I apologize for the "impersonal attachment"---I only wanted to write

this up ONCE---time is short---spirit tells me that my time is very


So here is my vision of heaven...ONE of my visions of heaven!!!

 From visions like this...I have Great hope, for the human race, and for

our personal futures---things are MUCH  better then they seem!!

THIS vision of heaven shows me  how important CREATIVITY is---whether in

"art", or in the greater ART, of living day by day...for EVERY act, can

be a creative action!

-----for I feel that any creative action, done through LOVE...is the

highest action that can be done in SOUL-EXPRSSION...HERE ON EARTH, OR IN

THE HEAVENS!!  This, surely, is the very upper boundry, of the

individual soul, right up next to the realms of the Celestial

worlds...where Spirit-Christ-God...is home in!

  It is said.."ye shall be as gods"...or, "we are to be CO-CREATERS,

with God".-----for "creativity"..is at the very door, of these Celestial



 During the 1980's,.... I had this Vision.I would call it a "near-Death

 experience"or "out of body", experience!!....because Spirit took me to

a realm of heaven itself-first person!!!  I was there....for real!  I


 what the "natives", who live there, see! Even PAUL, of the

Bible,says..."someone was taken by spirit,out of the body, and taken to

the THIRD heaven" -- 2nd Corinthians 12 vs. 1-4.


 I seemed to follow a particular person, followed his progress, in


 immediately at-and after he died!  I was right by his side...as IF I

 WERE that person.....in a "auto-biography" of months of living there.

 so---I will use the "first person I", here...as if i WERE that person,

 in order to simplify things!


      vision begins---I awake, in a daze..there is confusion about


 couple of attendant-type people are trying to hustle me from my bed

 and up onto the floor---from the bed where i was evidently sleeping.

 they throw my clothes over me and push me out into the hall and then

 out of the building---which NOW appears to be an "old folks home"--a

 nursing home....they bring others out too---all in a daze, also...we

 muddle in the front yard, only to see a approaching BUS come

 up....it pulls up, with people on it, already, coming from some other

 place---it comes from somewhere???. five or six of us are pushed

 onto this bus. it starts up and moves on down the road---i get a window

 seat---i sit there VERY dazed, for some reason---watching the scenery


 by. however, the bus begins a slow slow climb up a very steep

 hill---the air turns instantly to FOG! all i see, is fog,


 i fall back to sleep.----i awake with a vivid jolting start!...the

 bus is AT the top of the hill---and the sky is a VERY VERY vivid

 blue...light piercingly blue...and the grassy fields look as a very

 green golf course..lush and green. i see a fence and a gate across

 the fields and road;;this gate opens up by itself, to let the bus

 through....the bus goes on, a bit, along a road---lined with very

 "putting green" green short grass.  the whole scene looks like a


 meadow, on a "best day of the summer"!  the sky even seems  more

 vivid then before. everything looks as like "the just after a cool

 refreshing rain, after a hot day!"---i see a large, but low slung

 building, in the distance; the bus stops in front of it, and we all are

 herded out....onto the parking lot....we are greeted, by some

 person.....i recall someone taking me by the arm and directing me into

 the building and to a room---my room-to-be!....my room, for the

 stay.  I am then told, "the rules"---this place is called "THE

 YOUNGER CENTER"---one grows physically, bodily, younger here. i must


 given my guide a startled look...he repeats---that people , as they

 take full advantage of all the wonderful SOUL-GROWING  programs,

 here---they grow younger in age!!!.....and in fact, i am told...that

 this center is where one FILLS OUT all those dimly awakened

 dreams-of-creative-longings-forgrowth:but-were-not-done...while one was

 still living upon earth. [[like a remedial school class, for the

 classes missed]].


