Posted by Lynn on January 01, 1997 at 21:33:36:
In Reply to: disturbing view of adaptation posted by Chris Woolston on December 30, 1996 at 11:07:35:
: I heard a remarkable account of adaptation
: on a Christian radio station the other day. I don't know
: who the speaker was, but the program was sponsored by
: the Institute for Creation Research. He said that God
: knows precisely what levels of pollution and habitat
: destruction every plant and animal will face, and He gave
: all life-forms the ability to respond accordingly.
: (Apparently He deemed many life-forms expendable).
: As an example, the speaker noted that some forms of
: bacteria eat petroleum. Clearly, God has everything
: under control.
: I don't listen to Christian radio very often, so I
: don't know if this is a common line of reasoning. The
: implications are very disturbing, so I hope this view is not
: widespread.
I'm a christian, and I've never heard such a thing. Perhaps you have misinterpreted what was said. Was scientific evidence of any kind offered?