Re: bugs and men

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on December 29, 1996 at 23:20:10:

In Reply to: Re: bugs and men posted by Amanda on December 29, 1996 at 10:55:32:

: I can't see at all where you might find similarities between atheists and fundamentalists - it seems that the group of atheists you have been subjected to are a rare bunch. One complaint I hear from many atheists is that they dislike very much having to label themselves at all as many doubt very much that their beliefs are exactly the same as a group of others. Most people call themselves atheists because it is a term that is understood by many and so avoids a long, drawn-out, explanation of one's beliefs. A common question I get asked is "What religion are you?" and I initially reply with "I am not religious" - this
If someone asked me that I would say that 'I'm not a religion' .

What I am is an agnostic secular humanists.

:happily change my beliefs. As for religious fundamentalists - from all I've read and seen - I at this moment think they are the most dangerous and craziest of the bunch and it's ignorance and fear that pays their way in this world. When the majority opens their eyes, I think we would see them die out (figuratively of course).

I would tend to agree with you on this one as well, they scare the crap out of me. We have a religious channel called Vision TV and for the most part they put on fair and even programs, no favors shown to any one religion, but with this they also show those TV evangelist programs like "Jan Van Impe", "This Week In Bible Prophecy", the "700 Club", and the "Old Time Gospel Hour". These shows terrify me when I watch all of the distorted facts, blatant half-truths, and out-right
lies they use to make their sheep believe anything that they say. They preach hatred and intolerance in the name of their god, and people send them money for it to buy their way into heaven. They give religion a bad name.

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