Russia, Central America, and Australia.
*4)  Drought / weather changes will occur in relation to the earth 
     changes around 1998 (implied).
*5)  The AntiChrist will take over Italy and Greece by destroying 
     their cultural centers.
*6)  The AntiChrist will destroy Rome.
*7)  The AntiChrist will destroy Rome so severely that Rome will 
     be threatened by the encroachment of the sea.
*8)  The restrictions of the Vatican will cause the church structure to 
*9)  Some kind of accident involving the sea and some sort of force from 
     the sky will damage Rome.
*10) There will be a newly established military alliance between the US 
     and England, but their inability to make decisions will allow 
     the AntiChrist's invasion. 

Now these will be incorporated into the 'Event List' again below:

III. SUMMARY: The Events

=========== EVENT LIST (final version) ===========

(Around 1997 when a comet is present in the sky....)

A)  The present pope and the next pope will die.

       1)  The present pope will be assassinated when traveling .
       2)  After the assassination, a lot of unrest and rioting in Rome.
       3)  The (next) pope dies at "Reggio"/Rege (of Italy).
       4)  The tomb of "the great Roman", a great philosopher, will be
           discovered in Rome shortly before the next pope is killed,
           probably around April '97 (and possibly an earthquake).
       5)  The last pope will be a tool of the AntiChrist
       6)  The restrictions of the Vatican will cause the church
           structure to crumble.

B)  A leader in the Middle East will die. (UPDATE:  fulfilled)

C)  The Anti-Christ will rise (in the Middle East).

D)  Major geological upheavals (world-wide drought, earthquakes,etc)

       1)  Some kind of atomic (electromagnetic?) device will affect
           the planetary climate, and will hurt people's eyes.
               a)  World weather changes will cause hailstorms to
                   destroy agriculture of the U.S., Russia, Central
                   America, and Australia.
       2)  An earthquake may contribute to the discovery of the tomb
           of  "the great Roman" in April (likely 1997).
       3)  Drought / weather changes will occur in relation to the
           earth changes around 1998 (implied).
               a)  There will be warnings before this drought takes
                   place, but will be ignored.
               b)  The world-wide drought will start in Italy

E)  The AntiChrist will take advantage of unrest in neighboring middle
    eastern and European countries to increase his power

       1)  The AntiChrist will take over Italy and Greece by destroying
           their cultural centers.
               a)  Some kind of accident involving the sea and some
                   sort of force from the sky will damage Rome.
               b)  The AntiChrist will destroy Rome.
               c)  The AntiChrist will destroy Rome so severely that
                   Rome will be threatened by the encroachment of the

F) Especially when Mars astrologically has much power

G) Military alliance between U.S. and England against the AntiChrist

       1) Their inability to make decisions will allow the AntiChrist's


(End of CWN Analysis-1)


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