Re: It's been interesting

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Posted by Amanda on December 29, 1996 at 16:28:29:

In Reply to: It's been interesting posted by Stephen Snead on December 29, 1996 at 12:48:26:

: It's been very interesting having these conversations with people with such a different worldview. I think the only dissapointment is that most of you have only encountered the wild eyed six day creationist flat earth society types. That's to bad. Because a lot of us who believe and search for spiritual truth are certainly not close minded robots. I have alway's been a skeptic if you define skeptic as one who questions. I have alway's been Christian if you define Christian as one who has his or her own reasons and experiences with prayer and hope. Anyway,I came across this page and even though we have disagreed I have found the debate to be civil. Keep searching. We are not going to convert each other and I think thats O.K. I'll still check back from time to time to see if yall (yeah I'm from the south and we say yall meaning plural. Never you all. Like in the movies.) are still out there debating things that none of us will truly know in this world. And if there is anouther world I expect it to be quite different than any of us can imagine. And if there is not anouther world then the whole things academic anyway. See ya around the world wide web.

If you are a Christian - I think there is a minimum to what your beliefs entail - you must believe in the Christian God and in immortality - you also must believe the Christ was, if not divine, then at least the best and wisest of men. If you don't believe that then you shouldn't call youself a Christian. We can't just fuck around with the definitions of words to suit our purpose - like the definition of God is that of a supernatural being - if we're going to define it another way then I wish people would think up other words to stop all the confusion and misuse of the English language.

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