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Subject: Prophecies of Nostradamus: part 2/8, Cast and Characters
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Archive-name: nostradamus/part2
Version: 1.0
Last-modifed: 94/08/13

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(This FAQ on Nostradamus interpretations and related material is 
  available at ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/nanomius/home.html)

Cast and Characters of the Time of Troubles

The Antichrist

a. Background/overview of the Antichrist
b. Political/religious philosophies of the Antichrist


c. The Celtic legend of the great orator

The Popes and the Catholic Church

d. Death of the three popes / Catholic Church & the Antichrist
e. Assassination of the current pope
f. Second-to-last pope "swallowed" by Antichrist's schemings
g. The treachery of the final pope
h. Demise of the Catholic Church

The Cabal and secret conspiracies 

h. Cabal's teeth in the international power flow
i. Cabal involved in military and economic conquests
j. Cabal destroyed by the Antichrist
k. Fundamentalist fanatics' infiltrations into governments
l. Manipulation of the IRA in Ireland by the underworld
m. Wealthy U.S. businessman a closet revolutionary and Nazi

General international political climate

o. Fundamentalist censorship
p. Terrorist assassinations

a. Background/overview of the Antichrist

I p 186

The Antichrist made a promise to himself to rule the world in a past
incarnation and the wheel of karma has turned to give him the
opportunity in this lifetime. His potential and opportunities for
evil will be counterbalanced by the ability to do good. In early
1990s he is beginning the realization of his ambitions, and will
start his political career at a local level and keep advancing,
becoming ever more greedy of power.

I p178 (cI-76)

The Antichrist will become a world leader even though he misuses his
power. The root meanings of his names will give a clue of his destiny
and what he is capable of. The name may sound somewhat barbaric to
European ears. He will be influenced by old customs known in the
literature but generally forgotten.

I p178

The Antichrist will be worse than Hitler. In ~1989 he's living in the
Middle East. He is at a very crucial time in his life, when
impressions will influence his future lifepath. Currently in the
realm there is a lot of violence, political maneuvering, and
corruption. The atmosphere is having an effect an effect on him and
he's coming to realize what his destiny is.

I p 190 (cVIII-77)

He will succeed in conquests but only at the cost of terrible
bloodshed by  conventional weapons, but will save his nuclear arsenal
for later unspeakable deeds. So many people will be killed that the
living will not be able to haul them away to be buried fast enough.
The people of the world will be accustomed to the sight of corpses
and the sight of death will will not make people squeamish because
they will be around it so much.

I p 182

Neither Kadaffi or the Ayatollah Khomeni are the Antichrist, but they
will contribute to the destabilization of the region that will aid
his rise to power.

I p180

He will be educated in Egypt because of its current stability  and
strategic position to the Middle East and North Africa. 

I p170

The social upheavals of the times will contribute to laying the way 
open for the Antichrist to take over. Various countries will have
their social and political structure will be turned totally upside
down. Religious fanatics (not spiritual people) will come into power
and believe they are justified in their draconian campaigns. The
religious fervor allows the AntiChrist to come into power through
persuasive guile. His followers will regard him as a religious

I p 194 (cX-71)

Despite the massive propaganda campaigns of the Antichrist that paint
a grand and wondrous picture of his worldwide achievements, other 
glimpses of his heinous atrocities "behind the scenes" will leak out.
He will not be able to live up to the image his followers project of

I p179 (cI-50)

The Antichrist will be in action near the Mediterranean Sea, the Red
Sea, and the Arabian Sea. He will gain immense world-wide power.
Thursday will be an important day for him, he will take it as his day
of worship. He will be  a threat to everyone but particularly in the
East because he will control both China and Russia and the entire
Asian continent under his control, for the first time in world

I p 234 (cI-55)

The social and political upheavals orchestrated by the Antichrist will
be felt particularly in northern, developed countries with cooler
climates. During his time  societies will be torn and cast into chaos
and confusion. Many doomsayers will arise as false prophets, claiming
to have divine revelations and know the path of salvation for the

I p 249 (cI-92)

For a short period the reign of the Antichrist over his realm will be
no fighting because of his police state. But people will begin to
rebel in the memory of lost freedoms. There will be very much death
and destruction, with many people dying for their cause. Prophecies
from the Revelations will apply, such as the quote about "rivers of
blood up to horse's harnesses". The times will be extremely violent
and traumatic.

