Posted by Amanda on January 02, 1997 at 17:44:50:
In Reply to: Re: Carl Sagan posted by Lynn on January 02, 1997 at 12:39:56:
: : Just realized I made an error in that last posting by attributing paganism to the Greeks - forgive me. I realize they took a lot from the Egyptian religion but called in Hellinism instead. So, I suppose I should point out that the Egyptians respected their women somewhat. I think the reason I have less of a problem with paganism though is because it's all but died out. I no doubt focus more on Christianity because I'm more familiar with it and it is the leading religion in the country I live in and because I can see first hand what it does. I agree there's little reason to focus on the past horrors of religions but some still exist today. I don't think that Christianity is harming me personally - I feel it's harming humanity in general. This whole issue is not really a "personal" one for me - though I'm aware my opinions are my own. I try to focus on the harms that can be seen today - in North America mostly but also in other parts of the world. My biggest complaint is the effect it has on science and progress.
: : Please give an example of how christianity has adversely affected science. Do you think only atheists are scientists. I just heard a piece on NBC last night about a christian who is making scientific breakthroughs on DNA. I wish I had caught his name.
: You wouldn't think of making similar comments about a particular race of people or homosexuals. It would be considered hate speech. To claim that Christians are a danger to society or " harmful to humanity in general" sounds like the same kind of rhetoric used by Hitler before he tried to eradicate the Jewish population. Sorry to sound so harsh, but it's true.
You can be as harsh as you like on me - don't feel you need to apologize every time you chew me out - BUT DAMN IT - read my postings and stop adding your own interpretations of what I am saying. HATE never came into my mind. Being against something does not necessarily mean hatred of that something. I realize that a lot of scientists are Christians or what have you BUT science itself is NOT - if anything it is athiestic. Not once - have I attacked a Christian persay - I am attacking Christianity - there IS a difference. Now THINK about this - Christianity has all the answers to life, the world, the Universe - there are no mysteries to solve for a true Christian, there are no discoveries about the Universe to be made - they were made 2000 years ago and are to be found in a book. There is NO thinking left to be done as to why the world is the way it is etc... and so that is WHY it halts progree, that is WHY it supresses science. Science from day one has been in conflict with religion - it continually pushes the Christian doctrines farther and farther out in the Universe. The truths of the bible have already - LONG AGO - been found to be false. These are FACTS Lynn - you can't dispute ANY of it. Yes, there are a handful of scientists that use science to confirm Genesis and other Judoe-Christian maxims and they have been shot down from the beginning. The majority of scientists are disbelievers - fact. On to your next comment where you AGAIN twisted my words - I did not say Christians were a danger to soceity - I stated that Christianity is harmful to soceity. Comparing me with Hitler is absolutely ridiculous and might I refer you to his book "Mein Kampf" where it can be found that HE was indeed a Christian. It was the Christians that backed anti-Semitism from the very beginning - another FACT. I've been studying Christianity for years Lynn, I've got mountains of evidence to support my claims and will happily provide you with such. You are completely narrow minded on this subject and totally ignorant of the facts - I gave up disputing this shit with individual people long ago because most of those people were like you - it's enough to drive a person insane. If you want to discuss this intelligently then you must NOT manipulate my words and you MUST have an open-mind to the evidence that is there and you MUST accept the facts. I know this is rather insulting but Lynn, you can't insinuate that I am filled with hatred and am comparable with Hitler and expect me to treat you with the same respect as I once did.