Posted by Jay Lee on January 10, 1997 at 11:04:54:
In Reply to: Re: Stones of Fire posted by Tyler Bradley on January 10, 1997 at 10:00:01:
: : In one of the few passages of the Bible that talks about Lucifer, it states that he once, "...walked among the stones of fire". Are there any heavenly bodies that could be described in this way? I believe stars are made of gas, aren't they?
: Yes, stars burn hydrogen initially. The fusion then converts it into helium, then lithium, and so on through carbon and eventually into all of the naturally occuring elements that we observe. Earth, and all that is on it (from the science point of view) are relics. It all results from burned-out old stars. Bodies that are "on fire" would include, in a broad definition, any planet that we know of. All of the solar planets have very hot/molten cores and could, I suppose, be labeled a hot stone with a cool surface.
: Since I treat the Bible as non-literal, figurative writing, I may interpret "stones" to mean "matter" and then you could include stars, plasma, etc.
I don't bother trying to interpret any of the bible in a meaningful(?) way. I don't see any justification for doing so.