Re: late entry into Lynn and Stephen's conversation

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 01, 1997 at 23:49:02:

In Reply to: Re: late entry into Lynn and Stephen's conversation posted by Lynn on January 01, 1997 at 12:36:25:

: I suppose by "orderly", I am referring to things like the revolving of the planets, the fact that you can use the stars and such to tell time, months, days, etc., the complexity of DNA, mathematics, a leaf, you name it. We have not even begun to comprehend the awesomeness of creation. If the universe is "experiencing a continuously decreasing energy density" it is because it is aging. The Bible says it will "wear out and be rolled up like and old garment".

Many make the mistake of assuming that since the Universe seems to be "orderly" that it must have a creator, but we are only comparing it to our own limited perceptions of it. The Universe may not operation on a human scale. Things are not as orderly as they may seem at first glance. The orbits of the planets are not perfect, The majority of our DNA is "junk" and unused, plus it mutates a lot. As for math try muiltipling 1/3 by 3 and see if you can get 100. It's all a matter of scale and perspective.

The Bible also says that bats are fowl, and that rabbits chew their cud, both incorrect.

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