Posted by grasshopper on January 04, 1997 at 09:23:16:
In Reply to: Re: Full Skeptics?? posted by Stephen Charchuk on January 03, 1997 at 23:13:37:
: : I puppet can ask questions, or rather it could seem to ask questions. I've
: : created some good computer programs, maybe my thoughts are nothing more
: : than a program...every thought is nothing more than a I could
: : say 'I think' but that is just part of the program....?
: Of course it is part of a program. Our brains operate almost in the same way as computers do, with many interconnected nets and nodes and sub-programs. We are self-programming.
I'm not talking self-programming...I'm saying I may be a machine, nothing
more there is no self no self-determination...I do not think I am merely
a preset programmed device-nothing more.