Re: Full Skeptics??

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Posted by grasshopper on January 02, 1997 at 20:42:34:

In Reply to: Re: Full Skeptics?? posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 02, 1997 at 16:46:16:

: : I am certainly open to evidence...As far as I know I can not know and
: : therefore believe (or not believe) in anything...I certainly would
: : welcome any proof of anything. I am totally open to new ideas/theories
: : because I have no believes of my own to close my mind.

: You wouldn't be human if you didn't have at least somes beliefs. Do you believe that the Earth is a sphere, do you believe in the laws of physics?

Who told you I was human...I came in on a UFO from a far away plant...
I don't have believes, not in anything...although just to function
here (as opposed to my home planet) one has to assume certain things
will happen (throw a ball up and it comes down) however I don't believe
this is nessasarily the way the universe works or even the world; thats
just how it seems right now.

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