 I then followed my subject...around this very large building.  a man

 came up to me, saying that he was in his 80's, when he died.  but, now

 he looked in his 30's!!!!


 i could see that there were much activity, going on about me.  Soon, I

 met with Counselors who showed me the GREAT number of things to do,

 here.  People here, searched out, in their

 lives-on-earth-before-they-died, each and every "seed" of some creative

 act or expression, that they never got around to develop and grow into

 manifestation.  thus, i did some Directed introspection, of my

 life...and found numerous places in it, where i never got around to

 actually live out something....something of the soul...too busy, or too

 too wrapped up in what most "practical" people call "living"!


 I went to many classes. i cannot remember them---but they all helped to

 "flesh out" my Soul.  the MOST very important thing, that i saw, in


 learning ,was-----the seeds of creativity had to be planted in the


 whilst one was still on earth---everything that one became INTERESTED

 IN, is such a seed!!---while one is still living on earth.  Thus, i saw

that i could have, while still living back there...could have followed

up my every little idea and interests, upon anything which touched my

Soul....at least many things DID touch my Soul, even if i did not have

the time or the inclination, to nurture and grow these seeds of


But, here at this "YOUNGER CENTER" (as they called it, here)....it is

NOT TOO LATE!!!  In fact they tell me, here...that i MUST sprout all

these creativity-seeds...before i can progress onward, into the further,

higher, heavens. I took many many classes.poetry. art. ceramics...i

remember not what....and , i could actually SEE my face and body grow

PHYICALLY younger!!!  my old-man-face..grew to look 50...then 40...then

even in my 20's!!!  i was now feeling and looking like i was in my late

20's!!  [maybe that is why creative old people look young, for their

years!!!---here on earth!!!!]

 -------one day, the instructors took

 me on a "field trip"---i was taken out into the parking lot...and i

 and  several others got into a "golf cart"...the driver took it off

 down the road, BACK toward the gate that the bus came originally in,

 through...but this cart suddenly took to the air--flying, six feet of

 the ground!---and the gate opened by itself, and we went through---i

 could see a SEA of clouds---like as if i were on top of a high

 mountain-cliff; the valley filled with clouds. we flew down into the

 clouds. soon, the cart emerged from out of the bottom of the

 clouds---much like a plane would fly down through a thin layer of

 clouds--descending to earth---as we now  WERE descending.

 however,,,the sky was black with NIGHT, when the cart emerged from the

 cloud underside!! it was night-time...and way down below us, i could


 a rain swept road. there was a accident---i could see the wrecked

 cars, the red lights of police and ambulances. the cart pulled right up

 to this messy scene...no one, there, apparently, could see us . i could

 see a sheet-draped body, lying on the ground---someone was killed, in

 this accident...BUT----beside the sheet, there was a young lady

 standing. she stood there in a VERY DAZED STATE!!---- [[she was the

 soul-body, of the killed girl, under the sheet!!!]]----i even


 this cart and even ME...moved right through the police car, fire


 and crews as if they were GHOSTS!!!  -----but the GIRL was as solid

 as the cart!!...as we picked her up ,and put her into the back of

 it...and we flew  back up into the black cloud rain sky---only to

 shortly emerge back into the very bright blue sky, of heaven---and,


 back through the automatic gate...back to the parking lot...where some

 attendants carried  her inside....yet another soul fetched to HEAVEN!!

 she was brought to the Center, much like I was; except by a different


[[ i recall OTHER visions of these heavens, over the years...i have

seen/been shown--------a vast center of HEALING,of healing of the very

soul, of incoming new arrivees..who ,on earth, could not live a

spirit-filled life, and thus DAMAGED their souls.-------from the roof of

this healing center, i saw a huge temple.  they told me it is the (a)

"temple of prayer"...where prayers from earth, are read by the angels

and angelic spirits...to be sent on to God..NO PRAYER FALLS BETWEEN THE

CRACKS AND GETS LOST OR IGNORED!!---------a vast one mile sized building

called, they told me, "the Veteran's reuniting center"...(i

think)...where  the people who just arrived, after dying..can find and

meet their relatives/friends, who died before them....but this building

could ALSO be a center for veteran's of earth's wars!!-----i saw a whole

group of spirits progress onto a higher heaven....i saw a "town"

constructed by Spirit, just to receive the new arrived dead..so they

could be made comfortable.]]

