Posted by Michael Fonda on December 29, 1996 at 15:26:49:
Here's a hot one. In the latest edition of Ellen Bass'
and Laura Davis' famous/infamous incest survivors'
manual "The Courage to Heal" the authors' claim that
an archiologist from UCLA by the name of Gary Stickel
turned up forensic evididence of not only a burried
tunnel going from one class room to another but - hold
onto your hats - what looked for all the world like a
witch's cauldron to boot (page 520)! That's a pretty
sensational claim and, if true, would seem to rebut an
awful lot of finely honed skeptcism. So howcum I
haven't heard of Geroldo or some other responsible
bastion of our free and intrepid press ballyhoo this
discovery? Any information would be greatly