Re: GOD...defined (read this one instead.)

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 10, 1997 at 10:54:52:

In Reply to: Re: GOD...defined posted by Tyler Bradley on January 10, 1997 at 09:48:05:

: I'm not asking about life on Earth, I am asking about life in the most general sense. Why is there life period?

: "Chance", "accident" and "luck" are terms that describe the possibilities of arriving at an endpoint. That necessarily requires a set of events/objects/concepts/whatever behind the outcome being described by chance occurrence. Those are the things that I'm wondering about.

If we were to start the whole process all over again there is no guarantee that we will get what we have now.

: Although music can be expressed in numbers, and has been done with Bach's Keyboard works for example, the numbers are reflecting what that artist had already composed. We just cannot add to the string of numbers that convert Mozart's Requiem and expect to come up with what the composer would have done had he finished it himself.

With the way that computers are advancing with chess playing, it wouldn't be long before we will be able to program creativity.

: Also, define this term "reality" for me if you will.

Reality Principle: The adjustment of the ego to meet the requirements of the external world.

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