 -----now...very shortly after, someone came to my room, to tell me that

 i and several others were now GRADUATES of this lower heavenly

 world...and that the new assignment is now given to us--- to progress

 onward, the next level, of heaven[[like "the next level of

 development]]---a man came up to us and took us into the front yard. i

 could see he had all kinds of papers and forms!!----we are to be posted

 and sent to "BHRARTA LAND"!!--[[i recall, that this is     the name for

 the spiritual "lands-of-heaven"--that is of ancient INDIA!!---this is


 heaven of India]]...we are led to a place in front of a small hill,

 under a flawless bluesky..other helpers gathered near this hill, and

 begun to sing some HYMMS!!!...nothing occurred!!---just the hymns, and

 the PEACEFULL countryside, the helpers, and maybe 3 or 5 of

 us-who-are-to-go.....ALL OF A SUDDEN---a small pinprick of light


 just at the top, 6 feet above the top, of the ten foot hill....this

 point began to grow---much like a tv set turned off; BUT IN

 REVERSE!!!...soon, the ball of light was several feet in diameter, and


 grew into a BRIGHT-LIT CLOUD--lit     up from within...and then this

 cloud resolved into a ten foot diameter wide, opening, in a

 SOMEWHERE!!!....[[a hole in space, this is...a hole into a higher

 dimension!!]].....out of this door, came several attendants---leaders

 and helpers. these helpers i found to be SHOCKING(!!!)---FOR THEY

 WERE DRESSED IN VERY ANCIENT GARB..so radically different from anything

 of THIS time and age...that i can see, that in NO WAY could have i got

 this dream, from material present in my own subconscious

 memory]]----this door LOOKED to open into a very long tunnel of

 light...a corridor to     INdia-land!!...a tunnel, like in the "2001"

 movie!!!....this amazing dream ended, as I was pushed into this

 tunnel---and pushed so ,,that i was moving at a very high speed...BUT,


 could see, on my right, a FOREST of trees!!..i flew passed them....I

 tried to make sure that i  do not TOUCH even a SINGLE leaf!!!{{{ I

 learned later, that this forest is one's "FOREST OF MEMORY"---each


 each leaf, even...is a PERSONAL memory-of-earth, a memory that HAS

 to be let go of, in order for one to go on to the next higher realm of

 heaven.  by this, i mean "detach", not "forget"!  }}}}........at that

 point, the vision ended, ---i flew off at high speed, to

 India-land...but there WAS a hint given me, at the very last moment of

 the vision-awareness...that the "younger center"...and the tunnel to

 India-land---were CREATED..and maintained...by some VERY high

 spirits---from the CELESTIAL level of the heavens,,,,the GOD

 realms....where LOVE is the way...and where ALL the

 progressive "heaven-ladders-to-ascend-to-higher-beingness.....are


 and operated......i actually SENSED a presence of a GREATSPIRIT

 FORM...over the top of this whole tunnel, directing it...[ I gather

 from this, that all of the lower heavens are created and maintained, by

 high spirits and Angels and Emissaries of the Lord, himself-----by

 INFERENCE..our lives here on earth , are likewise SUPPORTED and upheld,

 by Guides--Angels--and other God-enfranchised beings.  the human race

 and YOU,READER OF THIS VISION, are in Very Good Hands!!!!


>From this...I see--------the more creative we are, now, here on

 earth..the Further along we will be, upon our arrival, in heaven.



 WILL arrive there, in heaven,  upon our earthly death.  we all will

 "grow younger"...at some Center  or school or temple.

 Thus...i SALUTE all of you all...the Creative people, who say "yes", to

 life and its possibilities for Soul-Self expression.  you are already

part way there, in your growing of your Soul.




