Re: Full Skeptics??

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Posted by Amanda on January 02, 1997 at 10:54:57:

In Reply to: Full Skeptics?? posted by Grasshopper on January 01, 1997 at 20:40:05:

: I'm new to this page so I haven't read all these posts; I don't
: really know where people stand so I'll just throw out what I think.
: I am a full skeptic I do not believe in anything, not people, not history,
: not science-nothing, because I can think of alternatives, so I can't know
: anything about the nature of the universe or the world.
: I see a lot of skeptics not believe in some things, but then believe in
: other things?!-respectfully grasshopper

Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe that the sun will rise tomorrow? Do you believe that the table in front of you is there? Do you believe that today you might eat something? I have a hard time believing that you don't believe in anything. There are some things in reality that we have to accept as rational people regardless of the "logic" that says nothing can be proven certainly. I agree that all truths are provisional but why not just believe in something that seems highly probable until the time comes that it is no longer and then change your beliefs accordingly - chalk it all up to change. I don't understand why people are hesitant to change their beliefs when appropriate - it's considered an embarassment or a bad quality to not have beliefs that are written in stone and will never change - this is a myth started by religion. Change is inevitable and what a boring, stagnant place this would be if all was changeless and certain. I think you're too extreme - and not at all a skeptic - but hey, you could always change your mind now and decide to believe in a few things - we wouldn't hold it against you!

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