Re: Carl Sagan

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Posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 02, 1997 at 23:09:54:

In Reply to: Re: Carl Sagan posted by Jason on January 02, 1997 at 00:14:29:

: I probably touched on a major point of contension in the humanist/freethought
: movement. That is, to what extent should we be pro-human vs. anti-religious? I
: agree that religion certainly has its fair share of dogmatism and harm. We see
: things like cults, pseudoscience, hatred, war, healing frauds, etc... But there
: are many secular forms of harm, credulity, and dogmatism as well. An example
: would be Stalinism. Stalinism is a secular system but it was responsible for a
: host of atrocities, persecution, and even pseudoscience (Stalin supported the
: Lysenkoism fiasco).

More wars and killings have been done in the name of one god or another than because of anything else.

Stalin was a product of his time and he was a socio-pathic monster who would use anything to his advantage.

: In the case of religion, although there are many Christians endorsing things
: like the Christian Coalition and young-earth creationism, there are many
: enlightened Christians who are more than happy to stand with us against them.
: Religion can certainly be harmful but it can be beneficial as well. Many
: religious people, including some friends of mine, are actively volunteering
: for the community. Many churches are involved in social justice causes (for
: example, things like human rights, environment, 3rd world aid, social security,
: and even things like fighting creationism, fighting the religious right,
: and supporting abortion rights). Overall, I think the enemy is not religion,
: but dogmatism. And we should oppose dogmatism in whatever form it may have,
: whether religious or secular.

Those of religion tend to view those not of them as being somwhat less than human, it makes it easier to burn them of the stake.

: I'm not sure if you live in the USA, but perhaps there is more anti-religious
: sentiment because fundamentalism is widespread there. Here in Canada, religious
: fundamentalists aren't as commonplace. And when I do find fundamentalists,
: they're not as pushy and their beliefs are even watered down a bit.

We Canadians are more laid back in regards to many things and will think something out rather than use force.

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