 Be creative.  make Art, your life!  do, think, feel--with IMAGINATION

 and with SPIRIT.may Spirit infuse everything that you touch..do



I send this series of visions to you...as an "attachment"...as it takes far too long to rewrite all this each time...and time IS short!!!!! in 1992..i was drafted into "THE CLUB"!!!---the club, comprised of those people who have received MAJOR visions...of the turn of the millenium...and of the "end of the world"!...a club which makes me feel uncomfortable with...as i MUST live by these visions!...live with them...fortunately...i feel death is but a door between two worlds--earth and heaven..to be gone through, in a moment! september. 1992...first vision--------an out of body trip...to a place..which turned out to be in the PHYSICAL future, of earth-reality! i see a column of refugees, trudge-ing forlornly along, single file, under a grey sky.. WITH only the clothes on their backs. their faces showed only numbness and blankness---- i was very feelingly-impressed..by the great numbed state, everyone was in..: in shock--obviously!! there were two men, leading this column. i got the feeling that these two men did this over and over---leading columns of refugees from point A to point B...over and over. they must be like the wagon-train guides, of the old American West! [[this is WHY i feel this vision is LOCATED there--in the far midwest, of the USA!!]]. suddenly a black Cocker Spanuial dog came running up along beside of this column... no one paid the least attention! as this dog came up to the two men...one of them gave it a big kick--the dog spun over and over...into the ditch,dying! he then angerly muttered to his pardner.."OF ALL THE FUCKING STUPID THINGS---A DOG!!!!-------W-H-O IN THESE DAYS WOULD HAVE A DAMM DOG???!!!!!!" . one of the two men, later, talked to the other...i overheard them...talking about the time......it was NOW september of 1999..the 16th....and "the times of troubles"...have been going on for three years..ever since 1996.(!!!!). [ i dreamed this in sep. 23 of 1992) [{we dont have long to find out if i saw TRULY!!!!] ---(ah...but this is going on even right now...in Bosnia, in Central Africa. but THIS column LOOKED,FELT "American"! ---but, after all.. the sun could be shining 100 miles away...what i am saying,is...the 1999 destruction may not involve EVERY place, on the earth!) there is something, here, which VERY GREATLY IMPRESSES ME!---it is said.."know the morale, of a single resturant waitress, and you know the morale of ALL the waitresses and of the owner, too!" Notice how...in various disasters...like the Iowa floods, and of storms, like ANDREW,...people go to ALL lengths to rescue pets!! pets seem to symbolize "hope"! i, once, could see the whole of a man's 65 years of life, by his putting out, of his cigarrette butt!---every bit of his 65 years, was contained, in that ONE action!! "the whole Universe is seen, in a grain of sand...etc." thus, this "DOG-THING"...shows, by just ONE event, the whole of a GREAT,VAST, wide area and intensity; of destruction! by this ONE action...i was shown as much of "what will occur"---as if i had ten hours of "vision-tour"! ...next vision...late 1992..no date of occurance is given.....I float in space, maybe 200 miles above the earth. there is a group of spirits and a LEADER there too; this leader , i think, could be a arch-angel or an "ascended master"---a leader of leaders..a teacher of teachers..in any event. he tells everyone "lets go take a closer look, at the ruined earth" [his very words]. we all float closer. all i can see, at 100 miles up, is a greyness..like what a cockroach might see, looking at the bottom of a aluminum frying pan. nothing but grey skies. this being then tells how all of north america is devoid of people,practically...except for a place in western new mexico [it appeared]. he told how the great spirit/the Lord, was keeping this safe zone.."to repopulate the americas..the seeds of the NEW RACE, TO COME"! i got the feeling, myself, that this is after 2005, maybe 2015. he then pointed out, to one and all--that there were about 5 to 7 radio stations, in all of North America!!...all located, in this safe zone. he said it was a God-given MIRICLE..that there were THAT many!!!!. [[[ ugh! no one alive!! all wreck and ruin!! only a few survivors...and would i WANT 200,000 people to go to west new mexico, to "overswamp the life-boat"??!! i think