Re: Free will and its contradiction in religion.

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 10, 1997 at 10:30:35:

In Reply to: Re: Free will and its contradiction in religion. posted by Lynn on January 10, 1997 at 09:55:37:

: There may indeed be some people who are influenced by demons. I prefer to think that those who commit the most despicable acts of torture and mutilation, especially on children, are acting outside of the boundaries of human will.

The concept of posscession by demons was an explaination for mental illness.

: I think I understand your point. Many say how can we have free will if the exercise of such leads to punishment? The criminal uses his free will to commit crimes, but that doesn't mean he won't be jailed if caught, but unlike our criminal justice system, nothing escapes God's justice. If one is able to do good apart from Christ and his conscience is clear, I think he'll fair well. Please allow me to quote Paul to the Romans.

Most would like to believe this, but there still isn't any objective proof of your god's justice.

: "When Gentiles who have not the divine Law do instinctively what the Law requires, they are a law to themselves, since they do not have the Law.

Than the vast majority of Mankind doesn't have any law as defined by your bible.

: They show that the essential requirements of the Law are written in their hearts and are operating there, with which their conscience also bears witness; and their moral decisions will accuse or perhaps excuse and defend and excuse them on that day when, as my Gospel proclaims, God by Jesus Christ will judge men in reguard to the things which they conceal....

Most of the laws in Christianity are adopted from older religions and legal systems.

: Those who are physically uncircumcised but keep the law will condemn you who, although have the code in writing and have circumcision, break the Law. For he is not a real Jew who is only one outwardly and publicly, nor is circumcision something external and physical. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and true circumcision is of the heart."

I never understood why they needed to be circumcised? An all-knowing god wouldn't need anything like this to identify his/her/its followers, they would already know.

: I believe the words Christian and faith could be substituted for Jew and circumcision. So you see, God IS just.

From what I've read your god is not always just. In fact there are many examples of his/her/its being very petty with the lives of their so-called faithful. I.E.; Abraham and his son, Adam and Eve, etc...

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