I p 256 (cI-80)

The Antichrist will take Thursday as his day of reverence. There will
be enormous warfare and bloodshed from his weapons, one "a monster
borne of a very hideous beast". Hard radiation will cause gross
deformities, terrible mutations in nature, in plants and animals as
well as Mother Earth. In the period 1997 or 2001 there will be great
pain and despair.

b. Political & religious philosophies of the Antichrist

I p 187 (cX-75)

The Antichrist will develop a systematic philosophy based on Marx and
Engels that takes advantage of the elements related to the complete
control of a population. Russia and China will be  vulnerable to the
philosophy because of the past receptivity to Communism. The
Antichrist will use his philosophy as a way of conquering the entire
Asian continent before setting out to take over the rest of the
world. His philosophies will be propagated through manipulations of
the different institutions of political power.

I p 188 (cIII-95)

The Antichrist will corrupt the religion of Christianity with the
intent of destroying it, but also distort the beliefs of Islam. He
will disguise his agenda of conquest as a way of life and a
replacement for religion. 

I p 254 (cIII-19)

The Antichrist will study and emulate Hitler and his techniques 
avidly to try to surpass him and avoid his mistakes. He will have
access to books and material not available or known to the general
public. It will be possible for him to obtain secret Nazi documents
on Hitler and he will study them very carefully.

I p 274

The Antichrist will be doomed from the start of his campaign,  because
he is against central spiritual forces that make up the fabric of the
universe. For people who choose this path, "It's just a matter of how
far they go before they fail and what effects they have on the lives 
around them." Like the ultimate downfall of many tyrants his empire
and power will be inherently unstable. His own subcommanders will be
power hungry in his image and his authority will fragment around him.
The political map of the world, the boundaries of countries, will
change but the continents of the world will still be shaped the same.

c. Ogmios

I p 274

Ogmios is the counterforce to the Antichrist who will  help tear down
the tyranny and balance the universe in a way that is harmonious to
man's central spiritual source. He will be supported by many
countries still fighting the Antichrist. He will probably arise from
the underground movement. In one of the countries conquered by the
Antichrist the underground will be tightly organized. Ogmios will
arise from it, and confront the Antichrist in the area in Eurasia
close to Constantinople, as WWWIII is approaching its end. Ogmios wil
come from somewhere in central Europe. He is very well prepared
spiritually for the task, because his opponent is very powerful with
a strong aura of negative powers.

Ogmios will be "of the people". He will have worked up through the
ranks from a simple background, attaining his  accomplishments
through honest work. He will have technical training but will rely
mainly on his practicality. He's an old soul who has his priorities
straight and can see the root of matters. He is one who will help
pave the way for the "Great Genius". Ogmios realizes he is not the
one to lead the world to ultimate peace, but he is the one to help
bring down "the one who would destroy the world" (the Antichrist) to
open the way for the one who will guide the world to ultimate peace.

I p 277 (cV-24)

The organization run by Ogmios will survive the worst of the time of
troubles and will serve the basis for future governments after the
Antichrist is put down. The "glory of the sun" is behind Ogmios; is
is a man of great stature, but has a direct, sometimes "gruff"
personality. He makes a good friend but a  terrible enemy. He will be
an upstanding man of strong principles and morals, making him a
strong adversary to the Antichrist. His principles are his own and
not influenced by dogma, and his organization under his leadership is
the effective opposition to the Antichrist, but he is not haughty.