that only spirit would let you know if He wanted you there! for----I think that the human race is gonna molt its skin...collectively go on from high school, into COLLEGE!! ...en massee. would you want to be left behind??!! then, at that time, the repair crew will tear apart the old school, to get it ready, for the new class, to come. i think that planitary races have only a certain time, on a physical planet...they spend much of their racial-time...in spirit-heavenly reality. it must be time, for OUR race, to go on!!!...and let a NEW race of souls, start the progressional ladder! this next vision...came just last year....in this one...some guide TOOK me to see what i write here of..... to show me something...to do with earth changes. i saw first,a city of 100 foot buildings, but with white snow-like volcanic ash all but filling up the canyons between the buildings. there were DATE PALMS planted along the streets all but covered by the ash...maybe20--30--50 feet of ash. i was then shown a european city, where there was a castle on a cliff, overlooking a river. this guide told me that an earthquake will come, so strong, as to put the whole castle into the river! i was then shown the vatican-st. peters,in rome, in flames, under a black sky-at-noon. this guide then told me that there will be much,MUCH fear, in the peoples daily life. ..that the aura of "fear" will sweep around the world, affecting everyone. i was shown then, a america-type neighborhood, in snowcovered wintertime; where i could feel a very tangible hovering-pervasive FEAR, in the very air...as if thousands of people were in constant fear and uncertainty. i then was shown a quick succession of scenes, of cities; where it was blackness at noon! as if a great volcanic dust shroud covered the entire planet, making even the tropic noon sun invisible, behind miles of atmospheric dust. all i could see, in the scenes, were rubble, nearly invisible, in the black haze "midnight at noon"! i then asked the white-robed figure [???a guide, my higherself???}...a question; "what will become of the survivors? he replied,----"survivors?? ------survivors?!!!-- W-H-A-T survivors!!"[quote!]!!!! i gather there will be VERY few! i was then shown a farm. ..there were dozens of people: i was shown that this was HUNDREDS of years beyond the "end times"---- yes, there were people: they looked different,somehow, than us of today...and a mixture of all races. but..i was struck by the appearance of these people...they had blue-violet EYES!...and other appearences---which spoke of - "mutations". this is the new race-to-come!! i was struck by the seeing, of a grass covered road, from the "old times" (today!!!). this road ran beside the farm...it was grass and tree covered; trees growing right in the middle of it!! it must have been not used for HUNDREDS of years!! there it is....several visions out of A DOZEN or so!!!! but the end is NOT near!!!----the BEGINNING is near...of college!!for we all will go on to a new place, in spirit...much, i feel, like in the book of REVELATIONS...a thousand years (an age) of living with Spiritual realities--not earthly realities....so we can get prepared to go on to the true home of God---the Celestial realms!. feel free to quote and use this...in your tellings and your writings..thank you........ In the spring of 1995...on a very pretty may walk.. i prayed to Spirit..in small dispair, over all of the ruin-to-come. the leaves were just coming out; springtime at its best, on a perfect spring day! Spirit spoke!! "behold that pretty spring leafout, that you see. you just KNOW that october's upstate new york's frost, will kill everyone of those leaves---DEAD! and yet you enjoy them now!!!! so should it be with the oncoming winter, of the earth! enjoy it now...learn your life-lessons, in happiness, enjoying all that the earth has to offer! to learn of beauty, now,---means that you will appreciate beauty, ever the more, when you arrive into heaven...for the earth's purpose..is to help you to get heaven, into your heart, BEFORE you go". I have more:but this is enough!!! my own feelings???somewhere in 1998, it goes downhill, fast!! until then,...it is "INDIAN SUMMER"..of the earth. SPIRIT is giving us a last calm period, so to have us be able to finish up our Incarnational lessons;..and maybe get Spirit into our hearts, ever the better---a week of "GRACE", before FINAL EXAMS!!! ........Freestone f wilson