I p 277 (cII-85)

Ogmios will be "small" in that his forces and resources are meager.
His underground movement will be scraping to keep body and soul

I p 275 (D.Cannon's note)

Ogmios is the Celtic equivalent of Hercules. He is represented as an
old, bald-headed man with wrinkled and sun-burnt skin yet possessing
the attributes of Hercules. He draws a multitude of joyful followers
and admirers by beautiful chains of gold and amber attached to their
ears. The other end of the chains are fixed to his tongue, and he
bestows on his captives a smiling face. This is the native god of
eloquence, regarded with the reverence given to Hercules, because he
had accomplished his feats through glorious speech. His speech shows
itself best in his old age. The chains indicate the bond between the
orator's tongue and the ears of enraptured listeners.

d. Death of the three popes / Catholic Church & the Antichrist

I p 198 (cIV-86)

The present pope will be assassinated and the next pope will not last 
long. The final pope will be a tool of the Antichrist. The Roman 
church is already a tool of the Antichrist, indirectly supporting his
aims, even though they may not be
aware of it.

I p 201 (cII-57)

The last three popes of the Catholic church will fall in short 
succession. The third to the last will die from an assassin's
shooting. The second-to-last will be "swallowed up" by the schemings
of the  Antichrist. The last, the one born slightly misshapen, will
go the greatest distance in destroying the church. The Antichrist
will use him for awhile until he gets in the way, at which point he
is eliminated. His treachery will accelerate, and his death will
signal, the end of the Catholic Church.

e. Assassination of the current pope

I p191 (cVIII-46)

During the period that the Antichrist begins to flex his power, the
current pope will be assassinated when he goes on a trip away from
the Vatican. The two cardinals nearest to the pope will realize the
danger to their church after the death, and they will close
themselves up in the Vatican to try to protect themselves.

The current Pope is desirous of world peace and is working against
some established power parties within the Roman church. A point will
come when the special interests inside the church who want to hold
onto their power and wealth will misadvise the Pope in such a way as
to place him in a dangerous situation which he is unaware of. The
assassination will lead to social unrest  and rioting in Rome. The
next pope will not last long. There will be only two other popes
after the present one.

I p192 (cII-97)

The pope and several of his entourage will be assassinated in late
spring when the roses bloom, at a European city that is at the
junction of two major rivers.

I p194 (cII-15)

The present pope will be assassinated shortly prior to the appearance
of a comet that will be clearly visible from the sky of the Northern
Hemisphere. His concern for the human condition, leading him to
treacherous travel arrangements, wil be his downfall. The next pope
will be  assassinated by the Antichrist because he won't submit to
his demands. The assassination allows the Antichrist to install his
"tool" into the office. 

f. Second-to-last pope "swallowed" by Antichrist's schemings

I p193 (cI-4)

The second-to-last pope instated after the assassination of the
current one will have a short reign. Due to political blunders and
mistakes he will pave the way for the final pope to be a tool of the
Antichrist. His reign is an omen of the final downfall of the church.

I p 196 (cII-36)

Before the Antichrist comes to full power it will appear that other
leaders are above him and in control of the power structure other
than him. In reality the Antichrist is using them as stepping stones
in his quest for world power. During this period he will have
traitorous cardinal working for him, spying on the second-to-last
pope. One of the cardinals will steal information from him and alter
the pope's personal  correspondence, so that it has different
connotations. It will make the situation appear inordinately worse
than it is in reality, causing the pope to react inappropriately.
This way the populace will be more likely to see him as incompetent
and destabilize his authority, possibly by being assassinated. The
cardinal will be troubled by his betrayal because of the obvious
dissension it causes the Church, but he is allied with the Antichrist
and will rationalize away his backstabbing.

g. The treachery of the final pope

I p 197 (cIII-65)

The last pope will be elected shortly after the discovery of the tomb
of an ancient Roman whose philosophies greatly influence western
thought, something like within a year's time. This is the "poisonous"
pope that is actually only a tool for the Antichrist who will bring
about the ultimate destruction of the Catholic church.

I p 200

The last pope will probably be French, with a swarthy complexion and
blue eyes. There will be an air of mystery to him. He will have a
physical deformity of some sort, like a slightly hunched shoulder or
clubfoot, a congenital defect in the bone. (It won't be caused by
injury, he was born with it.) His mind has been scarred by the
deformity and the cruelty and callousness of people toward others who
are different. 

He entered the church at a young age out of bitterness and desperation
because he knew he would never get a girl to love and marry him. His
parents were involved with the Nazi movement in France and his
schoolmates taunted him with names like "Nazi lover". This pope could
have been kindly if it weren't for his childhood environment and
experiences, but instead was warped into cruelty from pain, and he
wants to "get back" at the world for his suffering while young. This
is a weakness that the Antichrist exploits.

This pope will want to show his enemies, "look at me; I'm powerful; I
can do it; I'm better than you." After he attins the power he
desires, he will be indirectly responsible for the murder of innocent
people because of his alignment with the Antichrist. He will not
murder anyone himself, but will open up avenues for the Antichrist to
do so, particularly those who hurt him when he was young. This 
future pope now appears to be kindly on the surface because it is
advantageous for him to be perceived that way, but the sinister side
of his personality is deeply rooted.

I p 202 (cII-76)

The final pope will betray his Church by revealing extremely  crucial
and  sensitive information directly to the Antichrist, information
that the Antichrist could never have obtained even through his spies
in the church.

h. Demise of the Catholic Church

I p193 (cX-70)

Ruin will befall the Catholic church because of its leaders'  ambition
for illegitimate power. The leaders will become vainglorious and
think that they can handle whatever they desire to grasp, and it will
be their downfall. Their ambitions will be chilled when they fail and
the church will be subject to great upheaval, with the Pope
ultimately being dethroned. Catholics will become alienated and
disillusioned with the powermongering, will no longer support the
church, and the sphere of influence of the Church will greatly

I p 209 (cV-25)

The base of the Catholic Church in Rome will be destroyed in an
accident, as if the city sank into the sea. This will somewhat
coincide with events in the Middle east and some people will connect
the two, but in reality it is a coincidence. However the Arabs will
quickly take advantage of the situation even though they didn't cause
it. The restrictions of the Vatican will cause the church to crumble.
They may rally, but it will be a blow they will never recover from.

The downfall will reveal why the church finally collapsed after
surviving so many centuries. The accident will be a combination of
natural and human-triggered disasters. The force will involve the sea
and a great energy force from the sky descending and dissolving the
landscape. It will be termed a natural disaster because it's beyond
the capability of anyone on the earth to produce the force. No one
can find any cause so it is labelled an "Act of Nature". However, the
more important event of the time, which people will be distracted
from noticing, is the Antichrist's invasion of Turkey.

h. Cabal's teeth in the international power flow

Ip. 265 (cII-58)

During the time of the Antichrist a secretive, conspirational cabal
are "pulling the strings" behind the scenes to manipulate world
politics and economies for personal gain. These master puppeteers
operate figureheads in many countries, governments, and the major
world capitals. They are united but are very clever in disguising
their influence. They hold positions that appear to be relatively
minor, like advisors and under-secretaries and such, but are key
positions ofr their power. 

In the daytime they appear to be good, loyal, model citizens working
for the same goals their governments are supposedly working for, but
behind the scenes they band together and pool their information and
contacts to work for their own ends. They do not appear to have any
political power but they really have a firm grip on world affairs,
like sharp teeth sunk into everything.

This secret organization has been in existence for several
generations. Their existence is hinted in the family histories of the
banking powers and money centers of the world. Only the families
involved are aware. The cabal of leaders has been very slowly but
surely building up a worldwide network of power, because they want to
take over but stay behind the scenes.

At first when the Antichrist comes along the leaders of the Cabal
regard him as a  new, dynamic, youthful leader from the Middle East
they can use to unite the area and reign it into their realm of
control. But the Antichrist ends up turning the tables on them.

i. Cabal involved in military and economic conquests

I p 266 (cII-88)

The Antichrist successfully takes over nearly all of Europe. The cabal
of international financiers and bankers will not stay in active war
with the Antichrist and his attention will turn elsewhere. In France
the underground will begin to flourish.

The Cabal families made their influence and fortunes in the banking
and commodities industries, such as gold or diamond mines, leather,
tins, etc, like the colonial barons associated with the European
world empires who started their families' fortunes exploiting the
materials of the Third World nations. "The seventh and the fifth"
will have the same names, and the seventh one will be considered part
of the fifth.

The Cabal manipulates the economy to cause the unemployment or
inflation rates to rise or fall at their whim. They have affected
everyone's life.

j. Cabal destroyed by the Antichrist

I p 268 (cII-18)

Somehow through the espionage powers of the Antichrist, the seven key
leaders of the secret cabal will be discovered and destroyed. This is
his familiar technique of throwing his enemies into confusion and
chaos to seize or take advantage of their assets  in their weakened
state. At the time he knew only that they were financing the European
forces that opposed him.

But in this case it is shortsighted of him because it was the cabal
that has been instigating the warfare going on through the decades
and centuries, and destroying them in effect seals the "beginning of
the end" for the Antichrist because their hidden activities promoted
his agenda. When they are removed the agitation for world war is no
longer present and the natural inclination for world peace will
assert itself, thereby doing away with the Antichrist.

k. Fundamentalist fanatics' infiltrations into governments

Ip 151 (c I-40)

Powerful men involved with fundamentalist religion and politics,
shrewd in manipulation, propaganda, and in distorting the word of God
for their own ends will band together to obtain *key* posts in the
government. The posts are not necessarily splashy or public but are
critical points in the power flow where they can exert their
influence to subtly affect world events in their favor. 

Leaders in the Middle East will become aware and alarmed by their
encroachments and will change their laws, making it more difficult
for Americans to travel in this area. It will affect American money,
currencies, and trade with the U.S. The Antichrist, in the midst of
building a power base, will be influenced by these actions, in a way
that will be harmful to the Christian cause later. The religious
fundamentalists will cause their own undoing in this way.

l. Manipulation of the IRA in Ireland by the underworld

Ip. 153 (cVI-62)

Members of the underworld will send faulty arms and drugs to fighters
in Ireland. The British and the IRA both believe they are fighting
for the good of the country but at the last minute realize they have
been destroying it. At the last minute they will try to compromise
but will be foiled by the manipulations of the underworld
conspirators who are playing each side against the other. The
underworld elements are spread in many areas but  the arms and drugs
will be shipped from Monaco.

m. Wealthy U.S. businessman a closet revolutionary and Nazi

Ip. 154 (cV-75)

A very wealthy and famous businessman in the U.S. will be secretly
involved with the American Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Klan in the
south. The man's sole ambition in life is to overthrow the American 
government as it is presently constituted. The man will be involved
with politics but will stay low-key, spinning webs of power and
expanding his influence behind the scenes. This groundwork will prove
useful for the Antichrist later on. The man will have a puppet, a
figurehead, but he will pull the strings. The link will not be known
until the time of the Antichrist.

o. Fundamentalist censorship

I p 277 (cII-85)

A distortion in religious values will plague the populace during the
times of troubles. Fundamentalist religion and its fanatics will be
like an old man holding a thick oaken stick over his followers, to
make sure they don't step out of line. This is opposed to to spirit
of honor, valor, loyalty to one's country, and all the other virtues.
The fundamentalists will be both Christian and Moslem.

I p215 (cI-62)

During the time of troubles and massive earth upheavals, the countries
that harbor fundamentalist religions and philosophies will become
very powerful, claiming to offer the true comfort and path for the
populace in need. The fundamentalist groups will suppress learning
and education and censor books. 

p. Terrorist assassinations

I p 202 (cIX-36)

The final pope is captured into the influence of the Antichrist during
a period of great civil unrest, war, and desolation, and many other
horrible events. History will be seen as a series of catastrophic
events, each topping the ones before, leading up to the  time of

During the time of troubles the assassination of world leaders will
become extremely common, so much that the population will not even
keep track of who is the current leader, thinking it a futile
exercise because they are assassinated so frequently. With the
warfare going on, a great danger will exist to anyone who has
ambitions for leadership, except for the Antichrist, who will be
actually orchestrating most of the assassinations himself.

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